"This village... Seems a little interesting! "

With his excellent Chakra perception technique, Haruno Xiao really discovered a special Chakra fluctuation by him while wandering around the Land of Water, and the cold aura on the other party was very consistent with the description of the Shui Wuyue family.

"Is the person you're looking for out there?"

Summer Star couldn't help but ask curiously when he heard this.

At this time, Haruno Xiao was left with her side again, and as for Orochimaru and Kaguya-kun Mari, the two had already been teleported away.

As for where?

Of course, it is the research base of Haruno Xiao in the Land of Snow, and I hope that Orochimaru can be interested in Chakra technology there!

Anyway, the clansmen of the Kaguya clan are all over there at this time, and Kaguya-kun Mario can be regarded as being able to reunite with the people of the family. I just don't know if they welcome this little fart who was once locked up and targeted by them....

It seems that the premature awakening of the blood succession boundary corpse bone vein is not a good thing! The young Junmaru couldn't control his power at all...

However, the Kaguya's handling method is also too rough, which may also be related to their personality! The brain is full of muscles and bones, and most of the brains are not easy to make....

"yes! It should be here... Follow me!

Haruno smiled at the seemingly peaceful village, then jumped between the houses with the summer star, and came to a small house in the blink of an eye. However, the strange movement inside caught the attention of the two of them...

"Shiro, quickly pack your things, we're leaving here!"

"Mother, why are we leaving? What about Daddy?

"Shiro, you're still young! A lot of things are still not understood... You'll know when you grow up!

"Mother, I'm not small! Please tell me the reason..."

"Your Ice Blood Succession Boundary has awakened, and it was discovered by your father!" He would definitely not accept this fact... So we're going to get out of here... Or else..."

"Mother! Why can't my father accept my abilities? Obviously my mother will too!

"Hey! The country is already sick ... Let's get out of here! to other countries... Pack your stuff! The

following conversation surprised Haruno Xiao, and he couldn't imagine that he had met Shiro, who was not an orphan. At the same time, he is also very interested in Shiro's mother....

From their conversations, it could be heard that they had all awakened the Ice Escape Blood Succession Limit.

Shiro's village is a small village in the Land of Water that always snows, and it has been a rare sunny day lately.

The people of this village have had enough of the troubles caused by the war, and at the same time, they are also afraid and hate the blood succession boundary in the propaganda of the Wuyin Village.

Think that this is the source of the turmoil!

Bai's mother possessed the Ice Blood Succession Limit and hid this secret for a long time.

Originally, Bai's family had been living a peaceful life, until recently Bai inadvertently awakened the Ice Escape Blood Succession Limit!

Shiro's father discovered the secret....

He panicked, he was afraid, he was resentful, he was desperate!

He couldn't imagine that his wife and son were both demons with blood succession limits!

So he perverted in a series of negative emotions, and actually took the initiative to expose this matter, and also led a group of villagers on the way to come.

"Kill them!"

"Don't let them run..." "

The Blood Succession Limit is the source of evil!"


"They are?"

Summer Star looked at the crowd that was rushing to this side, they all carried all kinds of tools in their hands, sickles, sticks, kitchen knives and everything, and they rushed with great momentum while using obscenities.

At a glance, you know that you will definitely not do anything good!

"A bunch of neurological patients!"

"It's really a sad world..." "

Uchiha took the soil with this neuropathy and really infected his own neuropathy, turning this water country into a nervous state....

According to the description in the original book, the group will first kill Shiro's mother, and then when he poisons Shiro, he is killed by the terrified Shiro using the Blood Succession Limit and killing them all with ice picks.

And Shiro, who became an orphan overnight, begged in the streets of the country of water, and finally met and never beheaded. Then he took Shiro in and taught Shiro all his fighting skills.

Since then, white has become an unslashing weapon.

Of course! Without Haruno Laugh's intervention, the timeline would have been arranged this way.

However, it is clear that Haruno Xiao, who came specifically for Shiro, a good seedling, will definitely not let it go like this, and this tragedy will be rewritten today....


The door of the small house was pushed open, and a group of villagers blocked Bai and his mother, who were leaving.

"Shirley! You've lied to me so hard! "

You source of calamity..."

Shiro's father broke into his house with a group of people, blocking his wife and children inside. His full anger became even stronger when he saw the panic on his wife's face, and he raised the wooden stick in his hand through gritted teeth.

He wanted to do it, but found that he couldn't wave it at this moment....

The scenes of his previous life with his wife and children flashed in his mind like a marquee, so warm, so happy...

He suddenly regretted it!

Regret exposing this fact ....

"Kill this demon woman!"

"Kill this wave hoof!"

"I used to see her unpleasant, always a fox, who to hook up?"

"And this little youkai! Can't let them go..."

"Kill them! Kill them..."


However, although Bai's father hesitated at this moment, the villagers brought by him would not relent. Those village women who were jealous of Bai's mother's beauty in the past were constantly spitting out venom at this moment, wanting to drown the mother and son!

"Please! Let us mother and son go!

"We can get out of here..."

Let's leave! "

Shirley, that is, Shiro's mother. She had sensed the murderous intentions in the eyes of the villagers, and for the safety of her children, she begged her husband with a sad face.

"I still want to escape! Think beautiful... Kill her!

Bai's father, Yuan, hesitated, but Xue Li's words ignited the anger in the hearts of the villagers behind him. I don't know who flew out of the crowd with a scythe, but this accurate head seemed to be a little off, and it did not shoot at Shirley, but at Shiro next to her.

Faced with the previously kind and kind neighbor suddenly becoming so vicious, Bai was also frightened and frozen, stupidly watching the scythe slash towards him.

"Be careful!"

As a mother, Shirley did not hesitate to block in front of Bai, blocking the blow with her shoulder, and the splash of blood added a few red dots to Bai's face.

"Haruno laugh, do we need to make a move?"

"If you don't make a move, it will be difficult to clean up below..." Xia

Rixing couldn't see such a tragedy appear in front of her, especially the scene of the other party protecting the child also made her empathize, and began to unconsciously think of her son in Star Shinobi Village.

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