Just as Orochimaru carefully observed Haruno's laughing eyes, he unconsciously found himself in a strange world.

There are obviously heavens and earth, except for a blood-red full moon, which is pitch black.

Immediately afterwards, Orochimaru saw Haruno laugh suddenly emerge from the full moon, and then stood out of thin air, looking down above his head.

"Haha... Orochimaru, welcome to my world! Just

now he was still laughing wildly, and in the next moment, Haruno laughed and rushed towards the big snake pill below with unparalleled momentum!

Orochimaru wanted to resist, but found that his limbs did not know when they were suddenly entangled in vines that emerged from the ground, and he was temporarily unable to move.

"This is!"


Haruno Xiao had a slightly strange smile on his face at this time, and the blue light blade in his hand plunged straight into the heart socket of the big snake pill...



The big snake pill whose heart was hit hard immediately let out a scream, and the next moment his body turned into dirt and scattered on the ground, but the next moment the big snake pill's muffled snort also came out from the ground on one side.


A stone pillar burst out from the ground, flying out of the top of the large snake pill that was originally hidden in the ground, like a monkey.

"Big Snake Pill, you can't escape..." The

blue light blade extended in Haruno Xiao's hand, turning into a ten-meter-long beam of light and streaked across the body of the Great Snake Pill in the air.

Although the big snake pill was already trying his best to twist his body to dodge, the pain on the chrysanthemum just now still affected his play, and he was finally cut off by the light blade to cut off his two lower legs.


Pain! It hurts so much!

In this strange world, the big snake pill found that the pain in his body seemed to be strengthened a lot, so that he couldn't help but scream after being hurt.

But he won't throw in the towel easily....

I saw that the big mouth of the big snake pill suddenly opened into an exaggerated amplitude, and the next moment a new big snake pill burst out from it.

"Where the hell is this?"

"Is it an illusion?"

At this time, Orochimaru was running fast on the ground, wanting to get away from Haruno Laughing, a pervert. At the same time, he was also a little shocked to see the other party disappear into the air again, so he immediately became vigilant and carefully guarded around.

"Are you looking for me?"

The next moment, Haruno laughed silently behind the big snake pill, and the Chakra light blade in his hand did not know when it had penetrated the other party's heart again.


"How could you have such an exaggerated speed?"

Horror flashed in the eyes of the big snake pill who coughed up a large mouthful of blood, and the pain in this heart made it difficult to believe that this was an illusion.

But it's all incredible!

If it's not magic, then what is the explanation?

This must be illusion!

It's just that even if he constantly encourages the Chakra in his body and tries to disrupt his Chakra operation with different frequencies, he still hasn't escaped the influence of this illusion.

What kind of illusion is this?

No way! We must resist, we must not sit still....


In the face of the attack of the big snake pill suddenly lengthening his neck and then twisting a hundred and eighty degrees to bite over, Haruno Xiao did not hesitate to give the other party a brain melon seed and throw the other party away.

At the same time, the extremely sharp Chakra light blade in his hand also slashed through the chest of the big snake pill, almost not splitting the other party in half.

Not counting the blood that spewed out of the mouth of the big snake pill, a large amount of blood also gushed out from his chest cavity at this time, spilling it all over the place. The severe pain from this injury almost didn't make Orochimaru faint

... It hurts! It hurts so much....

This weird pain is definitely not normal!

What the hell is this?


"Hiss... Hissing..." Faced

with the difficulty of life and death, the big snake pill did not hesitate to use the Great Snake Flow Avatar Technique again, and the entire body turned into a large group of small white snakes in the next moment, scattered, and then quickly scattered.

"Fire escape, fire extinguished!"

Haruno Xiao also clapped his hands at this time, opened his mouth, and the raging wave of fire was spewed out of his mouth by him in the next moment.

The blazing wave of fire sprayed to the ground like an overwhelming sky, and the next moment it wrapped all the little white snakes in the ground, and in the blink of an eye, the little white snakes on the ground burned the merciless fire....


Suddenly, a huge white figure broke through the ground, showing its fury with a hideous expression.

This is the Yagi no Jutsu of Orochimaru!

With the power of the White Snake, he can transform into a giant basilisk with eight heads!

"It's kind of interesting... It's just that it's still a little worse for me..."

Before Orochimaru could find Haruno's smiling figure on the ground, a huge sky-supporting giant suddenly appeared from behind the basilisk, and then a giant foot slammed into a basilisk transformed by Orochimaru under him for a while.

In an instant, he stomped on the basilisk with eight heads transformed by the big snake pill, making the madness he showed before become a joke.

It's not true... Not really... It's all magic!

Although Orochimaru reminded himself again and again that all this was an illusion, just an illusion to deceive himself. But that cone pain that penetrated deep into his soul was like a raging fire that was constantly burning his soul!

The first time Orochimaru faced such a situation, he was also killed by Haruno Xiao at first sight, and could only helplessly be pressed to the ground by the other party and constantly rubbed.

"Orochimaru, accept your fate!"

"Enslavement Mark!"

In the face of Haruno Xiao, who seemed to be like a god in his inner world, the big snake pill could not resist for long at all, and was soon completely taken down, and he was imprinted with the mark of enslavement without the ability to resist.

The activity in the inner world seems to have passed a long time, but in reality it is only a moment.

Without waiting for Summer Star to react, the big snake pill who was still confronting Haruno Xiao suddenly softened and was about to fall, and then his face turned pale and stabilized.

"Xiaojun, I'll ask you to take care of it in the future!"

Under the strange gaze of Summer Star, Orochimaru's attitude towards Haruno Xiao actually changed one hundred and eighty degrees, which was completely different from the previous situation!

"Haha... You made the right choice!

"Let's go! Big Snake Pill!

"Oh! Summer Star, you also follow with that Kaguya imp head. He's still a little useful..."

Haruno Xiao didn't explain everything to Summer Star, so he let the other party continue to make up his brain.

"Oooh... Are we going back to Fuzi Village? When

Natsuhi heard this, he picked up Kaguya-kunmaro, who was still a child, and followed the figures of Haruno Xiao and Orochimaru.

"Not yet!"

"Wuyin Village also smacked the Shui Wuyue clan a while ago, so there should still be the remnants of the Shui Wuyue clan near the Land of Water!"

"Instead of continuing to let them suffer here, it is better to live a happy life with us..."

Haruno smiled and thought of Shiro, the purity and kindness of the other party in the original book is really very moving.

I just don't know what the situation of the other party is, and I shouldn't have beheaded that guy again, after all, the information about that guy's rebellion has not yet come out!

Hopefully, it's all in time!

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