Because the appearance characteristics of the big snake pill are so obvious, even Summer Star, who has never seen the big snake pill, can recognize him immediately.

From this point, it can be seen that the Great Snake Pill is really a famous ninja world.

"Oh! There are other little mice?

"Did you come out on your own?" Or do you want me to invite you out? The

change in the breath of Summer Star made Orochimaru notice, so the other party also looked at Haruno Xiao and Summer Star with great interest in the direction where Summer Star was at this time.

"Senior Orochimaru, it's been a long time since I saw it!"

"It seems that you have gained a lot, we have not hindered you from continuing to abduct children, right?"

Haruno no longer hid when he heard this, and walked out with Summer Star generously, but the words seemed to be a little different from the respect on his mouth.

This made Kaguya-kun Mari behind Orochimaru can't help but want to stand up and teach Haruno a lesson!

The poor little guy, just after a short time of getting along, he was completely brainwashed by the guy of the big snake pill, and became the other party's brain dead fan!

The poisoning is deep, it is considered to be hopeless....

"Huh... It's actually Xiaojun! We really haven't seen each other for a long time! I heard that you also fell out with the old man..."

"Hidden Shadow Snake Hand!"

The big snake pill is the big snake pill, one moment he still calmed Junmaru next to him not to make a move, and he also communicated with Haruno with a smile, but the next moment he mercilessly killed the hand.

What a joy!

"Hah! It's a big snake pill! It's really dangerous..."

Before Orochimaru's attack came, Haruno Xiao took Natsuhi next to him to use the teleportation technique to leave the place, and then appeared next to Kaguya-kun Mari, reaching out to touch the other party's head and faint the noisy child.

So fast, how did this get there?

"Hey, hey... Xiaojun hides it so deeply!

"I didn't even realize that you have such terrifying strength, it seems that my teacher is still confused..." Seeing that

the shot did not achieve his goal, Orochimaru immediately changed his strategy, his demeanor began to become calm, and he commented on his teacher in a faint tone.

The other party looked like he didn't care about Haruno Xiao's control of Kaguya-kunmaro, but in fact, there were already several poisonous snakes in the grass that were secretly swimming and slowly approaching that side.


"Big snake pill, don't take out these gadgets to embarrass people!"

Haruno laughter suddenly burst out of the chakra on his body, and the powerful momentum like the sea burst out violently, immediately blowing everything around him.

In the face of such a terrifying aura, those lurking and wandering vipers were also frightened and fled, and they were no longer controlled by the big snake pill.

This is the instinct of creatures to avoid evil!

"Boom... It seems that I still underestimated you!

"I can't imagine that your strength has reached such a level, I'm afraid that there is no one in Konoha Village who is your opponent..."

"Why did you choose to defect to Konoha?"

The big snake pill was also frightened, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching slightly. Such an exaggerated Chakra fluctuation, he really hadn't seen it before.

Even the demigod Hanzo of Yuyin Village did not give him such great pressure in the first place.

"Isn't this forced?"

"Originally, I wanted to continue salted fish for a few years!"

"But you can see the situation too!"

"The commotion of the high-level of Konoha made me have to defect to Konoha, after all, I am not Konoha White Fang..."

To Orochimaru's question, Haruno replied with a smile, then calmed down his momentum and turned back into a harmless warm man again.

"Indeed! In the matter of disappointment, the teacher and Tuanzo have never disappointed... And the little Konoha village can't keep your hidden dragon in the end, right?

Orochimaru looked at the summer star standing behind Haruno Xiao with a special forehead guard on his forehead, and then said meaningfully.

"Big snake pill! Are you interested in following me? Seeing

that the other party had noticed the change in his identity, Haruno Xiao didn't really want to continue talking nonsense with the other party, and directly said the point.

"Oh! Xiaojun's strength growth doesn't seem to be much weaker than yours!


But I haven't been defecting to Konoha for a long time, and I don't mean to join other forces for the time being."

Orochimaru couldn't imagine that Haruno Xiao would recruit himself, but how could the eldest husband live below others for a long time, and he Orochimaru had had enough of such a lifestyle.

After he defected, he wanted to live a different life, and he didn't want to work for others anymore....

Although Haruno Xiao's strength is strong, he thinks that his self-preservation ability is not bad, and he can calmly leave here with his strength if he is one-on-one.

As for Summer Star and Kaguya-kun Mari, they were subconsciously forgotten by him....

After all, with the temperament displayed by Summer Star, it should not be difficult to deal with. And that kid ... Although it is a pity after losing it, there are many geniuses in this ninja world who have the Blood Succession Limit, and they don't have to fight Haruno Xiao, a dangerous person, to death because of this spare tire.

"Orochimaru, aren't you curious about my power?"

"After following me, if you don't say anything else, the experimental funds will definitely not jam you..."

Haruno Xiao also wanted to try to convince this rare scientist talent in the ninja world to see if he could make the other party bow down.

"Thank you for your kindness!"

"My big snake pill can still take care of himself..."

"What is the fund, for the bottomless rebel, don't you want it?"

Since Orochimaru defected to Konoha, the shackles in his heart have also been opened by him, and the bottom line has dropped again and again.

Money really isn't a problem for people like him. Often all it takes is a simple illusion, and the daimyo of those small countries is a cash machine for giving and asking in front of him with great power.

Therefore, at this time, he didn't have to worry about his research funds at all, and the research base could get a few if he wanted to....

"Orochimaru, look into my eyes!"

"Can you tell what's inside?"

Seeing that the big snake pill was so difficult, Haruno Xiao had no choice, so he could only use his own trick - kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes.

Orochimaru was also intrigued by Haruno Laughter, so he also looked at the other party's eyes curiously. However, he had never seen such a thing as contact lenses before, so he could not see the change in the shape in Haruno Xiao's eyes at this time.

"Oh! Your eyes... A bit quirky! The

big snake pill looked at it for a while, but still couldn't find anything wrong, but he also felt that some kind of familiar and unfamiliar fluctuations were coming from these eyes.

It's a lot like the magic fluctuations of the Sharingan!

But Haruno's smiling eyes look normal! There is no Sharingan Goyu of the Uchiha clan in his eyes....

It's just that why is this strange fluctuation so similar to the Sharingan of the Uchiha family?

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