"Hey... Why can't we live in peace!? "

They didn't need such a battle..."

Natsuhi also heard Haruno laughing fooling the Kaguya clan, so he also understood the situation in the village at this time. She expressed regret for the dire situation.

After all, she herself can't do anything about the behind-the-scenes people who can control Mizukage Yakura, unless this guy next to her makes a move. But Summer Star also knows that this is impossible!

Because weakening the strength of other villages as much as possible is a good thing for Fuzi Village....

How could Haruno Xiao help Wuyin Village for no reason?

Ay...... Star Shinobi Village is also a mess!

"Let's go! There's an interesting guy waiting for us around here..."

Haruno smiled at the choice of these old men, so he helped them in this way.

Rejuvenated, they should exert all their light and heat to illuminate the darkest moments of the Kaguya.

"Zhao Mei, can't we get up?"

"What the hell are you talking about? Didn't you see how powerful those four perverts are? But this may also be their last brilliance..."

At this time, Terumi and Qing hid behind a group of ninjas from the Mist Hidden Village, and did not choose to attack these Kaguya clansmen, but looked meaningfully at the Kaguya clan behind each other.

"You say they're buying time for their people?"

Qing understood a little, but seemed a little surprised. This is not quite like the style of the Kaguya family!

Shouldn't they be dead in the face of siege?

"Don't you know when you look at it with a blank eye? I guess the rest of the Kaguya clan have fled..." For

the experience of the Kaguya clan, Terumi was also deeply touched. There will be resistance if there is oppression, and Wuyin Village is destroying its future!

Why is this happening?

"What?! Supercilious...... Open! After

hearing Terumi's words, Qing immediately pulled off his blindfold, and then used his single white eye to check the clan land of the Kaguya clan, but did not find that there were already people inside...

Qing is known as the "white-eyed killer" because he has a white eye transplanted in his right eye, and he is also the only white eye of the Hyuga clan clan who has flowed out of the ninja world. Therefore, he can also use the ability of white eyes to a certain extent, and remote observation is only the most basic ability of white eyes.

"All gone! The rest of the Kaguya clan left... How did they do it? Qing

was puzzled at this time, it was clear that the clan land of the Kaguya clan had already been monitored by them, and the remaining Kaguya clan members should not be able to escape here.

Could it be a secret passage?

It's just that I haven't found anything like this in this vicinity!? Is there anything else in the Kaguya clan that can shield his eyes?

How strange!

"As a clan of the Wuyin Village, how can the Kaguya clan not have hole cards?"

"It's just a pity that we killed ourselves like this, which can only greatly weaken the foundation of our Wuyin Village..."

Zhaomei is also puzzled, how can a good foggyin village become more and more perverted?

Is the Blood Mist Policy really correct?

No way! She absolutely wants to change all this, and she can't let the Mist Hidden Village fall like this anymore...


"These Kaguya people are very weird... The body is obviously seriously overdrawn, not far from death, but it is able to exert such a perverted combat power..."

It's like squeezing all our potential..."

"Are we really not shooting?"

Qing withdrew his eyes, but he also took a look at the state of these Kaguya clansmen before.

This look really scared him!

Their bodies are obviously overactive, and although they are still alive on the surface, they have already become more than kidney overdraft, and even other internal organs have begun to fail.

The weird thing is weird, they all seem to be squeezing the potential of their bodies through some kind of overdraft means and transforming them into their own chakra!

Otherwise, they wouldn't have been able to hold out for so long under the siege of a group of ninjas...

And that exaggerated healing ability, is this the power that the Kaguya clan should have?

"Let's consume the power of Water Shadow!"

"Since the coup d'état of the Kaguya clan is over, there is no need for us to make senseless sacrifices..."

"After all, our manpower is not enough, everyone is precious combat power, and we can't waste it anymore!"

"Greet your friends, let's turn inside and take a look at the situation in the Kaguya Clan!"

Compared to wasting time here and these Kaguya clan people fighting to the death, Terumi was more curious about the specific situation inside the Kaguya clan.

"Hmm... I'll arrange that! When

Qing heard this, he immediately complied and began to beckon people.

"Go! Let's go in from the other side and see..."

"Let's leave these people to the others!"

Saying that, Terumi and Qing turned into the Kaguya clan from the other direction with their own forces, but all they were left with were empty houses.

"Did you notice anything wrong?"

After some searching, Terumi asked the others who had returned.

"The ancestral hall of the Kaguya clan found a large number of traces of activity, but there was no figure."

At this time, a misty ninja stood up and said.


Zhao Mei Yu did not hesitate to call everyone to check, but in the end there was not much to find, but the ground of the courtyard looked very strange, and the original grass turned into a flat ground.

"There's definitely something weird here... But what exactly?

"Qing, can you see anything weird here?"

Digging three feet into the ground and turning over this ground, Zhao Mei still couldn't find the mystery, which made her feel very unwilling.

It's like the answer is clearly in front of her, but she just can't understand it.

"White eyes... Open! "

There are remnants of Chakra fluctuations... It's like a magic array, but the specific appearance is already very vague, I don't know what it is..." After

Qing used his white eyes to check it, he also found some clues. Haruno laughed carelessly, ignoring Qing's existence.

But fortunately, he had already canceled the teleportation array on the ground, so these residual Chakra fluctuations on the ground were simply not enough for Qing Yi to completely reproduce the white eye.

"Dharma formation?"

"Try your best to record it, maybe we will encounter it in the future..." Zhao

Mei could only let Qing write down this disappearing magic formation, and then study it himself when he had the opportunity.

"That's the big snake pill?"

"And that kid... Isn't he a member of the Kaguya clan? How to follow behind each other? On

the other side, Haruno Laugho and Natsuhi also encountered Orochimaru who had just kidnapped Kaguya-kun Mariu.

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