"Elder Ben Lafeng, now there are only you left!"

"Hurry up and enter the teleportation array!"

Looking at these old guys whose eyes began to become strange, Haruno Xiao saw the determination to die in their eyes, but he still urged habitually.

These old guys don't want to leave, right?

Even Summer Star saw the strange appearance of these old men, and even the old man who was supported by her pushed her away at this time.

This attitude is obvious....

"Unknown powerhouse, thank you for your help!"

"Today, our Kaguya clan can be regarded as completely removed from the Wuyin Village..."

Our honor... Our pride... I'm afraid all this will disappear!

"But I'm old... I don't want to move my nest!

"Life and death are just a simple process for an old man like me, let me continue to bloom our last glory for the Kaguya clan to the Wuyin Village!"

Kaguya Benlafeng looked at the Kaguya Clan Land with deep eyes, which had become empty, and then rejected the idea of leaving here.

The remaining few old bones probably also mean this, their eyes are full of determination, as if they want to coexist with the honor and pride of their own family.

Even if he dies, he must give Wuyin Village a good look....

Of course, Haruno Xiao also saw the meaning of these old guys, and sighed in his heart that they all had to walk quickly, and they still had such courage. It seems that even if they are old, they are all a bunch of hard bones!

"Really... Unexpectedly so stubborn! "

Since you have this determination, then I will help you again..."

Haruno Xiao was also touched by the stubbornness of these old men, so he took out a few tubes of green injections and showed them to these hard bones.

"This is a medicine that can rejuvenate you, but the side effects are a bit big..." Just

as Haruno Xiao was communicating with the remaining Kaguya clans, the coup battle within the Mist Hidden Village was almost over.

"Dance of the Early Fern!"

"Boom, boom..."


Those ninjas who could not dodge were either bruised or had their bodies pierced, and many were even directly strung on top of bone spurs.

The death was very tragic and bloody!

"Kill him!"

The ninjas of the surrounding Mist Hidden Village who were besieging were also terrified when they saw such a person, but they knew that the other party was just a trapped beast, and it would not last long.

"Long live Kaguya!"

After making a big move, the last Kaguya clan on the battlefield had also exhausted his physical strength. But even in the face of death, he has to break one of his enemy's teeth. So he still took the bone whip made of his vertebrae and used his last physical strength to launch his final charge.

"Water Dragon Bomb!"

"Water Escape Water Archery!"

"Water Whiplash!"


In the current situation, how could these Mist Ninjas possibly fight this trapped beast in close combat?

So all the Mist Ninja used long-range water escape attacks one after another, shooting towards the last Kaguya clan...

"Shh Boom..." Finally

, in a series of attacks, the last Kaguya clan in the field also collapsed to the ground covered in blood, and there was not a piece of good meat in his body!

"Finally killed this group of perverts

..." "It's worthy of the Kaguya clan..."

"Wuyin Village has finally returned to normal!"

"Not yet! There are still traitors in the Kaguya Clan..."

"Go! Go and kill them all..."

Can't leave those monsters behind! Or it's a scourge..."

"Kill them!"


The coup d'état of the Kaguya clan also caused a very large loss to Wuyin Village, which can be described as a model of killing a thousand enemies and injuring eight hundred.

Therefore, the ninjas who lost their relatives and friends also hated the remaining Kaguya clansmen, coupled with the intentional provocation of some people, a large group of ninjas from Mist Hidden Village began to move towards the clan land of the Kaguya clan.

Some of these people are for revenge, some are for the sake of desperate trouble, and some are even more fancy to the wealth and cultivation resources of the Kaguya clan.

In short, today they are definitely going to destroy the Kaguya clan! Get rid of this scourge for the Misty Hidden Village....

"Hmm! Are they..."

"Do you even have someone left in the clan land?" This is not like the character of the group of fools who are full of fighting!?

"What else do you say?" Kill them..."

After the group of ninjas of the Mist Hidden Village arrived at the clan land of the Kaguya clan, the remaining four old bones who did not want to leave were already blocking the way. At this time, they have recovered their youth under the effect of Haruno Laughing Elixir, they have lost everything on crutches, and their bodies are full of strength!

"Ben Lafeng, let's bloom the glory of the Kaguya clan again this time!"

"Saddam, you are still so anxious! We've had a good time playing with them..."

I can't wait to kill! "

Tsubaki no Mai, kill!"

After the four old men exchanged some information, they all killed the group of Ninjas of the Mist Hidden Village who had invaded their Kaguya Clan.

"Ten fingers piercing!" X3

Soon, this group of ninjas who stupidly rushed towards the Kaguya Clan Land will face the counterattack of four experienced Kaguya old bones in the next moment, and the white bones will once again become a nightmarish existence for these people.

"Boom, boom..." The

white bone forest suddenly appeared, the white bones showed immeasurable killing intent, and the four killing machines with bone weapons were killing wantonly, slaughtering these cannon fodder who came to die.

The guys who are desperate for their lives know how to save their lives, how can they launch a charge so stupidly.

"Attack them remotely! Don't fight with these perverts in close combat..."

"Water Dragon Burst Bit!"

"Water Escape, Great Storm!"


However, although these four old men regained their youth and regained their strength, in the face of more and more reinforcements from Wuyin Village, they also seemed to be a drop in the bucket, and the situation became more and more difficult.

"Haha... Come one to kill one, come two to kill a pair... If I can die on killing, I have no regrets in my life!

"What a giggle! Keep killing me..."

"It's not enough! It's not enough..."


However, the four of them also took the opportunity to kill a lot of people, and before they died of old age, they also enjoyed a wave of long-lost killing pleasure, which is worth it in this life.

"Haruno laughs, they can't hold on... Do we really care? In

the shadows on the side, Summer Star, who witnessed all this, couldn't help but feel pity.

"It's their choice ... We should respect them, don't we!

"And this is already their last swan song..." On

the battlefield not far away, with the cooperation of the four Kaguya Killing Gods, people were killed every moment. Even in the face of a group of ninjas from the Mist Hidden Village, they were not afraid, and they used their housekeeping skills to entangle with these people, even if they were injured, they had to bite off a piece of each other's flesh.

This bloody fighting style is terrifying....

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