The next moment, Haruno laughed and grabbed a strange white humanoid monster from among the trees!

The other party's brain has been destroyed, so the whole body looks soft at this time.

"Uh... What is this monster?

"Why are you hiding here?"

The crutched old man Kaguya looked at this monster hiding in the big tree of their clan's land, and he also looked at all this with a surprised face, so frightened that even his teeth were about to fall out.

"You guys! You've been watched, and there are people who don't want your Kaguya clan to continue to exist!

"Give a decision! Can you walk or not?

"Or you'll wait to be exterminated!"

"Counting the time, your people who staged the coup are almost dead... The Mist Hidden Village should also send someone to clean you up..."

Haruno Xiao sealed the precious white corpse, and then let the remaining Kaguya clan make a decision with a cold face.

If the other party still doesn't know each other, he can only come strongly, and with the strength of these people, he can't stop himself at all.

Just kidnap a few young children as tinder...

"Forget it... Wuyin Village is no longer worth everything we Kaguya has paid for!

"We can go with you!"

"But are you sure you can house our group?"

"And who the hell are you?"

The crutched old man Kaguya should be the elder of the Kaguya clan, because he is old and has little combat effectiveness, so he can only stay here and wait for the result of the coup. After seeing Haruno Xiao's strength and performance, he also knew that his family might really fail the coup.

It's just a pity that they have been insisting all this time....

They also want to be able to make a water shadow in their home!


"Elder Ben Lafeng!"

"Are we really going to leave the Misty Hidden Village?"

"Is this man worthy of our trust?"

"You beat him?"


No matter what this group of irascible ladies thought, Elder Ben Lafeng, who was the highest ranking here, had already decided to leave here with the remaining Kaguya people.

"Haha... Elder Ben Lafeng, right? You made a right choice! Otherwise, after today, your Nenhuiye clan will be extinguished..."

"As for this, who am I?"

"Hey! You'll find out later..."

"And the question you should pay attention to at this time is how to leave the Misty Hidden Village, isn't it?"

"Let's all go away, you guys watch my performance..."

Haruno Xiao was also very happy after hearing Kaguya's words, which also means that this group of remaining Kaguya clansmen will be his people in the future.

As for the question of whether they would listen to them in the future, Haruno Xiao did not care at all. He believes that with his own strength, he can definitely overwhelm this group of guys....

The next moment, Haruno Xiao came to a relatively empty place, and then quickly made a print.

"The Art of Earth Preparation!"

As Haruno finished his seal, the area near the ground where he was standing immediately became extremely flat. Then his seal was not over, and I saw him finally slap the ground.

Everyone saw a huge circular pattern appear on the ground, and inside were some black complex runes and lines.

This is exactly the teleportation array that Haruno Xiao arranged!

This thing can assist him in using the fixed-point teleportation technique, increasing the teleportation distance and reducing the pressure of casting spatial ninjutsu, which others cannot use if they do not know how to activate it.

"I have a spatial ninjutsu that can be ultra-long-range, so I can take you out of Mist Hidden Village quietly!"

Haruno smiled and pointed to the teleportation array on the ground, and then explained to the Kaguya clan with a smile. Looking at the other party's stunned appearance, he couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment.

This kind of fuss look he loves to see....


"This is my doppelganger! Next, he will go with you to a safe place where he can house you..." Before

these Kaguya Clan members could react, Haruno Xiao continued to seal the Multiple Shadow Doppelganger technique, and in the blink of an eye, more than ten more of his shadow doppelgangers appeared nearby...

Such a scene made the remaining Kaguya clans feel stressed, after all, just now Haruno Xiao only used quick physical skills to defeat them all. And now there are so many of his doppelgangers, if the other party really wants to do something....

"Pack your things as soon as possible! Let's leave the Mist Hidden Village..." At

this time, Kaguya Ben pulled the wind and stood up on crutches, shouting for the others to take action.

Haruno couldn't help but be impressed by him, thinking that this old man was still very courageous!

"Don't worry! I don't lack money and resources, it's no problem to raise this group of you..."

"So hurry up and enter the teleportation array!" Then leave the Mist Hidden Village with my doppelganger, or the ninja of the Mist Hidden Village will really kill them!

"The opposite side of the teleportation array is far away from the Land of Water, so you can live there without worrying about being exposed!"

"Get moving!"

After Haruno laughed out of the shadow doppelganger, one of the doppelgangers had already received Haruno Xiao's eyes and left the place and began to go to other parts of the Kaguya clan's clan land.

Since the Kaguya clan is leaving, it is better to accept it yourself than to leave some precious things to the Wuyin Village.

"Bring the kids! Let's all go!

"After all, with the strong strength of the other party, there is no need to deceive us at all..."

When Elder Kaguya heard this, he also cooperated in urging his own people. Although he still had unwillingness in his heart, he had to choose this for the sake of the continuation of the ethnic group.


After hearing the elder's words, the unwilling women could only carry their children to the teleportation array in their arms.

"All in a good position! Don't go beyond the range of the teleportation array, otherwise you won't blame me if you break your hands and feet later..."

The rest wait for the next batch..."

Haruno Xiao personally commanded the retreat of these Kaguya clansmen. Summer Star was on the side to help, and her kind and gentle temperament was indeed able to calm some restless hearts.

I saw a flash of light in the black teleportation array, and then the Kaguya clan inside really disappeared.

"It's really gone!"

"It's amazing! This is space ninjutsu!

"This guy won't be Konoha's people, will he! I heard that the Golden Flash Wave Feng Shui Gate is good at space ninjutsu..."

"Actually, it's not bad to go to Konoha!" I heard that the Blood Stepper Ninja is welcome over there, and the environment is very good..."

It's up to us..."


Haruno laughed spatial ninjutsu really stunned the remaining Kaguya people, but it also had more confidence that they would be able to leave the village safely.

Next, Haruno Xiao teleported away the groups of Kaguya people, and after the young women and children left, there were some old and weak Kaguya clans who were responsible for the break, including Kaguya Ben Feng who was crutches.

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