For Summer Star, a powerful and stunning beauty, Haruno Xiao attaches great importance to the talent of the other party. He thinks that with his help, the other party has the potential to continue to raise his strength to the level of the shadow level, and then Fuzi Village will be able to increase a powerful combat power!

After all, from the fact that the other party was able to cultivate the peacock mysterious method with such harsh cultivation conditions to such a high realm, it could be seen that her Summer Star was a peerless genius in the legend!

Then Haruno Xiao took Summer Star and continued to go to the clan of the Kaguya clan in the intelligence, after all, time does not wait for people, in the face of the counterattack of the entire Mist Hidden Village, the ninja of the Kaguya clan below may not last long.

This guy actually knows that he still has a son?

I'm afraid that my identity can't be hidden from the other party!

Summer Star suddenly felt an invisible pressure in the face of the mysterious Haruno Xiao at this time, which made her feel a little breathless.

However, for the sake of Star Shinobu Village, for the sake of her son, she had to compromise with this man....

Firefly... Please forgive me!

"Summer Star, let's go search for the children and women here!"

"Those Kaguya clans who staged a coup in Wuyin Village can't resist for long, and soon this place will be counterattacked by Wuyin Village..."

"So what the remaining Kaguya clan members will face next can only be a merciless massacre!"

Haruno Xiao has sensed the situation of the entire Kaguya clan, and there are many Chakra reactions in a building, which should be where the remaining old and weak women and children of the Kaguya clan are.

"Hmm..." Looking

at the deserted Kaguya clan, Summer Star was also in a heavy mood. Without their arrival, the remaining Kaguya clan might not really be able to escape the fate of the exterminated clan.

"Who are you?"

"Why did you break into our Kaguya clan?"

Haruno Xiao and Natsuhi did not hide their movements, and soon they arrived at the gathering place of the Kaguya clan. An old man with bone crutches immediately shouted, and behind him was a large group of old and weak women and children.

The Kaguya clan is fierce and aggressive by nature, especially men, and most of their personalities are perverts who are eager to fight, so that men who can fight follow the army to stage a coup d'état, even children.

It's a desperate bet!

So most of the people who remain here at this time are women and girls, and the boys are young children.

Perhaps it is hoped that if the coup fails, Wuyin Village can let go of these excellent fertility tools that do not have much fighting ability!

As long as it is used properly, it may be a large number of Kaguya clans after many years....

However, the people of Mist Hidden Village have been lost in the reign of terror in the Blood Mist, and if these people do not leave, what awaits them is definitely a bloody massacre.

"Wuyin Village has already made preparations, and your clansmen who staged the coup are destined to die!"

"And you people... If you don't escape, you can only be slaughtered... Then let the Kaguya clan exterminate the clan..."

"Because the water shadow of your Wuyin Village has already been controlled by others, in order to bring down the entire Wuyin Village!"

Faced with the resistance of several old, weak, sick and disabled old men, Haruno Xiao did not choose to make a move, but reasoned with them.

Under normal circumstances, these Kaguya people will never talk to you if they can do it, but at this time, it is already a life and death crisis for the whole clan, and the old man at the head has to use his brain, which has few brain cells, to consider the current gains and losses.

"Abominable! Has it failed?

"Although your words are a little interesting, why should we believe you?"

"There are only Kaguya clans who died in battle, and there are no Kaguya clans who escaped..."

We fought with them! "

Alarmist! We, the Kaguya clan, will definitely not fail..."

"They are all liars! Liars..."

"Kill them!"



Before the old man at the head could speak, some female Kaguya clansmen with certain fighting abilities behind him stopped working, and they all smiled and glared at Haruno with a smile.

They don't quite believe that their people who staged the coup will fail, perhaps they can't accept this fact, so they can only spread their anger on Haruno Xiao and Natsuhi.



Huh..." So a large group of Kaguya women in cool clothes began to beat Haruno Xiao, who was standing in the front, and some women of the Kaguya clan no longer said anything about it.

In the face of this strange seduction, Haruno Xiao is really not interested at all....

Whether it is extracting his own bones as a weapon or ejecting his own finger bones as a dark weapon, it is an eye-opener for the vigilant Summer Star.

After all, it was the first time she had seen such a terrifying blood succession limit, and the fighting style of these people was very crazy, full of bloody barbarism.


Boom..." "

Snap..." However, these fierce Kaguya women were all not his enemies in front of Haruno Xiao, and they were either kicked to the side or rewarded with some slap.

If it weren't for Haruno Xiao, she would have left these ladies to take care of and appease the remaining children, and she would definitely have to teach them a hard lesson.

"Stop! "None

of you are his opponents, everyone has already left their hands!"

Not long after, the old man Kaguya, who had witnessed all this, suddenly called out to this group of irascible ladies.


After hearing this, although these desperate housewives were all unwilling, they were very obedient and stopped shooting.

After this short moment, they also knew that these people were definitely not Haruno Xiao's opponents. What's more, the other party also had a companion who did not make a move....

"See that!?"

"If I want to plot against you, you people will definitely not escape my palm!"

Haruno smiled calmly walked to Kaguya's front and looked condescendingly at the old man who was already a little hunched, this haughty tone made these battle freaks begin to believe his words.

"Is everything you said true?"

"The fourth generation of Mesui Kage Yakura was actually controlled by someone else?"

It's all this time, shouldn't this old man worry more about the safety of their clansmen?

"Hey! The other party is an avenger! I hated the Mist Hidden Village, so I controlled the fourth generation of Mizukage... Then let you constantly wear out internally, kill each other, and slowly play and torture you..."

Haruno chuckled and said this fact out loud. This cruel truth made everyone feel unbelievable that the dignified water shadow could be controlled by others.


Then everyone saw Haruno laughing and flashing, and a blue Chakra light blade condensed in his hand stabbed out towards a big tree, and suddenly gave the tree a deep cold.

This is a variant of the Chakra scalpel!

Then his hand changed from palm to claw, and the Chakra light blade in his hand changed into a strip of light, which seemed to be entangled in something.

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