"What a great motherly love!"

"I fancy you, come with me!"

The next moment, the figures of Haruno Xiao and Summer Star appeared in the house, ignoring the villagers who had fallen to the ground and walked towards Xue Li.

"What are you? What do you want to do? Although

Shirley was very embarrassed at this time, with injuries to her head and shoulders, she still protected Shiro in her arms. Her performance touched Xia Rixing's heart and began to miss her son unconsciously.

"Us! Not your benefactor?

"As for what do you want?" Take you away, of course... Do you want to stay in this place? Facing

the cub's mother, Haruno smiled very kindly, smiled and raised his hand to show that he had no malice, and then said his purpose.

"Oh! This man is no longer worthy of your love..."

"He is not a man at all when he makes a move on his wife and children!"

Haruno laughed and stepped on Gen's fifth limb, only to hear two crisp clicks, causing the man who had fallen asleep to immediately jump up, and then covered the lower gear with a painful face and whimpered.

"Whew..." Genbu

looked at Haruno who suddenly appeared in front of him and laughed, he wanted to shout catharsis in pain, but found that he couldn't say a word.

"Don't! Please don't hurt him..." Shiro's

kindness may have been inherited from Yukimi, and in the face of her husband who had just attacked her, this woman still subconsciously begged Haruno to laugh and let the other party go.

"You don't have to speak up for such a scumbag, he doesn't deserve your care."

Haruno Xiao ignored Xue Li's request and said with a sneer. After that, he stretched out his finger, and a blue Chakra light blade spread out from the fingertip, dotted on the source's forehead, and blood came out of it as soon as it came into contact.

"You should understand that this person is no longer suitable for you and your children. Now, come with us, you deserve a better life.

His tone was firm, as if he had decided to take Shirley and Shiro.

"I'm not your enemy, I just want to take you and your children out of this sinister place."

Haruno smiled at the mother and son with sympathy and understanding in her eyes, and her tone was extremely gentle.

"I... "

Although he is sorry for our mother and son, he is still Shiro's father, and I don't want him... He died..." A

hint of hesitation flashed in Shirley's eyes, she felt that this man's purpose was well-intentioned, but she couldn't help but worry at this time whether their mother and son would suffer more danger next.

And as a wife, as well as a mother, she couldn't watch the man die in front of her without reacting.

So Shirley hugged Bai tightly and looked at the strange and kind man and woman in front of her with contradictions.

"We won't hurt you... Trust us! "

As for this man... Don't!

"He is simply not worthy to be your husband and the father of your son."

Natsu Star saw Shirley's hesitation, so he stepped forward and patted her shoulder gently, and then gestured to look at Haruno Xiao, who was using the Chakra Light Blade against Gen.

Seeing this, Haruno Xiao had to withdraw the Chakra Light Blade in his hand, which was regarded as giving Summer Star a face.

Although it was still the first time they met, Haruno Xiao knew that Shiro's mother Xue Li was a kind person, and she would definitely not watch her ex-husband die in front of her like this...

Originally, he also wanted to come to the small day mode to set the other party, but he didn't want to kill the summer star halfway.

Hearing the words of this summer star, an inexplicable trust surged in Xue Li's heart. At the same time, after seeing Haruno's laughing behavior, his sense of goodwill and trust rose rapidly.

What a nice guy!

Perhaps seeing the recognition and kindness in the eyes of the two, she nodded slightly, signaling her willingness to follow Haruno Xiao and Natsuhi to leave this village full of violence and fear.

The injured body still hurts, but Shirley is determined to bravely take the next step for Shiro's future and for a better life.

"Thank you... In the future, our mother and son will ask you to take care of it..." Xue

Li held Bai and bowed slightly to the two, and then looked at the house that had lived for many years with a little reluctance.

It's all coming to an end....

I hope that their mother and son can live a peaceful and peaceful life in the future!


Xue Li silently said goodbye to her past in her heart, and then picked up the luggage she had just left behind, ready to follow Haruno Xiao and the two to leave this icy village where it often snowed.

None of the people who saw them along the way dared to approach, because they could all see that the identities of Haruno Xiao and Summer Star were not simple.

It should be a ninja!

And then saw their villagers turn into birds and beasts and scatter, and then ran in a big circle to the source's house to see the problem.

Seeing the people who fell to the ground, they thought that they had all been killed, and they were immediately frightened, and they no longer dared to approach, as if they were afraid that the ninja just now would come back to find trouble.

"That's right! Your name is Shirley, right? This is your son Shiro... Nice name!

"My name is Haruno Xiao, she is Summer Star, and your mother and son will be my people in the future!"

"I'll take you to a place that's perfect for you to live in! I believe that you will soon adapt to life there..." Xue

Li hurried with difficulty holding Shiro silently all the way, and Haruno Xiao could see the other party's restraint, so he took the initiative to talk to the other party.

"Thank you, Haruno Laughter-sama!"

Since she had decided to go with the other party, Xue Li also knew that she had no choice now, so she straightened her attitude and replied respectfully.

If she hadn't held her son now, she would have wanted to take a deep bow as a sign of her attitude.

"Haha... Feel relieved!

"You will definitely not regret today's choice in the future..."

Let me hold you, child! Otherwise, how would you hurry..." Saying

that, Haruno smiled and ignored the surprise in Xue Li's eyes, and easily hugged him from the other party's arms.

After fiddling with it, I found that it was warm, soft and fluffy, which made people love it....

When I was a child, Shiro was still quite cute!

He's still sleeping!

"This... Wouldn't this be too much trouble for you? Xue

Li's red face was a little overwhelmed, and she wanted to hug her son back, but she didn't dare to rebel against Haruno's smile. At the same time, she also tightened the placket on her body, thinking that it must have been just an accident just now, and the other party should not have done it intentionally...

"Nope! I love children! Especially your son is so cute, just like

a girl..." Haruno laughed as soon as he started to detect Shiro's true gender, people have chicks, although it's a pity that it's not a girl, but the boy is actually good!

At this time, he can be regarded as truly accepting the mother and son of the Snow Clan.

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