"Hey! Bai's appearance followed me, but she just looked like a girl..." "

Shirley is also very helpless about her son's appearance, perhaps it is the influence of the Snow Clan's blood succession limit! Their clansmen are relatively feminine in appearance, and boys and girls are ordinary...

"Let's go! I'll take you something to eat first... When Bai wakes up, let's get to know us..."

"Then I'll take you to a land of ice and snow!" Where is it far from the Land of Water, no one will hate you because of the Blood Succession Limit..."

Xue Li smiled bitterly helplessly, looking at Haruno Xiao's son's face in her arms, a trace of infinite pity and love surged in her heart.

She was already expecting Haruno Xiao to take them to that Ice and Snow Country, a place where no one would discriminate against them because of the Blood Succession Limit.

"Mother, here is it?"

When Bai woke up, he came to a strange place at first sight, and what introduced him was his mother and a pair of good-looking men and women.

"Hello! Shiro..." Looking

at Bai who looked at him stupidly, Haruno couldn't help but smile on his lips.

Their fate has since changed!

"Haruno laugh, does it really not matter?"

"Actually, I can still wait..." After

sending the mother and son of Xue Li and Shiro to the Land of Snow using teleportation, Haruno Xiao directly took Summer Star to change direction and headed towards Star Shinobi Village.

This made Summer Star a little excited and a little uneasy at the same time, after all, the other party had just accepted a large number of people, and he was willing to be busy next, while his own affairs had to be delayed for a while.

"It's okay!"

"Little Star Shinobi Village, I can solve it with a flip of my hand..."

"Your misfortune is coming to an end!"

"At that time, you won't have to envy the mother and son of Xue Li and Bai!"

Haruno smiled and saw Summerstar's envy of Shirley's mother and son before, and knew that she must also miss her son Smail.

"Hmm... Thank you

..." "In addition to thanks, I don't know how to repay you..." Natsu

Hoshi was quite respectful of Haruno Xiao's strength at this time, after all, even the big snake pill, one of Konoha's rebel three ninjas, has to follow, can the strength be worse?

Thinking of being able to reunite with his son in the future, Summer Star's face couldn't help but smile, which became more and more touching under the light of the setting sun.

"It's beautiful!"

"You should smile more..." The

long road is long, and Haruno Xiao also knows how to be happy in time, so he enters the flirtatious mode.


Summer Star couldn't imagine that Haruno Xiao was so bold, and he didn't know what to do for a while, so he could only assume that he didn't hear clearly and continued to cover his head and hurry.


Haruno Xiao suddenly felt a powerful aura coming in their direction, he couldn't help but slow down alertly, and when he looked back, his good eyesight made him find a familiar figure.


It turned out to be him!

Is this guy running a bounty business nearby?

"Summer Star, stop first, there are guests!"

Summer Star was shocked in his heart, and immediately stopped covering his head and hurrying, and looked around vigilantly, preparing to deal with the next danger.

"Oops, it's Haruno laughing! This guy's bounty has climbed to thirty million taels, which is really amazing!

"Don't blame me for being cruel, but your bounty is so tempting...

Kakuto quickly caught up with the two and recognized Haruno Xiao at the same time. After all, when traveling in the ninja world, Haruno Xiao passed by this guy many times and dealt with him a little consciously.

Obviously, Kakuto had seen Haruno Xiao's bounty before, and when he met in this remote place, his killing intent was also aroused.

As for the Summer Star....

For Kakuto, who thinks he is powerful, the Summer Star is not worth mentioning at all, so let's use it as a spare heart reserve.

Illusory things such as beauty are just floating clouds, and small money is fragrant!

Haruno Xiao clearly knows that against a money-savvy guy like Kakuto, it is better to defeat him directly than to talk about friendship and meaninglessness.

"Let's be careful, I've heard that this Kakuto, a bounty ninja on the mountain, is quite powerful, has killed a lot of rebels, and is by no means a good class...

"Do you think you can handle him?"

Natsuhi gripped the weapon tightly in his hand and nervously reminded Haruno to laugh.

"Hmm... Thank you for your concern!

"You just have to protect yourself and enjoy my performance!"

"I don't take him seriously at all...

Haruno nodded gently, her eyes full of tenderness. He doesn't seem to take his horns seriously at all....

"Haha, it's really unspoken! "

I didn't expect to see you for so long, Haruno laughed, and your lips became more and more powerful...

"Then come on! Hearing

their conversation, Kaku couldn't help but show a hint of anger and immediately attacked them.

Summer Star bit her lip tightly, and the tension in her heart became stronger and stronger. Kakuto's murderous aura gradually condensed, and he rushed towards them at an almost crazy speed.

It's fast!

But this is a little less interesting than him....

Haruno smiled slightly raised his eyebrows, but a contemptuous smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. He confidently condensed the Chakra Light Blade in his hand, swinging it gently, waiting for the other party's arrival.

"Summer Star, don't interfere! I can handle him and don't need you to add to the mess. Today I'm going to show Kakuto my real technique! Seeing

that Summer Star did not listen to his words, but clenched the weapon in his hand, as if to face the difficult situation with him. A hint of softness flashed in Haruno's smile, and then he ordered seriously again.

"No problem... Haruno laughs! As your subordinate, I will definitely protect you! "

Summer Star has his own persistence, although it is a little ridiculous in Haruno Xiao's eyes, but the other party's starting point is also for his own good.

In desperation, Haruno Xiao could only jump the ground, causing the body to rush directly to Kakuto, wanting to collide with the other party.

"Boy, you're not small!"

"Is it for this woman?"

Kakuto didn't expect that the guy who was patting horses with him had the guts to confront himself instead of running away.

Glancing at Xia Rixing's stunning face again, Kakuto suddenly realized that he no longer had that ability, so he rushed towards this hateful man in anger.

His earthy yellow arm had already blessed the Tudun Earth Spear state when he was chasing him, and it became extremely hard, and at this time, it went straight to Haruno Xiao's heart like a sharp spear...

"Be careful!"

Xia Rixing also didn't expect that Haruno Xiao would abandon his initiative to step forward and fight with Kakuto, and immediately thought that the other party didn't want to get himself into danger. Although she was a little dissatisfied by the underestimate, she was more worried.

So under the worried gaze of Summer Star, Haruno Xiao and Kaku quickly staggered over...

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