"Hissing... How can it be?

"You're so fast!"

In just the blink of an eye, Kakuto's arm was cut off by Haruno Xiao, which made him look incredulous, covered the broken arm with his left hand, and slowly turned his head to look at the other party.

"Hey, hey... Kakuto, don't pretend to be with me here now!

"It's not a big deal for you to hurt you, is it?"

"You better be serious and fight me! Let me take a good look at your true strength..." The

blue light in Haruno Xiao's hand was greatly prosperous, and the light blade then extended to more than ten meters, cutting through the long sky and shooting directly at the opposite corner.

"Hey... Brat! I know a lot! I even know how to complain!

"But it's just because you really know too much, so I can't keep you even more!"

Sensitively turned sideways on the ground and picked up his broken arm, and then the horns directly shoved it into his wound, and the black tentacles extended out in the blink of an eye to keep the broken arm intact.

This is the magical effect of the Kakutoji Grievance Secret Technique!

This secret technique can use Chakra to manipulate the black tentacles released in the body, and can be transformed into ninjutsu suitable for long-range attacks. In this way, Kakuto can use a combat method that overwhelms the opponent when he is caught off guard.

At the same time, the length and shape of the grudge can be changed at will, so that it can cope with any situation. Therefore, the horns that have launched the ground grievances have no dead ends at all....

Because at this time, his body has been filled with the tentacles of the earth, and with these black tentacles, he can also perform physical suturing.

And even if those mask monsters are separated from the body, they can freely move their tentacles like creatures. And even if the mask monster is killed, he can use his tentacles to seize other people's hearts and then generate new ground monsters.

During this time, he can also be attracted to the body along with the Chakra nature of the heart taken away. It is precisely because of this magical effect that Kakuto can use some advanced ninjutsu of the basic five natures!

At the same time, this ability to seize other people's hearts also makes Kakuto a near-immortal existence.

When he saw Haruno Xiao's blue Chakra light blade like a knife and tofu cut, continuing to slash across the surface and kill towards him, even the horns protected by the Earth Spear couldn't help but condense in their hearts, and immediately used the teleportation technique to leave the place.

"Lei Dun Pseudo-Darkness!"

I saw that Kakuto blinked and opened a distance from Haruno Xiao, and then quickly pushed forward, shooting the dazzling thunder condensed in his hand towards the chakra light blade that was chasing.


The light blade and the thunder light collided together in an instant, and immediately produced a violent explosion, causing the surrounding air waves to fly.

Although it is only a B-level ninjutsu difficulty, its power is definitely not bad, as long as it is used properly, even S-level ninjutsu is not necessarily stronger than it!

"Haruno laughs, you kid does have some strength!"

"But it's not enough! It's far worse than the original generation of Hokage Senju Pillar..."

"If you know each other, choose to stand obediently and let me take off your head!" In this way, you don't have to suffer so much..." Although

Kakuto was a little surprised by Haruno Xiao's strength, he still had confidence in his own belief that his hole card had not been played. Looking at his opponent in the distance, he raised a low voice threateningly.

"What? Between the Thousand Hand Pillars! That ninja god! "

This Kakuto actually fought the Ninja God!?"

Haruno's smile, who knew the bottom of the horns, did not affect, but Summer Star, who was observing and guarding on the side, was frightened when he heard such words.

"Haha... Of course I know your record!

"After I met you, I was also shocked! Because you're so special... Of course, I'm referring to your grievances..." "

Because I was curious, I secretly investigated your information."

"It turns out that this guy of yours is really an old guy, and the initial information goes back to the very early days when ninja villages in various countries were established."

"As the elite of Taki Shinobi Village, you also carried out the mission to assassinate the original Hokage Senjukuma!"

Haruno smiled and withdrew the Chakra light blade in his hand, and after tidying up his clothes, he slowly explained the information of the angle.

This surprised both Kakuto and Summer Star!

Kakuto didn't expect Haruno Xiao to investigate him specifically, and Natsuichi was surprised that Kakuto had really fought with the Ninja God.

"Some people say that because you were afraid of the strength of the Thousand Hands Pillar, you threw a shuriken at him eight hundred miles away, and then ran back to Taki Shinobi Village in ashes, so you will be severely punished!"

Haruno smiled and thought about saying the terrier he heard in his previous life, and immediately attracted the strange gaze of Natsuhi.

"Fart! What throw a shuriken eight hundred miles away?! Who is slandering me? When

Jiaodu heard this, he couldn't help the anger in his heart, and if it weren't for the resentment of the relationship, he might have been flushed with anger.

I remember that I gambled my life for the sake of the village, and I was determined to die to assassinate the ninja god.

He was indeed defeated by the Thousand Hand Pillar Wooden Secret Technique, but he was also a good fight with the other party!

Although the battle between the two sides was not long because of the strength, in the end, he was let go of the people who were aggrieved....

But the statement that eight hundred miles let go of the shuriken and then fled is definitely an insult to one's own dignity!

"It's all rumors!"

"After all, there is too much difference between your strength and the Thousand Hand Pillar, and you often mention this matter, so everyone has spread the story like this under false

rumors..." Haruno smiled and spread his hands, indicating that he had also heard the information from others.

"Damn it!"

"Then today I will let you personally experience the gap in strength between me and the Thousand Hand Pillar..." Kaku

didn't expect that the achievements he used to show off before would be passed on like this by others, and he couldn't help but feel aggrieved in his heart. Looking at Haruno's smiling eyes, he was even more unkind, so he felt fierce in his heart, wanting to vent his anger on this guy in front of him.

I saw that the horns were violently shaking, like countless insects swimming in the body, which looked very strange.

The next moment, four ugly mask monsters separated from Kakuto's body, floating in mid-air!

"Fire and head hard!"

"Wind escape, crush!"

"Water Tent!"

"Lei Dun Pseudo-Darkness!"

Because this guy has five attribute hearts, he is very proficient in five series of ninjutsu, and in the blink of an eye, he quickly seals, and then releases four B-level ninjutsu in succession.

After the fire wave was blessed by the wind and suppression, the power immediately increased greatly, and there were many fireballs that swept the flames in the burning sky and boiling the sea!

The Water Tent also turned into a huge power grid glowing with electric light under the blessing of Thunder Dun Pseudo-Darkness, and it went towards Haruno Xiao.


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