As for Kakuto's Tudao body, he was very desperate to stay in the rear and keep an eye on Haruno Xiao's movements, ready to strike at any time.

"Haruno laugh, be careful!"

Seeing that the monster of Kakuto unleashed four powerful ninjutsu at once, and also combined two by two to form a more powerful ninjutsu, Summer Star marveled at the strength of the other party and was also worried by Haruno Xiao.

"Boom, boom... Boom..." However

, Haruno Xiao on the opposite side seemed to be frightened by such an exaggerated attack, and he did not dodge, and the next moment he was overwhelmed by a series of powerful attacks.

When the smoke of the flames cleared, the place where Haruno Xiao was had been scraped more than three feet into a bare patch, and all the turf plants turned into flying ash.

When the smoke of the flames cleared, the place where Haruno Xiao was had been scraped more than three feet into a bare patch, and all the turf plants turned into flying ash.

However, a scorched black embarrassed figure was still lying on the side very tenaciously, if his body had not moved twice, he would have thought that he was already a corpse.

"Haruno laughs!"

Summer Star on the side looked at the miserable situation in front of him, his heart throbbed, and he was also worried that Haruno Xiao's situation was not optimistic. So she quickly rushed over to check the specific situation, and soon found that Haruno Xiao seemed to be unconscious, his body was scorched black, there were many injuries, and blood flowed.

"Hey, how are you?

Xia Rixing quickly hugged this embarrassed man and carefully examined the situation on the other party with concern.

"I... I'm fine, just a little hurt.

As if hearing the voice, I saw Haruno Xiao, who was embarrassed, open his eyes slightly, and snuggled extremely weakly on Natsuhi's soft chest.

He looked badly injured!

"Whew..." Natsu

Xing couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when she saw this, thinking that it would be good if she didn't die, but she also had to sigh at the power of Kakuto's combination ninjutsu.

These four B-level ninjutsu used together, really have the momentum of destroying the world and the earth!

Even if it is herself, if she faces such an attack, she can only temporarily avoid the edge, and she must not carry it hard!

Well! They are all about to die, how can they not change their dead nature....

Feeling the touch coming from his chest, Summer Star couldn't help but look at the man in his arms suspiciously.

Is this intentional? Or is it an unintentional action?

"Haha... Haruno laughed, did you see my strength clearly this time?

"Do you say that the Thousand Hand Pillar is powerful, or am I powerful?"

Kakuto also saw Haruno's miserable laughter, and couldn't help but laugh proudly, and then pressed over with the mask monster behind him.

In his opinion, the two people in front of him are already fish meat on his chopping board, let him slaughter! That's why he couldn't help but continue to shoot out so arrogantly, so that the two fell into fear.

"I definitely won't let you hurt Haruno laughing!"

"Peacock Myofa Tsubasa!"

Seeing that the monster of Kakuto continued to kill, Summer Star immediately put the suspicion in his heart behind him, and the man in his arms was about to escape. In her opinion, Haruno Xiao's injury is already very serious and is in urgent need of treatment.

Moreover, Kakuto's strength is extraordinary, and he has no confidence to defeat him. So Natsuhi decided to take Haruno Laugho back to Fuko Village with the seriously injured Haruno first, and then go to Nanami Uzumaki, a medical expert there, for treatment.

"Still want to run! Delusional..."

"Stay with me!"

Kakuto was also surprised to see a pair of Chakra wings growing behind Summer Star, but as an old ninja fritters, he immediately recognized that this was the special flying ninjutsu of Star Ninja Village.

So Kakuto hurriedly approached the two, and at the same time shot black tentacles with the four masked monsters behind him, and swept towards them.

He didn't dare to use a wide range of attribute ninjutsu at this time, for fear that he would destroy the corpse of Haruno Xiao, a seriously injured guy, by the way.

If he accidentally destroyed the corpse, he would not only work hard in vain today, but even the bounty would not be obtained!

"Peacock Mystic Beast!"

Seeing the imposing black tentacles, Xia Rixing also knew that the two could not hide at this time, and quickly dropped the Haruno smile in his arms, and then used his housekeeping skills.

As her chakra was released, a huge brown bear chakra phantom wrapped the two of them, and a pair of bear claws swung repeatedly, either shooting or grabbing all the black tentacles that attacked.

"Hmph! It's just a death throes..."


Just when Kakuto sneered and wanted to give this woman a little color, he suddenly found that he had lost his sense of the four earth grudges!

When the horns came back to their senses, a complete and neat Haruno smile had appeared behind him, and the Chakra light blade had quietly penetrated his heart.


Kakuto, whose heart was pierced, let out a scream, then opened his mouth and fell to the ground, and near him were four earth grumbling doppelgangers who were also pierced by masks.

They were also attacked from the rear by Haruno Xiao just now, and then directly killed in one move.

"What's going on?"

At this time, Summer Star, who was still maintaining the Peacock Mystic Beast, saw such a reversal, and did not react for a while.

As her words fell, Haruno Laugh, who was protected by the giant bear Chakra phantom, also strangely dissipated.

"Magic! It was all illusion just now..."

Haruno smiled and waved his hand at Natsuhi, explained casually, and then took out the sealing scroll to seal Kakuto's body.

This is the secret of the secret art of resentment!

Although it looks a bit ghostly, the person who gets this secret technique really has the potential for immortality.

Maybe I can improve this secret technique....

From this moment on, the member corners of the future Xiao organization are officially offline....


"You are such a terrible man..."

Summer Star couldn't help but be stunned at this time, and at the same time he couldn't imagine that such a powerful Kakuto was actually tricked by Haruno Laughing with a strange illusion, and finally paid the price of his life.

I just don't know when this illusion was applied?

"Hey, hey... I'm not scary at all!

"I treat my friends as tender as spring, and my enemies are as cold as winter..." "

Don't you, as my friend, feel my warmth?"

After cleaning up Kakuto's body, Haruno smiled and smiled satisfactorily at Natsuhi.

The so-called tribulation sees the truth....

This woman's previous performance made him very satisfied!

I didn't feel much warmth, but cheap but not less occupied by you....

Summer Star was slander in her heart, but she didn't know how to deal with this mysterious man, so she had to choose to indulge in gold.

"Alright! All right! Keep going!

"I guess you're also anxious to the Star Shinobi Village..." Seeing

that Natsu Hoshi did not interact with himself, Haruno laughed and could only change the subject.

"Hmm! Let's go..."

Sure enough! In the cold woman, as long as you hold each other's weaknesses, it is difficult for the other party to ignore you.

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