"Long time no see! Patriarch Fugaku..."

"Are you... Haruno laughs? "

Uchiha Clan, the patriarch's home, at this time Uchiha Fugaku was returning home from a bad day of work at the Konoha Police Department, but found that an uninvited guest had come to his house.

And also a rebel from Konoha Village!

Seeing this person, Uchiha Fugaku's face immediately became serious, and at the same time secretly guarded, looking like he was about to strike if he didn't agree with him.

At this time, he was actually most worried about his wife Uchiha Mikoto, so he did not easily tempt.

"Haha... I didn't expect Patriarch Fuyue to remember me, so thank you very much! Haruno

smiled and saw that the most intimidating Uchiha patriarch in front of him did not immediately make a move and knew that he had come to the right place today, after all, this guy was indecisive, and his next plan still needed the cooperation of the other party.

"You are a traitor... Why did you suddenly come to see me? Lowering

the volume slightly, Uchiha Fugaku swept around the house but still did not see his wife, and the expression on his face became more and more gloomy.

Mikoto, did she really have an accident?

"Hey! Didn't I hear that your Uchiha clan is in dire straits now? So I came here to see if I could recruit some of Uchiha's clansmen to serve me..."

I've heard that Konoha wants to attack you Uchiha clan! "

Instead of being stupid and waiting to be exterminated by the high-level of Konoha Village, it is better to make some preparations in advance, so that you can also leave some bloodline for the Uchiha clan..."

Haruno Xiao did not directly talk to Uchiha Fugaku, and directly explained his intentions.

"Panic! No way! Nonsense!

After listening to Haruno's meaningful words, even Uchiha Fugaku, who had always been moody, changed his face drastically, and immediately said a negative three-in-a-row.

"Hey! Why fool yourself? Patriarch Fugaku..."

Haruno Xiao also has Uchiha's bloodline, so he still cares a little about this ancient surname....

At this time, looking at the most failed Uchiha patriarch in front of him, he suddenly felt a little hatred that iron is not steel.

"Hmph! Our Uchiha clan is the number one clan in Konoha, and it is impossible for Konoha to attack us... Hugh wants to drive a wedge between our Uchiha clan and Konoha! "

This man is still deceiving himself at this moment, can't he really see the situation at this time?

Also the first clan of Konoha?

Didn't you see that the number one clan on Konoha was about to die out?!

Just as he recently pacified the clansmen of the main war faction in the clan council of the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Fugaku may have been living in illusory lies.

At the last moment, he still held on to the psychology of luck, thinking that Konoha and Uchiha could still continue to make noise as before.

"Huh... Say it like it's true! Do you believe this yourself? You know, Shimura Danzo, but every day, I can't wait to let your Uchiha clan be wiped out immediately..."

Haruno smiled and looked at the dead duck guy in front of him, and couldn't help but laugh at the other party. The Uchiha clan is about to reach the moment of life and death, and the head of this clan is still so mentally retarded!

Could he really not see that the Konoha high-level already hated their Uchiha clan?

Shimura Danzo is one of the best!

"Shimura Danzo is Shimura Danzo, he is only a high-level elder of Konoha Village, and he can't represent Konoha! You must know that our Uchiha clan is the ninja clan that founded Konoha, and it is very important!

Uchiha Fugaku's face appeared angry and he looked enraged, and quickly came to Haruno Xiao and grabbed the other party's collar, and at the same time three jade chakra eyes appeared in his eyes, staring at the other party's eyes deadly.

Sharingan Illusion Launched!

"Patriarch Fugaku, it's ridiculous that you're still so naïve until now..."

"Aren't you curious why your chakra eye illusion didn't work?"

"Because of me! The body is also circulating with

Uchiha's bloodline..." For Uchiha Fugaku's careful thoughts, Haruno smiled clearly, and he just smiled lightly when he was already prepared.

I saw that he stretched out his hand and "snapped" to open it, and the other party's hands, after sorting out his clothes, took off his contact lenses under the surprised gaze of the other party.

In an instant, the three-hook jade writing wheel eye that had been hidden below was revealed, and at the same time, when the eyes turned, it immediately turned into a kaleidoscope writing wheel eye with a special pattern!

"You! You...... Unexpectedly...... How can it be...... Or a kaleidoscope!

"You... Whose bloodline is it?

Uchiha Fugaku was really frightened when he saw this special pair of kaleidoscope chakra eyes in front of him. Even his wife's safety was left aside by him, wanting to know the details of the other party immediately.

He did not suspect that the other party's chakra eyes were transplanted, but he said that he knew that the transplanted chakra eyes could not be controlled and opened, and would always consume the host's chakra.

Kiki Kakashi is a typical example!

The pair of kaleidoscopic chakra eyes in front of him can be opened independently, which proves that Haruno Xiao is the descendant of the Uchiha clan!

"Whose descendant am I, go and find out for yourself! Anyway, even if I tell you, you will go and verify... It's better if you find out for yourself, so that it is more credible, right?

Haruno didn't want to waste too much time on the issue of his background, and he showed his kaleidoscope chakra eyes just to get the approval of the other party.

Whether it's strength or bloodline....

In that way, he can get along with each other better without being overly jealous.

"You're not hurting my wife, are you?"

After learning that Haruno Xiao was also a member of the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Fugaku was shocked, but quickly calmed down. He walked to the front of the house, opened the door with a bang, and saw his wife sleeping quietly on the side.

"Hey, I'm not that mean!"

"I've always treated women with great respect, so I just gave her a good rest!"

Of course, Haruno Xiao would not tell Uchiha Fugaku the truth, and just now he had applied some means to Uchiha Mikoto, using his kaleidoscope to make a slight ideological modification.

Although it doesn't change much, it's enough to have an impact on the subjective thoughts of the other party!

After all, pillow wind still works quite well....

"That's good!"

"Say it! What exactly did you come to me for?

"Do you think I'll bow my head just because you have kaleidoscopic eyes?"

Seeing that his wife was safe and sound, Uchiha Fugaku breathed a sigh of relief, not caring if Haruno smiled if it was true or not.

After all, in his opinion, the strong are dignified and generally do not lie.

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