
Therefore, the person of Uchiha Fugaku is really the most failed patriarch of the Uchiha clan.

His naïve thoughts really harmed himself, his son, and the entire family....

As a person in power, his political mind is really incredible, and as a result, the entire Uchiha family is in trouble because of him!

Although he knew that Haruno Xiao had kaleidoscopic chakra eyes, at this time, Uchiha Fugaku was not vain at all, only to see him turn around coldly, staring fiercely into the other party's eyes, and at the same time showing a decisive and firm aura.

Not...... Although Uchiha Fugaku does not perform well in political acumen, the power he possesses makes people have to reassess his worth.


Wow! You are really a majestic gesture, and others can see at a glance that you are not easy to mess with..."

If you also had such a tough attitude towards the high-level of Konoha, then the Uchiha clan would not have been forced to this point..."

He is no longer the fierce-eyed Fuyue who was ruthless at the beginning. You will only be fierce to your own people, but you are as timid as a rat to the outside! Haruno

laughed and felt very funny, looking at the man in front of him who seemed to have regained his fighting spirit, and silently sighed in his heart, it turns out that the family characteristics are really inherited.

Do you feel like you're doing it again?

Haruno Xiao does not tolerate the other party, and he unceremoniously pushes Uchiha Fugaku to the point of speechlessness. Some people just need to be pressed, and this guy Fugaku Uchiha is such a person!

If you don't repair it, you don't slip straight....

"Am I wrong? What is wrong with what I said?

"If the Uchiha clan and Konoha have always maintained a peaceful relationship, perhaps, your ambiguous and muddy personality can barely make do!"

"But now that people are lining up to directly hit the idea of the Uchiha clan, you still look innocent... Even completely surrendered the initiative ... Sit back and wait for the other party to make a move!

"Uchiha Fugaku, you are not competent enough to be the leader of the clan! At the same time, he is not a qualified father! Haruno

Laugh is not Uchiha Fugaku's subordinate, so he will not show him any mercy at all, directly exposing the pathetic side of this man.

When Uchiha Fugaku heard Haruno's words, a hesitant expression flashed on his face, and he did not immediately refute or justify, but was silent.

Haruno smiled at the coercion in front of him, his eyes full of helplessness and disappointment. He knew that Uchiha Fugaku might have recognized his own shortcomings, but he never had the courage to face and admit it.

"Wow... Are you still not convinced?

"Do you think your son Uchiha Itachi will listen to you?"

"He has long been brainwashed and controlled by the Ape Flying Sun Chopper's set of fire will! He will report your every move and specific information about the Uchiha clan to the Konoha high-level..."

You actually think you can spy on Konoha's dark part! I didn't expect that my son would be sent by the other party to spy on you, right? Seeing

the anger that flashed on Uchiha Fugaku's face when he seemed to say that he was not a passing father, Haruno laughed and then stabbed the other man's chest without hesitation.

The face of the man in front of him turned blue and white, as if Sichuan changed his face....

Uchiha Fugaku covered his chest, the expression on his face mixed with grief and despair.

"You... He..."

he stammered, his words filled with immense anger and remorse. His son himself knows, think carefully, in fact, he really found a lot of clues. It's just that he has been selectively ignoring it before....

"How did you come up with that? Can this little fart of Uchiha take advantage of the ape flying sun to chop their old fritters?

"It's hilarious! Should I call you innocent? Or is it sad and lamentable?

"This child has already been influenced by others to become what they want!" At this time, he is like a god to the so-called will of fire that ape flying sun..."

Haruno laughed and put the true side of Uchiha Itachi in front of his eyes at this time, so that the other party could know how ignorant and ridiculous the decision to let his son become a spy was.

"How could it be... Itachi he... He's my son!

"My most outstanding genius son..."

Uchiha Fugaku still had an incredulous expression at this time, he didn't want to refute Haruno Xiao's words, but the other party said it reasonably, and he had to admit that this might be the truth.

But Uchiha Fugaku really found it hard to believe that his son, who had high hopes for himself, would betray him and betray the entire Uchiha clan.

"You may only tell him that he deserves to be my son... Do you really understand what is going on in his mind at this time?

"I don't believe you really didn't notice anything unusual about him before!" Why fool yourself?

"Your son Uchiha Itachi has not been with you for a long time!"

Haruno laughed to make up for the last knife for Uchiha Fugaku, and as for the problem of Uchiha stopping the water, he didn't want to say anything more.

Because according to the development of the timeline, this instantaneous water stop with a dango nose will soon pay a painful lesson for his naivety.

The price may still be the shattering of his lifelong faith!

"Stop the water, has your family's situation reached this point? Are the Uchiha clans really going to stage a coup? "

While Haruno Laugho was doing Uchiha Fugaku's work, the three generations of Hokage Sarutobi in Hokage's office also communicated with Uchiha Shisui, surrounded by Shimura Danzo, Mito Monita, and Sleeping Koharu.

It can be regarded as Konoha F4's inquiry to Uchiha Shisui about the specific situation of the Uchiha family....

"Third Daime-sama, things really haven't reached the point of being irreparable!"

"Please trust us Uchiha clan! You must know that a large part of our clan also hopes to live peacefully in Konoha Village all the time, and does not want to stage a coup d'état!

"And Fugaku-sama is already trying his best to appease the clansmen..."

Uchiha Shisui is also a double agent, although he is powerful, and even opened his own kaleidoscope chakra eye, he is still so naïve, hoping that the Uchiha clan can live in peace with Konoha Village.

In order to maintain this peace, he put a lot of effort into it, and even pulled the son of the patriarch of the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Itachi, the future patriarch of Uchiha, into his carriage, hoping to continue to shine for the construction of peace between the Uchiha clan and Konoha village.

He did it!

Successfully passed on his own Fire Will Thought to Uchiha Itachi, who is also a genius, and thought he was proud, but he didn't want him to also kick the future of the Uchiha clan into the abyss...

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