Stop the water... Don't blame me

, Ape Fei Richo, who knows the character of the old fellow, knows that Tuanzo guy will definitely find trouble stopping the water in the future, and even kill the other party!

After all

, the ability of the other heavenly gods with the eyes of the kaleidoscope writing wheel is too perverted!

He is also afraid,

afraid that he will be secretly manipulated by the water one day....

"Uchiha Shisui, please follow me!"

"Danzo-sama wants to see you..."

Just as Uchiha Shisui was about to go out to talk to Patriarch Fugaku after making some preparations, a masked root member suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Danzo-sama, what is he looking for me for?"

Uchiha wondered, so he asked tentatively.

"You just do as you are told

!" "This is the order of Danzo-sama!" The

ninja at the root was still so arrogant, but Uchiha Shisui didn't care too much about it The eyes of the three-hook jade chakra appeared, and the next moment the other party was dumbfounded and fixed in place.

"Danzo, I hope you don't embarrass me..."

Uchiha Shisui knew that this Konoha elder would definitely not do anything good to find himself alone at this time, and his intuition also told him that this meeting with the other party might be dangerous.

So he also needed to make a little preparation in advance and wrote the suicide note by the way....


this moment when Uchiha and Konoha Village were in dire straits, he had to keep a hand for himself, hoping that it would not be useful one day....

"Let's go!" After

doing everything, Uchiha stopped the water and came back to the door, patted the root ninja on the shoulder, and lifted the illusion of the other party.

"Uh... Then hurry up!" This

Nebe Shinobu didn't seem to have any memory of being controlled by the other party's illusion just now, but was surprised at when Uchiha Shisui suddenly appeared beside him. After secretly sighing that the other party was worthy of stopping the water in an instant, he took the other party to a certain place to meet with Shimura Danzo-sama.

"Did you see it?"

"This is your Uchiha's instantaneous stop! The genius and hope of the clan were actually brainwashed by Konoha's high-level to deal with the clan in turn..." "

What a pathetic

Uchiha!" After Uchiha stopped the water and the root member left, the figures of Xiaofeng and Uchiha Fugaku walked out from a shadow.

"Stop the water... He...... How can it be..." "

No wonder... Itachi he..."

At this time, Uchiha Fugaku's face was embarrassed, especially after hearing the nagging laughter of Uchiha next to him.

In Fugaku's heart, Haruno Xiao next to him has long been a member of Uchiha.

After all, the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye

can't be fake!" "When is this, and you still want to make excuses for your son..." "

You really can't be saved!"

Xiao Feng was also speechless. I don't know how Uchiha Fugaku has been the patriarch all these years, and he is so without a castle government.

"Don't worry, I see that guy from Shuishui is going to suffer this time... After all, Shimura Danzo that guy is definitely not good looking for him alone!"

"Let's go with it! This may also be the key to whether your son can open a kaleidoscope chakra eye!"

Haruno smiled and ignored the other party's entanglement, and secretly chased after him with a greeting.

"You mean..."

Uchiha Fugaku was also shocked when he heard Haruno's laughing words, and immediately thought of the key to opening the kaleidoscope chakra eye.

"If the water doesn't die, how can your son open the kaleidoscope, do you want his relatives to die

?" "Mikoto, Sasuke, or yourself?"

Haruno laughed at Uchiha Fugaku's suspicions, and he was also willing to push the boat along the water.

Let Uchiha stop the water and die once, then Uchiha Weasel should also open his own kaleidoscopic chakra eyes as in the original work!

However, there are very few Uchiha people who have the qualification to open the kaleidoscope chakra eye, and even if it is himself, it took a lot of effort to successfully open it.


Uchiha Fugaku was speechless for a while.

Despite knowing that his son Itachi is a rebellious guy who helps Konoha spy on his family. But he still has a fluke mentality about this, hoping that he can make the other party's prodigal son turn back.

If the weasel can open the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, then of course such a good opportunity cannot be missed!


all, Uchiha laughed at this guy right, it's better to die a stop than to die your own relatives....

Both of them were very strong, and they secretly followed Uchiha Shushui and that root member without being discovered.

In a short time, a few people came to a remote place on the outskirts of Konoha Village, where a group of root ninjas were already waiting here in advance.

The next moment, the root ninja who was still leading the way immediately turned around and attacked Uchiha Shisui behind him. He didn't know when there was an extra handful of bitterness in his hand, and he plunged straight into the other party's waist very fiercely.


Uchiha, who had already been prepared, stopped his hand and took out a kunai to block this fierce kidney blow, and then bent his knee to knock the opponent away, and then immediately jumped backwards quickly.


Huh..." because a large number of dark weapons had been shot out by the group of long-awaited root ninjas, shooting towards Uchiha to stop the water strangle. However, they were all avoided by the other party's flexible skills....

"Up!" Seeing

that the target was not hit, and the desired effect was achieved, the roots brushed in unison and chased after Uchiha Shuishui.

"They are..." Seeing

that those root members really suddenly stopped the underwater killer, following behind and secretly observing Fugaku, he was also stunned in his heart.

"Let's watch the play quietly, it's time for the show to begin!"

"Don't alarm Danzo, that old immortal..."

Haruno smiled and calmed Uchiha Fugaku beside him, signaling the other party not to be impulsive.

"Tuanzang old dog..."

When Fuyue heard this, the hatred in his heart was immediately like a gushing river, endlessly.

"Sonorous..." "

What are you going to do, don't you know the crime of attacking Konoha ninjas at will?"

with a serious face and using kunai to deal with this group of lawless root members, Uchiha stopped the water as he fled into the woods while testing their true purpose.

However, this group of killing machines has very few personal emotions, and generally only faithfully performs their tasks, so they are silent in the face of Uchiha's inquiries, and at the same time, the movements on their hands become more and more fierce, and they are inseparable.

"Such a fast skill, it is worthy of stopping the water in an instant..."

Just when Uchiha was forced to the edge of a cliff outside the woods, Shimura Danzo, who had been hiding in the woods, slowly walked out expressionlessly.

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