
Uchiha looked at this nonchalant looking guy, his face couldn't help but become serious, the vigilance in his heart had been filled by him, and then he waited for the other party's performance.

"You guys stand down first..." Shimura

Danzo walked up to the members of the root and then raised his hand to signal them to back off. He wanted to have a good time with Uchiha Shisui in front of him...

Whether you can get the other party's kaleidoscopic writing wheel eye now depends on your excellent performance, and the little minions around you will only affect your acting skills....

"Danzo, what do you mean by

this?" "Why did you send someone to attack me?" Seeing

such a situation, how could Uchiha stop the water not know that the other party was prepared, I am afraid that this time he is going to attack himself.

However, with kaleidoscope chakra eyes, he was still very confident, and he didn't care too much about the root ninjas who were standing behind Shimura Dan's hideout.

Because he has absolute confidence, even if this group of people go together, he can calmly escape.

Kaleidoscope writing wheel eye power is unimaginable to ordinary people....

"Being able to sneak into the opponent's brain... Create illusions that are like real experiences...

"Uchiha stop the water, your kaleidoscope chakra eye is too important, it is a strategic-level weapon!"

"You actually want to use such an important force to stop the mutiny..."

The descendants of the Uchiha clan don't even know the true use of the Sharingan!"

said Shimura Danzo faintly, unretaining his greed and peeping at the abilities of other gods.

This made Uchiha stop the water and couldn't help but hate in his heart, and at the same time he was more sure that the bad old man in front of him was definitely not well.


Even if you suppress them with pupil technique, as long as the Uchiha clan is still there, the village's suspicions about their coup will not be eliminated!"

It should happen again!"

"The confrontation between Uchiha and Konoha Village is only a matter of time. In that case, take this opportunity to wipe out

the Uchiha clan!" "This is for the sake of everyone in the village, isn't it?"

Shimura Danzo said in extremely flat words that made Uchiha stop his fear.

He actually ...

Uchiha Fugaku, who was silently watching all this happen on the side, was also angry at this time, and at the same time, the luck mentality of the wooden high-level in his heart was also gone.

Shimura Danzo and Ape Flying Sun Chopper are the same raccoon, it is not an exaggeration to say that they are brothers and sisters, they are both people who wear a pair of pants!

But Shisui actually has a kaleidoscope writing wheel eye!?

At this time, Uchiha Fugaku began to struggle again....

The other party is worthy of being the most outstanding clan member of the Uchiha clan over the years, belonging to a peerless genius that is unique in ten thousand, I am afraid that even his own son Itachi may not be able to compare with the other party!

Haruno Xiao did not notice that the Uchiha patriarch beside him was entangled again at this time, because he was more looking forward to the performance of the two outside.

He is actually very curious about how Uchiha Shisui, who has a kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, lost in the original work, and

was forced to commit suicide by jumping off a cliff....

"Danzo, you thought from the beginning..." At

this time, Uchiha Shisui also saw the evil mind of the other party, this old man's mind at the beginning was to want the Uchiha clan to perish

!" "This is also for the peace of Konoha Village!" Shimura

Danzo suddenly looked up at the sky, as if expressing that he had no choice but to do this, everything was for Konoha.

His posturing gesture made Uchiha Shisui not far away feel disgusted, and he really wanted to burn this guy with a fire.

"Don't worry, I will use your Sharingan effectively... I'll take your chakra eyes!" Shimura

Danzo said well, as if he wanted to use his mouth to make others submit, but the next moment he suddenly burst out, and suddenly came to Uchiha Shisui and reached out to pick the other's eyes.

"Sorry!" "

It's just an ordinary illusion, I'll wake up soon..."

Uchiha Shisui had long known that this bad old man was not honest, so he instantly used the Sharingan Illusion to control the other party.

Uchiha, who thought he was in control of the situation, turned around and was about to leave, but he didn't want Shimura Danzo, who had been fixed in place by him using illusions, but appeared in front of him again at the next moment, and took advantage of him to let down his vigilance and punched him hard in the abdomen.

"Wow!" Before

Uchiha could react, he would have to pay a heavy price for his arrogance and carelessness just now.

First, he was controlled by the old man Shimura Danzo, and then he was instantly taken away from his right eye.

Blood splattered for a while....

The painful lesson made Uchiha look at the demonic old man in front of him in disbelief for a while, he didn't know why his powerful illusion suddenly failed?


, Shimura Danzo seemed to want to kill people, only to see him sharply take off the bandage that had been wrapped around his right eye, revealing the three-hook jade Sharingan eye below.

Then under the horrified gaze of Uchiha Shuishui, this three-hook jade writing wheel eye turned white in an instant, and it was directly scrapped.

What kind of ability

is this?!"Izanagi!?

""How can he understand this ninjutsu, and what is the Sharingan in his eyes?"

Uchiha Fugaku, who was silently observing, could not care about the entanglement in his heart at this time, and looked at Shimura Danzo who lost his right eye with an incredulous expression.

He couldn't help but murmur and mumble to himself, as if he was asking himself, and as if he was asking the man next to him.

"Isn't that obvious

?" "Shimura Danzo has been planning against the Uchiha clan for a long time, otherwise how could even Izanagi know?"

Patriarch Fugaku, the Uchiha clan you led is like a sieve, and it can't hide secrets at all!"

Haruno shrugged with a smile and continued to ruthlessly mock Uchiha Fugaku beside him, making the other party's face turn blue and white with anger.

However, Uchiha Fugaku has long been accustomed to the other party's yin and yang strangeness, after all, Uchiha's current situation is indeed not very good, and as the patriarch, he is duty-bound!"

"It will become a substitute for my eye... Give me the other one!" At

this moment, Shimura Danzo, who had managed to get a kaleidoscope Sharingan, was wanton and arrogant, unretaining his greed for Sharingan.

His goal this time is to take away this pair of kaleidoscopic chakra eyes that Uchiha stopped the water in front of...

As his words fell, the other root members suddenly dodged out and surrounded Uchiha Shuizu, wanting to snatch his remaining kaleidoscope chakra eye.

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