"Fire Escape Hao Fireball Technique!" Seeing

this, Uchiha quickly dodged back, and then used his own fire ninjutsu against this group of ill-intentioned guys.

"Water Wave!" Those

root members who knew water ninjutsu immediately made the water chaotic wave resist it.

"Boom! Poof..." Water

and fire were incompatible, and after the two mutually recalciscapable ninjutsu collided together, a huge explosion was immediately produced, and a large amount of water spray and white mist were produced at the same time.

However, when the white mist dissipated, Uchiha had already disappeared in place, and he should have taken the opportunity to escape.

"Instantaneous Technique? chase me!" Shimura

Dan's face sank like water, and he immediately let his men go down to chase after the fleeing Uchiha Shuishui, and then took back the remaining kaleidoscope chakra eye.

"Let's follow!"

Uchiha Fugaku greeted the people around him and immediately chased after him, Haruno smiled meaningfully and separated a shadow doppelganger to follow, while he himself walked towards Shimura Danzo, who was left alone in place.

Hey, the kaleidoscope chakra eye in this old fellow's hand can't be lost!"

What kind of person?" Perhaps

sensing the movement behind him, Shimura Danzo turned to look in the direction where the danger was coming from, but it was a familiar face.

"Long time no see, old dog..."

Haruno smiled and walked out of the woods slowly, he didn't think to hide at all, and several hidden root members nearby had been secretly solved just now.

"It's you, Haruno laughs..." Seeing

that the person who came turned out to be Haruno laughing this rebel, Shimura Danzo couldn't help but condense in his heart, made a gesture but found that there was no reaction nearby.

At this moment, he still did not understand that his subordinates had been poisoned.

And this dangerous guy suddenly appeared in front of him now, obviously the person who came was not good!

"Isn't it me? Surprised? Surprised?"

Haruno smiled and walked towards the other party, not minding the vigilance of this bad old man.

"Stop, why are you here as a rebel, aren't you afraid that we Konoha will attack you?" Shimura

Danzo reached forward and stopped his voice, while looking ready to fight desperately.

"Haha... Of course, it's specifically to seek revenge on you!"

Kaleidoscope Sharingan eyes flowed in Haruno Xiao's eyes, but Shimura Danzo couldn't see all this under the cover of contact lenses.

"Aaaaa My hands... And my kaleidoscope?!"

Shimura Danzo only felt that his spirit was a little trance, but the next moment he found that he had lost his important right arm, and even the kaleidoscope Sharingan eye that he had just obtained from Uchiha Shisui was gone!

Without the Sharingan, you are a rookie ... It's really disappointing!"

"But it's no wonder... After all, you have been corrupted by desire, and you are no longer the hot-blooded ninja who can give everything for Konoha!"

Haruno smiled and used the sealing technique to put away Shimura Danzo's weird wooden arm, without the few chakra eyes on it, the old guy in front of him should not be able to make any storms in front of him.

"Abominable... What do you know?" "

Everything the old man did was for Konoha!"

"Give me back my arm... And that chakra eye... You can't hold it!" Covering

the wound on his severed arm so as not to lose too much blood himself, Shimura Danzo smiled pale and whispered to Haruno.

"Wow! Tuanzo... Are you qualified to negotiate terms with me now?" looked

at the saline test tube in his hand with a water-stopping right eye, and the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye inside was so charming. For Shimura Danzo's words, Haruno laughed only as a joke.

"Hmph, I'm Elder Konoha, do you want to kill me, this Konoha rebel?"

Konoha Village will definitely not let you go... Give me back your arm and Sharingan!"

"Otherwise, it's not just you... Your former friends and colleagues are going to be implicated... You don't want to..."

Shimura Danzo still wanted to use his mouth to make Haruno Xiao give in at this time, in fact, he only had one mouth left without his right arm, which could make a living for himself.

The other party can quietly take away his right arm and Sharingan, then it also means that he can take his life at any time!

The heart is really dirty enough

..." "Maybe living in the dark side of Konoha for a long time has already turned you into a dark creature

!" "You still want to be

Hokage?" "It's just ridiculous delusion!" "

The villagers and ninjas of Konoha don't want someone like you to become the Hokage of Konoha Village..." Haruno

laughed at the pathetic Shimura Danzo in front of him. The other party has actually been living in the dark side of the ape flying sun, and he thinks he is proud and wants to replace the other party.

But I didn't expect that even after the ape flying sun was killed, this guy would not have a chance to become an official Hokage!

"What do you know?!"

"Only I can lead Konoha to continue to be strong and even unify the ninja world..." "

Sarutobi is a joke! Only I, Shimura Danzo, can make Konoha Village rise again! become the strongest in the ninja world!" When

it came to the topic of Hokage, Shimura Danzo's whole person became excited, and it was no longer possible to maintain the originally calm mood.

This is his anti-scale!"

"Tuan Zang... In fact, you are a joke in the eyes of Sarutobi Sunchop, a silent dedication of the pot man..."

"The pot shadow is the title you deserve!" For

Shimura Danzo's ridiculous delusion, Haruno laughed and chose to continue to rub salt on the other party's wounds.

I'll be Hokage... I'm definitely going to be Hokage!"

Shimura Danzo, who was shaken by his heart, was already a little crazy at this time, and he was also angry after losing too much blood.

"You're going to die! what else are you doing Hokage?" After

putting away the kaleidoscope in his hand, Haruno's smiling face also became serious, and the look in Shimura Danzo's eyes became dangerous.

Otherwise, you wouldn't have wasted so much time with me..." Perhaps

feeling the killing intent in Haruno's laughing eyes, the desire for survival made him rational again.

"Hey, hey... It's good to talk to smart people... I want you this person?" the

kaleidoscope reappeared, Haruno smiled and looked directly into Shimura Danzo's eyes in front of him, and how could the bad old man who was already tired notice Haruno laughing strangely.

"What!?" Shimura

Danzo didn't understand what the other party meant for a while.

"Look at me, Danzo..."

Haruno laughed and activated the kaleidoscope chakra eye illusion in his right eye.

Soul enslavement!

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