
Boom..." "Boom, boom..." A

large number of dark weapons and detonation charms flew and exploded in the forest, and those root members were desperate to chase Uchiha to stop the water.

If Uchiha Shuishui was in good condition at this time, then he was confident that these pursuing root members would solve it in an instant. However, after losing one right eye, this not only hindered his vision, but also greatly affected his own strength.

For a time, the instantaneous water that had previously terrified the enemy could only run away in embarrassment, constantly dodging various attacks from behind him.

The funny thing is that these people are still from Konoha Village....

"Boom..." In

order to complete the task, the root members can be said to do everything, even a large range of poisonous mist is used...

"Damn, did you inhale the poisonous mist?" the

panting Uchiha stopped at a large tree, suddenly feeling a blur in his vision, and even his breathing became more and more rapid.


careless, Uchiha knew that if he continued to escape like this, he might not last long before he was captured because of the poison.

At the same time, his vision that gradually began to blur was telling him that his time was running out....

"You have nowhere to escape, Uchiha Stop Water!" The

next moment, the root members surrounded the stopped target up and down, and the root members led by the root members psychologically suppressed Uchiha Stop Water, who still wanted to resist stubbornly. The other root members around them all picked up the dark weapons in unison, ready to attack at any time.


Uchiha was in a state of distress, knowing that if he didn't show some real skills, he was afraid that he would be doomed this time.

"Aim at his foot, don't hurt his face..."


!" "Go!" The

leader of the Root Force felt that he had won the battle, so he signaled to the other Root members around him that he needed to pay attention when attacking, and not to hurt the remaining kaleidoscope chakra eye.

"Huh..." Ku

Wu, who was tied to the detonation charm, shot in unison at the surrounded Uchiha to stop the water, and he was about to take down his opponent...

"I... There is still something that must be done!" Feeling

the murderous intent behind him, Uchiha stopped the water and squeezed out the power in his body.

"Boom, boom..." A

violent explosion enveloped Uchiha to stop the water, but a vague huge green figure seemed to suddenly emerge from the black smoke, putting great pressure on the root members at the scene.


Suddenly, a large number of green light waves suddenly shot out from the black mist, and several root members who could not dodge were immediately knocked to the ground, and their lives and deaths were unknown...

"This, what is this?"

the roots who escaped looked at the huge green phantom that slowly appeared from the black smoke, and they were momentarily shocked on the spot.

Their target, Uchiha Shuishui, was wrapped in this strange phantom at this time, and the attack just now could not hurt the other party at all.

This is the legendary divine power of the Uchiha clan....

However, Uchiha seemed to have run out of oil, and he didn't maintain his Susanoo for a long time, and he felt like he was about to lose his breath. As a result, the shadow of Susanoo behind him disappeared again.


Fugaku's excellent performance was greatly unexpected by Uchiha Fugaku, if such an outstanding Uchiha tribe dies like this, then it must be a major loss for the Uchiha clan!

As for Haruno Xiao's shadow doppelganger, he watched all this happen coldly. There are still many things waiting for Uchiha to stop the water to do, and the other party will definitely not fall here like this....


!" "Attack!" The

remaining two root members immediately threw out the dark weapon in their hands when they saw this...

However, after successfully opening Susanoo with one eye and retracting this power again, Uchiha stopped the water as if returning to the light.

Power surged in his body, and he disappeared in the blink of an eye. In the next instant, Uchiha Sword Yueyan was exerted by him, and with the appearance of two flames, it hit the remaining two root members at an extremely fast speed.

"Wow..." Uchiha,

who was no longer pursued, was finally able to escape with peace of mind to complete the last of his unfinished business.

"Go with you

!" "He will definitely go to your eldest son next..." "

After all, he can only trust your son at this time!"

Haruno's smiling shadow doppelganger whispered to Uchiha Fugaku beside him, and then continued to follow behind Uchiha Shisui.

"Stop the water... Itachi..."

"Hey... "

Otherwise..." Perhaps

knowing what would happen next, Uchiha Fugaku was also in a heavy heart, but for the future of the Uchiha clan, he still chose to believe this sudden Uchiha smile.


..." "Stop the water! Come here..." In

the end, Uchiha Shisui found his heart and wanted to meet people in the place where he often met Uchiha Itachi.

Watching the two come to the edge of a cliff, Haruno Xiao's shadow doppelganger knew that Uchiha Shisui might still entrust his remaining eyes to Uchiha Itachi according to the original ending.

"What are you doing?"

Uchiha Fugaku saw that the guy next to him suddenly carved a strange magic formation on the ground behind him, so he also asked curiously.

"What else can I do, of course, let my body come in person, this is his explanation..."

"Boom!" As

Haruno laughed, he then dissipated in front of Uchiha Fugaku's eyes.

"This guy... When..."

Uchiha Fugaku obviously didn't notice when the man next to him became a shadow doppelganger, or if he had always been a shadow doppelganger. The mystery of the other party made him feel very headache, and he had a feeling that his head was not enough!

"Buzz!" The

next moment, Haruno Xiao's figure immediately appeared above the magic formation.

Seeing such a scene made Uchiha Fugaku's scalp feel numb, because he found that the other party was still using a spatial ninjutsu!

"Of course not, this is a teleportation technique developed by me based on the Flying Thunder God, and the difficulty is not as great as the Flying Thunder God's technique..."

"And my ninjutsu can quietly take a large number of Uchiha people away from Konoha Village!"

Haruno smiled and raised an eyebrow at Uchiha Fugaku next to him, then looked at the two people on the edge of the cliff in the distance, and then separated a shadow avatar again.

"I'll ask you over there

!" "Received!" The

shadow doppelganger, who understood the meaning of his own body, disappeared in the next moment, quietly sneaking in the direction of the bottom of the cliff.

The famous scene of Uchiha Itachi's eyes opening is about to begin....

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