"Uchiha's coup seems to have been impossible to stop... Once a civil war breaks out in Konoha, other countries will definitely take advantage of the void, and war will be inevitable..." "

I wanted to use Betenjin to prevent a coup! That guy can't trust me..."

"He was determined to protect the village in his own way, and he was determined to get my left eye!"

I'll give you this eye!"

Uchiha was also horrified by the loss of his friend's right eye, but he couldn't imagine that the person who attacked the water was still the elder Shimura Danzo of Konoha Village.

And now, it seems that Shisui still wants to entrust himself to hide his remaining left eye.

This kaleidoscope writing wheel eye!

Stop the water... Is it worth it?

Itachi's heart is extremely heavy....

"The only thing I can ask for is your best

friend!" "Protect the village, and Uchiha's name!" Perhaps

feeling the ups and downs in his friend's heart, he smiled calmly, and then calmly removed his remaining left eye and handed it to the other party.

"I take it!" "

What are your plans?" After

manipulating the psychic crow to take away the kaleidoscope Sharingan eye in the sailor's hand, the ferret looked at the man in front of him who had been instructing him to move forward with mixed feelings, while his thoughts fluctuated.

"If I die, the status quo should change somewhat!" "

I've prepared the suicide note..."

Shisui said calmly as he retreated towards the cliff behind him.


, stop the water..." Itachi, who saw his friend's intentions, hurriedly stepped forward to catch the other party, but he was determined to stop the water, hoping to use his death to shake the coup d'état determination of the Uchiha clan.

"Don't stop me... Weasel!"

"If you... Or my friend's words..." The

next moment, the water stopped and fell off the cliff in front of the weasel's eyes. And the hand that the weasel originally stretched out stopped at the insistence of the other party....

"Stop the water!" Seeing

his best friend die in front of him like this, the weasel with blood dripping in his heart felt grief-stricken at this time. He really couldn't believe it all happening....

What's wrong with the world?

Stop the water...

Two lines of blood and tears flowed from the eyes, and in the endless grief, a special windmill-like pattern appeared, indicating that Uchiha's three-hook jade chakra eye had successfully evolved into a kaleidoscope chakra eye at this time.

For a while, the pupil power increased greatly, making the ferret feel an inexplicable force emerging in him...

Tsukiyo and Amaterasu?

Patriarch Fugaku, your son has successfully opened the kaleidoscope chakra eye now!"

"But... Your son will also become more and more difficult to figure out because of the death of Shuishui!" "

Do you have the confidence to change him?" Watching

all this happen, Haruno smiled in his heart. He just couldn't see such a tragedy, so he had already sent the shadow doppelganger to the bottom of the cliff to prepare.

"I'll try to change all that!" "

Itachi, he's my son... is my best son!" Seeing

his son open the kaleidoscope chakra eye, Fugaku was not happy at all. Because the creation of kaleidoscopic chakra eyes is often accompanied by tragedy, of course, he himself is the same.

It's just that Uchiha's laughing words made his heart even heavier, after all, this eldest son's heart really didn't seem to be above the family.

He was clearly off track....

And as a father, he has the responsibility to bring him back to the right path, let him realize what a real Uchiha should do!

"Haha... You, it's not so far off!"

I really don't know how you used to be a father

..." "Hey, relying on you alone, the end will definitely only cause the tragedy of the Uchiha clan!" "

And you're not a qualified patriarch yet..."

Haruno smiled at the man next to him and shook his head, and then grinned to show his disdain. Then, under Fugaku's surprised gaze, he walked out of the hiding place and appeared in Uchiha's sight.

"Who? Who are you?" In

the haze of the night, Uchiha Itachi, who had kaleidoscopic writing wheel eyes, also looked at the man who suddenly appeared with a serious face at this time.

"It seems that I have been away for too long, and now the younger generation in the village have forgotten me!"

the clouds crossed the moon, revealing Haruno's smiling figure in the moonlight, and he said in a faint voice as he walked towards Uchiha Itachi.

"Are you... Haruno laughed?!"

"Why are you here?" Itachi

, as a member of the dark department of Konoha Village, is still very familiar with the rebellion information of Konoha Village, and carefully observing the appearance of this person in front of him, he quickly locked the identity of the other party.

"Haha... Your father Fugaku Uchiha is also there... Surprised, surprised?"

Haruno laughed and betrayed Uchiha Fugaku. Then the other party walked out of the hiding place under the panicked gaze of his eldest son, and then a flashing figure appeared on the cliff.

"Father!" Seeing

that his father was actually hiding on one side, Uchiha's heart was about to jump out in fright at this time, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

"Gee... What a tragic scene, it actually made you awaken the kaleidoscope chakra eye..."

Haruno smiled and came to the edge of the cliff and looked at the faintness below and said.

"What the hell do you want to do?" Seeing

the other party mingling with his father, Uchiha couldn't help but think about it, and the secret of his eyes couldn't be hidden.

Do you want to kill each other

? Just your own father

? What to do?

Stop the water...

Uchiha Itachi, who realizes that his most important secret has been revealed, wants to laugh at Haruno next to him, but his father, who has already come to his side, suddenly makes him unable to lift up. After all, can he still kill his father in order to hide secrets?

"Itachi, don't think it's great if you open the kaleidoscope chakra eye now."

"You're still just a rookie in my eyes!" Watching

Uchiha withdraw his hand, Haruno laughed a little disappointed. He originally wanted to take the opportunity to teach the other party a lesson, but he didn't want the other party to end up instigating...

Do you really think that the so-called will of fire in Konoha is right now?"


Uchiha was silent, he really didn't know how to answer his father's words at this time.

Now he is at the intersection of the path of life, with the family on one side and the village on the other, both sides are important, which makes him choose.

The palms and backs of the hands are all meat!

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