Itachi, this guy just likes to scare himself....

"What do you think?"

"I'm just a special case! And it's not surnamed Uchiha either... At best, he can only be considered an illegitimate child! Seeing

that Uchiha's face was wrong, Haruno Xiao knew that this guy was thinking about it again, so he quickly interrupted the other party's grotesque thoughts.

"When my mother accidentally conceived me, and then poor Uchiha died on the mission, so that my mother silently gave birth

to me..." "Of course, there may be examples like me in the ninja world, but it will not be so easy to achieve my achievements!"

"I came back to Konoha this time in the hope of leaving some tinder for the Uchiha clan, so that the good clan will not be ruined by your father."

Haruno Xiao briefly told the father and son about his life, and at the same time said his purpose.

"What the hell do you want? Do you want to divide our Uchiha clan?

Uchiha clenched his fists and looked at Haruno with a serious expression, and the kaleidoscope of writing wheels in his eyes rotated, trying to put pressure on the other party. Fugaku, this guy, also walked to his eldest son at this time, and also stared at Haruno with his kaleidoscope chakra eyes and smiled.

It seems that he wants to go into battle with father and son....

"Haha... It's funny!

"You, the patriarch, sit and watch the Uchiha clan continue to weaken, seeing that the clansmen can't bear such a humiliated life, and want to fight for the right to exist in Konoha Village through a coup..."

Brainwashed by the will of fire at the top of Konoha, hated and tired of his family, and then put his whole heart into the cause of peace in Konoha Village, thinking that he had found the true meaning of life... In fact, you are just a pawn at the mercy of others!

"You guys! It's the same as the Uchiha water stop on the ground, they are constantly adding bricks to Uchiha's great cause of extermination, for fear that the Uchiha Fei tribe will not die sooner..."

Haruno laughed with a kaleidoscope of writing wheels in his eyes, and he didn't seem to be afraid of the father and son in front of him joining forces, and his mouth was extremely mocking.

"Nonsense! I'm here for the peace of Konoha and Uchiha, and I don't want unnecessary damage on both sides!

"So you need to sacrifice the Uchiha clan?"

"I didn't have that idea!"

"But everything you and Uchiha do is premised on sacrificing the interests of the Uchiha clan, isn't it?"

"In your eyes, Konoha Village seems to be better than everything, including the family, isn't it?"

"Didn't you think of other ways to resolve the conflict between the clan and Konoha?"

Haruno smiled at Uchiha Itachi, making the other party's face ugly.

Truly! The central idea of both he and Shisui is to revolve around Konoha Village, and even give everything for the peace and stability of the village.

Although I don't know what Shuishui thinks in his heart, in his heart, the shortcomings of the Uchiha family are indeed a lot, and he feels how he sees it.

Sometimes I feel that if this family....

Ay! What was he thinking?

"You said so much... Have you thought of a way to resolve the conflict between the Uchiha clan and the village? The

ferret stared at each other with his kaleidoscopic chakra eyes open, wanting to hear what this man could do.


"Wouldn't it be okay to let those Uchiha people who have an opinion about Konoha Village leave Konoha Village?"

Haruno smiled and gave his own idea. He just wants to pull away a group of Uchiha's clansmen, and he doesn't want the Uchiha clan to eventually become two or three kittens after the extinction of the clan as in the original book.

"Impossible! Uchiha is the Uchiha of Konoha, our ancestors worked hard to start Konoha Village, why let us leave? Before

Uchiha could object, Uchiha Fugaku on the side stared at Haruno with his kaleidoscopic chakra eyes and smiled and refused.

"The ancestor? Uchiha spots?

"Wasn't he the first to jump out of Konoha Village?"

Haruno laughed at Uchiha Fugaku's words. Hearing Uchiha Fugaku's head was bruised, but he couldn't refute it.

"In fact, at that time, Uchiha probably also saw that Konoha Village was not suitable for the life of the Uchiha clan at all, but at that time, the Uchiha clan people were all confused by the hard-won comfortable life and betrayed their patriarch..."

If the Uchiha clan were willing to leave Konoha with Uchiha back then, then now the ninja world is the six major ninja villages, and Uchiha will also have its own village..."

"Instead of being kept in the Konoha Police Department like a dog like now, releasing it to bite when Konoha needs it, and tying you guys on a dog leash when you don't need it!"

"Now I feel that your threat is increasing, and I feel that I can't grasp you and want to destroy your clan..."

Haruno Xiao actually has great respect for Uchiha Madara, this guy actually hopes to bring peace to the world.

It's just that he was fooled by the black absolute, and the method was used incorrectly!

"Madara, the ancestral matter is already in the past, what we need is to focus on the present and look to the future..."

"Although your method sounds good, do those Uchiha people who want to stage a coup really want to leave Konoha Village?"

Compared to Uchiha Fugaku's persistence, Itachi thinks more comprehensively, and he is also thinking about the feasibility of this method.

"Itachi, you..."

Fugaku couldn't imagine that his son would be interested in such a method, this is splitting the Uchiha clan! Doesn't he, the current patriarch of the Uchiha clan, want face?

"Fugaku! I'll just say you're not a qualified patriarch! The style doesn't open up at all..."

"It seems that your apparatus is only that!"

When Uchiha heard Haruno's laughing words, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, and couldn't help but listen more carefully to the other party's next words with a more serious expression.

"Isn't the Senju clan a good example?"

"Will they be able to put down Konoha Village? Why do you Uchiha clan insist? Haruno

laughed at Uchiha Fugaku, and then took out the Senju clan, the old rival of the Uchiha clan, as an example. Uchiha Itachi also moved in his heart, and he felt that it was.

Senju and Uchiha founded Konoha, and now it seems that there is really only the Uchiha clan in Konoha Village, so what about the Senju clan?

When did they disappear?

Itachi was deeply puzzled by this....

"The Senju clan did not leave, they just integrated into Konoha Village incognito and became part of Konoha!"

"That's the second-generation Mechishou flying decision!"

Fugaku seemed to have discovered the mistake of what Haruno Xiao said, and immediately returned with a mocking face. It seems that he is laughing at the other party's short-sightedness....

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