"Putting the Uchiha clan in charge of the work of the Konoha Police Department is also a decision made by Senju, now what do you think of the impression of Uchiha, a villager in Konoha Village?"

"Nasty! Dislike! Still hate... This is how the residents of Konoha Village now have an impression of the Uchiha clan! The bad impression of your Uchiha clan has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people..."

"Ordinary villagers are so scared when they see Uchiha's clan that they want to take a detour!"

Haruno smiled mercilessly said a fact, which made the pair of Uchiha father and son in front of them turn blue and their eyes red.

But...... This is a fact!

The reputation of the Uchiha clan seems to have been ruined long ago, and it can't be regarded as everyone shouting and beating in Konoha, but it is also a god hatred...

Most of the villagers don't like Uchiha!

"Returning to the Senju clan, Patriarch Fugaku, can you tell now which people in Konoha Village are members of the Senju clan?"

"Oh! Except for the Senju Tsunade who took the initiative to leave Konoha and did not want to return to the village..."

Haruno was not angry at all at this for such words, but smiled and waited for the other party's answer.

He was also curious about whether Uchiha Fugaku, as the patriarch of his old rival, knew the current details of the Senju clan.

"Uh... "In

short, there must be a remnant of the Senju clan in Konoha Village..." Under the

gaze of his son, Uchiha Fugaku was actually flushed with a smile from Haruno.

In fact, he really didn't know who else in Konoha Village besides Tsunade was still a member of the Senju clan.

Or maybe he didn't care about these things at all before....

After all, the Senju clan can be regarded as completely ending in Konoha Village, so they are qualified to be called the strongest clan in Konoha Village!

"Look! Can't say it!

"The Senju clan has already been persecuted by your third-generation Hokage, and there are only two or three kittens left! And the rest of the people do not dare to rise up, for fear of persecution! "

Why wasn't Tsunade's departure such a choice because she was so disappointed in Konoha Village?"

"Good Thousand Hands Clan Land, only the ancestral home is left at this time, and the rest has long been divided up by those Konoha high-ranking people and turned into their assets..."

"Otherwise, do you think that after the death of the fourth generation of Meiba Feng Shuimen, why did the ape flying sun slash that guy refuse to retire?"

"Is it really no one who succeeds? Could it be that as his apprentice, were none of the three Shinobi who had made outstanding contributions to Konoha qualified?

"Without it! It's just a fainting!

Haruno smiled and looked at the Uchiha father and son, then slowly walked to Uchiha's side, and then took out a tube of green injection and accurately inserted it into the blood vessels in the other's neck.

"What are you doing to stop the water?"

"And what is that?"

Itachi saw Haruno laughing strange things into Shuishui's body, and regardless of the shock of what he had just said, he immediately asked nervously.

"Hey! Of course it's a good thing..."

"Have you heard of flesh enhancers?"

"Ordinary people are not blessed! Fifty million taels on the black market outside..."

Haruno laughed not caring about Uchiha's thoughts, and had already taken the opportunity to collect some blood when he withdrew the needle.

"This flesh enhancer actually sells for fifty million taels!"

It was the first time Uchiha had heard of something like a flesh enhancer, but listening to the name, he knew that the effect of this thing was definitely to increase the strength of the flesh. And after hearing Haruno's laughing offer, he was also shocked, he couldn't imagine that this thing was so expensive....

"This is the flesh enhancer?!"

"Can you sell me a tube..."

Uchiha Fugaku has also heard of this thing, it is a priceless existence in the black market, and it is very rare.

It is said that the effect is extremely miraculous, not only can people's flesh be greatly enhanced, even ordinary people can instantly have the physique of a ninja who specializes in physical arts like Zhongnin, and even make people rejuvenate!

Most of the real buyers of this thing are those noble and high-ranking officials, and it is said that those who have used this flesh enhancer have been rejuvenated....

In fact, it is said that the effect of ninjas is better after use!

It's that this thing is too rare, and the amount that flows out every year is small, and it is basically robbed by those big nobles when it appears.

Fifty million taels is just a conservative price, in fact, the general circulation price of the black market will be higher!

"Yo huh! The Fuyue patriarch knows the goods!

"Looks like you've had enough of the side effects of Kaleidoscope Sharingan!" Hope this thing can improve the vision of your eyes?

Haruno was not surprised that Uchiha Fugaku knew about the flesh enhancer, after all, this thing was marketed by him from obscurity to a nobleman of the great powers of the ninja world.

This effect is of course barbaric for ordinary people, and it can make those nobles who usually do not exercise get extraordinary strength at once!

Even this price was inflated by Haruno Xiao himself, and then sold it to himself, and then gave it as a gift to those business partners who needed cooperation.

What nobleman would refuse such a good thing?

So of course, Haruno Xiao's money is also a lot of money, and by the way, the connections in various countries have also been beaten....

And he also completely activated the effect of the flesh enhancer! Those who have used it are his humanoid ads, which makes the buyers endless.

However, Haruno Xiao was very careful to flow out in small batches every time, and most of the people who sold it were his partners, and he was informed that there was a time limit.

As a result, most of those big nobles are ready-to-use, and can't wait to see its magical effect.

And this thing did not disappoint them ....

Those who want to crack this thing may be disappointed, even if they can analyze the production process of this thing, but many rare materials they can't find anything to replace.

"Can this flesh enhancer eliminate the side effects of kaleidoscope chakra?"

Uchiha Fugaku thought of Haruno Laugh's identity before Konoha - the medical director of Konoha Village Hospital! He guessed that this thing might be the other party's handwriting, so he opened his kaleidoscope and asked with great anticipation.

Side effect?

Kaleidoscope Sharingan also has side effects!

It was the first time that the Uchiha Weasel knew that the divine power of their Uchiha clan would actually have side effects! So he also looked at Haruno with a solemn expression, wanting to get some information from the other party's mouth.

"The kaleidoscope chakra eye will not be able to stand it if you use it too much, and slowly you will be blind!"

Noticing the eager gazes of the Uchiha father and son who possessed kaleidoscope chakra eyes, Haruno first slowly spoke out about the side effects of kaleidoscope chakra eyes.

In an instant, it made Uchiha Itachi's face change greatly....

I can't imagine that using more kaleidoscope to write wheel eyes will actually make people blind!

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