"In fact, my flesh enhancer still has a somewhat repairing effect on your increasingly blurred vision."

"But don't rejoice first, its effect can only restore your vision to a certain extent, and after you continue to use the kaleidoscope chakra eye in the future, your vision will still gradually blur!"

"And the flesh enhancer is also resistant, and the second use may not have such a good effect..."

Haruno explained to Uchiha Fugaku with a smile, he guessed that this guy's eyes should be blurry, otherwise he would not have been on a stinky face that remained unchanged for ten thousand years all day.

"If it works!"

"I just wish I could see my family again..."

Uchiha Fugaku was also very happy when he heard the effect, if there was a choice, who wants to be blind

... "Give! Remember to owe me 100 million taels..."

"I also counted this guy's share for you!" Anyway, in the future, your Uchiha clan will be destroyed, it's better to cheapen me..."

Haruno laughed and took out a tube of green flesh enhancer again and threw it to Uchiha Fugaku, and then counted all the shares just now to the other party.

"Hey! You guy... What to do if it breaks! Seeing

Haruno laughing and throwing such a precious thing to himself, Uchiha Fugaku hurriedly watched the next step. As for the other party's remarks about the destruction of the Uchiha clan, he was also used to it, and he didn't bother to argue.

Looking at the emerald green color in the small test tube in his hand, Uchiha Fugaku felt very satisfied at this time.

In order not to affect his daily life, he practiced the Perception Technique to the fullest, just to cover up the side effects of his blurred vision.

With the ability of foreknowledge to write chakra eyes, will he be able to resist not using it?

He has already used it many times! So now my vision is also greatly affected....

But the more the ability to go against the sky, the greater its limitations!

Short-term foreknowledge is fine, if the longer the foreknowledge lasts, the greater the consumption of pupil power!

So much so that even Uchiha Fugaku, who has the ability to predict, does not know the fate of his Uchiha clan that will eventually be exterminated!


In the flow of his eyes, Uchiha Fugaku used the flesh enhancer for himself, and he felt the change in his body in an instant.

The strength of the flesh has been significantly enhanced, even the chakra in the body has become a lot more abundant, and the most important thing is that his eyes have become clear again!

How many years?

He was actually able to see his son's face again, instead of confirming it with perceptual skills...

"Haha... Really powerful effect! My eyes have become clearer..."

"And not only my physical strength, but also my Chakra has actually increased by half!"

"Fifty million taels is really worth the money!"

"Can you sell me another tube?"

Feeling the miraculous effect of this injection, Uchiha Fugaku was excited, and wanted to buy a tube again, which was regarded as an explanation for his embezzlement of public funds in the clan.

In all these years, apart from the birth of his younger brother Sasuke, Uchiha Itachi saw his father smile so happily for the first time.

So he was even more curious about the effect of this flesh enhancer, it must be extraordinary, so his father had such excitement, and even wanted to buy it again.

Fifty million taels!

How many S-class missions do you have to do?

"Thank you for your patronage!"

Haruno raised his eyebrows when he heard this, but he readily agreed, and continued to hand the other party a tube of flesh enhancer. He is also not afraid that this guy will run out of money, or if he owes debts.

The dignified Uchiha family, the skinny camel is bigger than the horse, there should not be much problem with this little money!

"It has a date of use, about three months, the longer it drags on, the weaker the effect, so watch for yourself!"

Seeing the other party put things away neatly, Haruno smiled and habitually prompted.

Suddenly, he found that the originally unconscious Uchiha Shisui had actually shown signs of waking up after using the flesh enhancer.

However, Haruno laughed without saying anything, but as if he hadn't seen it, and then brought the topic back to the current situation in Konoha Village...

"Konoha Village has become unbearable under the leadership of the Third Generation Hokage, and even Tsunadehime, the princess of the Senju clan, can't stand it!"

"So she came out of sight, out of mind, simply fled Konoha, gambled and lost money outside all day long, and bought drunk to get by..."

"She was sad in her heart, but she couldn't change the increasingly corrupt phenomenon of Konoha Village at this time!"

"Why has the Thousand Hands clan, which used to be numerous, disappeared now?"

"As the future of the Senju clan, why did the Senju rope tree die tragically at a young age in a simple task, and even the internal organs were dug up?"

"Even Tsunade's lover Kato broke, Konoha high-level did not let go..."

"The third generation of Mekaku Hibiki is really a good master!" In order to completely suppress the Thousand Hands clan and let them never turn over, it can be said that

they can do everything they can..." "Do you know why?"

Hearing Haruno laughing like this, both Uchiha Fugaku and Uchiha Itachi felt tremble in their hearts.

If these things were all done by the high-level of Konoha, then the depth of the scheming of the third generation of Sarutobi Hinata, and the insidious means of the means, can be described as outrageous.


, he..." Uchiha opened his mouth to defend himself with Sarutobi, but in the end he didn't know how to justify.

After all, from the meaning expressed in Haruno Xiao's words, whether it was from the seclusion of the Senju clan, or the sacrifice of Senju Rope Tree and Kato, or even Tsunade-hime's final choice, it undoubtedly showed that these things really seemed to be inseparable from the high-level of Konoha.

Looking at his father's heavy face, but did not refute it out loud, the matter seemed very delicate.

"It's more than that!"

"Itachi, Ape Flying Sun's control of his own rights is absolutely beyond your expectations!"

"Have you heard of Konoha White Fang? He is the father of your captain Kiki Kakashi..."

"The hero of World War II and World War III, he gave everything for Konoha, and is a very good ninja!" When he was alive, he suppressed all three Shinobi of Konoha, and was awarded the Hokage Half Sleeve by the Daimyo of the Fire Country!

"It was such an excellent ninja who gave up the mission in order to protect his companions, but in the end he was controlled by Konoha's high-level public opinion and spread rumors, and he was persecuted so hard that he needed to commit suicide!"

"His suicide may not be cowardice, but the will of fire in his heart being used and misinterpreted by the Konoha high-level..."

Haruno laughed and took out Konoha's White Fang again as an example. Because he is so typical, even Uchiha Fugaku has been overshadowed by the ninja's sacrifice.

Such an excellent ninja was actually persecuted to death by Konoha's high-ranking people like this, but many people felt worthless for it at that time!

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