Seeing that Uchiha seemed to be a little unimpressed, Haruno laughed and guessed that this young guy should not know much about Konoha White Fang, so he was a little interested.

Playing the piano to the cow, it feels like a white word....

However, the Uchiha water stop on the ground seems to be a little touched, and it should be listened. This made Haruno smile feel very relieved....

"Itachi, what do you say is the Will of Fire?"

Haruno smiled, who felt that Uchiha was a little unable to move, chose to interact with the other party directly this time. Otherwise, just what he said seemed too empty, and the effect did not seem to be too good for these dead eyes.

"Where Konoha flies, fire also grows. The fire will continue to illuminate the village and allow new leaves to sprout.

"The meaning of the Will of Fire should be: young people are the hope of the future, and the older generation should trust and guard them." The sacrifices of the older generation are not meaningless, but will inspire the young to become pillars of the future.

"The burning flame of fallen leaves is a metaphor for the heroic sacrifice of the older generation, and the newborn leaves are a metaphor for the young!"

It seems that Uchiha Itachi's understanding of the Will of Fire is still very mature, and after hearing Haruno Xiao's inquiry, he immediately said it head-on, and then looked at Haruno Xiao with a serious face, as if he wanted to wait for the other party's comment.


"Good! It's very good to understand, this is also what the third generation Hokage expects from you people..."

"But if you think about it, have the current Konoha high-level really achieved what they call the Will of Fire?"

Uchiha was also speechless when he heard such a question, thinking about how to answer. But Haruno smiled without stopping and continued to talk about the facts and make sense.

"Let's not talk about how many ninjas died in Konoha Village during World War II and World War III. During the three wars, even the students who were still attending the ninja school were forced to graduate early, and then sent to the battlefield as cannon fodder to die! "

What about the ape flying sun?"

"Most of the time in the rear, I sit firmly on the fishing platform!"

"The three generations of Mei Lei Kage single-handedly singled out the three generations of Metokage and the 10,000 Iwain ninjas, and fought for three days and three nights and finally died of exhaustion!"

"The fourth generation of Mekazekage was also ordered to lead the village of Sand Hidden to fight Konoha at that time. Many masters of Konoha Village have fought with him..."

"And what about our third generation Hokage?" Like the water shadow, they all shrunk behind as turtles..."

"Oh! The life of his ape flying sun is life, and the lives of other Konoha village ninjas are not worth anything!

"Return the will of fire! burned the young man, illuminated himself ... What a will of fire!

"Pity the children who were dragged out to be cannon fodder after a few years of ninja school, some of them still don't know what war is!" With a passion and enthusiasm, for Konoha to shine, it's a pity... How many will survive in the end?

"If it were the first and second generation, such a decision would never have been made!"

Haruno laughed at this time to the ape flying sun slash can be described as extremely sarcastic, saying that the other party is worthless, trying to smear the other party's tall image in the heart of Uchiha's brother and brother.

Uchiha's brother and brother were also difficult to hear at this time, but they were brainwashed by Ape Fei Ri for a long time, and it was difficult for them to accept these negative images of the other party as despicable and shameless, greedy for life and afraid of death, and dizzy for profit.

"Actually, the will of fire refers to a selfless spirit."

"The first Hokage Senjukuma is an important promoter of the formation of this will, and the will of fire was co-created by the villagers of Konoha in their long historical struggle..."

"It is the hope that there will be no barriers between the clans in the village, and they will all work together for the sake of the village." Every person of every ethnic group should not be limited to sacrificing for the benefit of the tribe, but should focus on the overall situation and contribute to the village. At the same time, the village should also protect its compatriots, because the people in the village are family. There will be no hierarchy between people due to powerful clans and ordinary clans..."

"This is the true original will of fire!"

Then Haruno Xiao said the central idea of the will of fire in the Senjukuma period of the first Hokage.

"The reason why Senjukuma and Uchiha established Konoha Village is to stop the war and allow innocent people to live in peace. Don't let those young children go to war, but have a happy childhood..."

"Think about what the Sarutobi Hinata did in Konoha's high-ranking people during the Third World War?"

"They sent all the little fart children who were still studying in the ninja school to the battlefield... Isn't that for them to send to death?

As one of the victims, Haruno Xiao was also almost killed by this system.

The battlefield is terrible, and for their ninja eggs who drive ducks into battle and force graduation, it is simply a meat grinder!

Even if Haruno Xiao chose to become a medical ninja, he almost survived several times in the battlefield...

If Hinata hadn't saved his life, he might not have done these things now!

The so-called millennium of grace and fruit....

At the beginning, Haruno Xiao risked exposure to change Hinata's fate in order to avenge that fate.

"That's a last resort... Otherwise, without personnel replenishment, we may not be able to win the three battles..." As

if whispering, Uchiha Weasel's lips moved slightly, whispering for the three generations of ape flying sun.

Uchiha Fugaku only then knew that his son seemed to have been deeply poisoned and was completely brainwashed by the idea of ape flying sun. Even he himself could hear the hatefulness of the ape flying sun slashing those Konoha high-ranking people in Haruno's laughing words.

And now his eldest son actually wants to whitewash what the other party has done....

What's going on!?

Is the person in front of you still the genius son who makes him proud?

"Huh... Lack of people?

"Itachi, you're still too naïve..."

"We don't lack ninjas in Konoha! Your father knows this best... Which family does not have private soldiers?

"At that time, the Konoha high-level did not choose to take the ninja's private soldiers, but chose to let the civilian ninjas and their descendants consume as cannon fodder..."

Haruno couldn't help but think of those days, which could be described as his most vulnerable and darkest time, and every day was fearful, step by step, because if he was not careful, he would burp.

"Now if the entire Konoha says who is the number one clan, it must be the Sarutobi clan!"

"The number of ninjas in his family will definitely shock you if they are exposed, even if the Uchiha and Hinata clans combined are not as large as the Sarutobi clan..."

It is because of their high-level ninja clan in Konoha, most of their ninjas are in safer places during every big war, and few people die!

"The other ninja suffered heavy losses, but their people didn't suffer much damage, didn't the gap come out all of a sudden?"

Don't say that in the future, the current ninja of the Sarutobi clan is not to mention a thousand people according to Haruno Xiao! Which family in Konoha Village can compare with it now?

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