Haruno's laughing words made Uchiha Fugaku fall into deep thought, before he really couldn't think that the so-called Konoha first family status had already been stolen by the Sarutobi clan.

Speaking of which, Sarutobi has been cultivating in the position of Hokage for so long, and the entire Konoha Village is his pasture, can the Sarutobi clan not prosper?

It's just that people hide very well and keep a low profile, unlike their Uchiha family as the target of everyone, attracting hatred!

Uchiha Fugaku began to realize that Sarutobi's thoughts had indeed had a huge impact on Itachi. And he himself, as the elder of the family, actually knew nothing about it before.

Or perceive, but choose to turn a blind eye!

Just blindly believe in their own son ....

He may not really be a qualified patriarch, nor a qualified father!

"Father, I..."

Uchiha wanted to say something, but seeing his father's confused eyes looking at him, he swallowed the words back. He knew that his previous choice had disappointed the other party very much.

"Itachi, you've grown up and have your own mind. However, you also have to understand that as a Uchiha clan, the interests of the family are above all else.

"Otherwise, how can you be worthy of the family that gave birth to you and raised you?" You have to think about the family, not for an outsider..."

"Ape flying sun slash is not as good as you think!"

Uchiha Fugaku sighed and patted his eldest son on the shoulder, suddenly feeling a little tired and not even maintaining the kaleidoscope chakra eyes in his eyes.

Uchiha lowered his head and nodded silently.

He knew that his father was saying this for his own good. He also understood that he could no longer swing left and right like this. Maybe you have to do something for the family to make up for the mistakes you made before.

"Father, I will try..."

said Uchiha firmly. He knows that he still has a long way to go, but he is willing to work hard and fight for the sake of his family and for those who have given for himself.

At the same time, he also wanted to see what kind of people the current high-level of Konoha was, and whether they were really as unbearable as Haruno Xiao said.

And Haruno smiled at the conversation between their father and son, and there was some emotion in his heart. He knew that the world was never that simple. Everyone has their own beliefs and pursuits, and these beliefs and pursuits often lead them down different paths.

"Itachi..." At

this moment, Uchiha Shisui, who was still pretending to be dead, finally couldn't help but wake up, otherwise his little brother would have been successfully brainwashed by Haruno Xiao.

Although he also felt a lot about what he said just now, he didn't want Itachi to think completely from the standpoint of the Uchiha clan. Because in Shisui's opinion, the Uchiha clan is just as important as Konoha Village, and they are all objects that he needs to protect.

"Stop the water, you're awake! Great..."

Itachi was very happy to see his friend wake up, which made his already somewhat depressed mood a little relieved.

"Stop the water, how are you feeling? Are you okay?

Uchiha Fugaku also came over at this time and asked with concern. In fact, what he was most concerned about was the effect of the other party after using the flesh enhancer.

"It's okay... Except for the eyes that are a little uncomfortable, I feel very good now... Thank you for your help, this gentleman..."

Shuishui also stood up under the help of the weasel, and after moving his hands and feet, he found that he was actually treated, and the internal and external injuries and toxins in the body disappeared. So he sensed Haruno's smile and pretended not to know how to thank him.

"Alright! Don't pretend in front of me Haruno Xiao, you can't fool anyone about me, a medical ninja!"

"Did you hear what I said just now?"

"I think that if the clansmen of the Uchiha clan who want to stage a coup d'état are allowed to leave Konoha Village, no one will disturb the peace of Konoha Village."

"I wonder what you think?"

Haruno Xiao didn't want to waste time with Uchiha in front of him, and directly said the purpose.

"This... A good idea indeed!

Uchiha thought about it and found that if he did so, he might really be able to solve the conflict between Konoha Village and the Uchiha clan.

Since you don't like it, then don't make do with living together, so that the contradictions between the two sides will naturally be gone.


can our Uchiha clan split?"

Uchiha Fugaku couldn't imagine that this guy was actually persuaded all of a sudden, but in the face of this genius in the clan, let his son awaken the kaleidoscope chakra eye, he still needs to give some face. It's just that he is a little angry at this time, mourning his misfortune...

"Patriarch Fuyue, I just said that your pattern is not enough! After wasting so much of my saliva, can't you still see that the Konoha high-level has already taken a blind eye to your Uchiha clan?

"The extermination I said would probably have happened without my intervention!" This is no joke...,"

Haruno said to the three people next to him with a serious expression. He wasn't joking, not only Konoha's high-level, but Uchiha's anti-bone boy Obito also wanted to eliminate the Uchiha clan, and didn't want more kaleidoscope chakra eyes to appear.

After all, the uncertainty of the kaleidoscope chakra eye is too great, and once the eyes are opened, it may become a powerful pervert.

"You are also from our Uchiha clan, why can't you help us solve this problem?"

"In this case, our clan does not need to be divided!"

"Since ancient times, our Uchiha clan has not been divided..."

It turns out that Uchiha Fugaku is fighting such an idea, no wonder he has always emphasized not to engage in separatism.

"What are you kidding?"

"Will Uchiha listen to me or yours then?"

"I can't see your indecision..." "

Can the patriarch still make me a fool?"

Haruno rolled her eyes with a smile, feeling that Uchiha Fugaku in front of him was really stubborn.

"As long as you don't split the Uchiha clan, even if you are the patriarch of the Uchiha clan..." Uchiha

Fugaku still insisted on his own tradition of not splitting the family, and even took out the position of patriarch as a bargaining chip.



Shisui and Itachi didn't expect Fugaku to actually say such a thing, and immediately wanted to stop it.

"Don't say any more! If Haruno Xiao can solve the dilemma of our Uchiha clan in Konoha Village at this time, it is also appropriate to make him the patriarch..."

"After all, he also has our Uchiha bloodline, and even successfully awakened the kaleidoscope chakra eye!"

"With his wisdom and strength, the patriarch of our clan is more than prominent!"

In fact, Uchiha Fugaku has a deeper idea, that is, the other party's medical ninjutsu is so powerful, and the side effects of their father and son's kaleidoscope chakra eyes may need to be treated by the other party in the future.

A tube of reagents can sell 50 million taels of ruthless people, and Yu Zhibo may really be able to prosper again under the leadership of the other party.

Money is not everything, but having money can make many original impossible possible!

For example, let Uchiha produce a Hokage....

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