It can be seen that it is not that the Uchiha clan is proud and complacent and cannot integrate into Konoha Village, but that Konoha Village or Konoha high-level does not want the Uchiha clan to live in peace with other villagers.

This made Uchiha feel a lot for a while...

The tall and majestic figure that the original three-generation Hokage Ape had slashed in his heart became fragmented in an instant, replaced by a despicable villain.

How respectful before, how hostile it is now!

It's not a small thing for the honest man to launch a rage, and at this time, Uchiha wants to immediately return to Konoha Village to regain his right eye from Shimura Danzo! Then share with his good friend Itachi about life here in Star Shinobi Village....

So love will disappear, love will shift....

"Haha... Stop the water, it's good that you can have such thoughts, proving that you have finally grown up and are no longer brainwashed by the so-called will of fire..."

Compared to Konoha Village, isn't it more important to give birth to the Uchiha clan that gave birth to you?

"Without Uchiha, there would be no you, Uchiha stop the water!"

"As for Konoha Village, it is in the midst of those decaying Konoha high-ranking rulers at this time... Their conflict with the Uchiha clan will not be resolved at all, either you die or he dies..."

"Your right eye is the best evidence!"

Haruno is very satisfied with Uchiha's change to stop the water. He still has some expectations for this genius of Uchiha, and this guy's talent seems to be stronger than that of Uchiha Itachi.

Can open Susa with one eye in a severely injured state, which shows that Uchiha's potential to stop water is so powerful! In the future, it may be possible to use Susanoo without opening the kaleidoscope Sharingan, and even to the extent that Uchiha can open Susa without eyes....


"I was loyal to the Third Generation Hokage before, and I was bent on changing the conflict between Konoha Village and the Uchiha clan, but I didn't want to..."

Uchiha couldn't help but touch his right eye when he heard this, this new three-hook jade chakra eye always gave him a sense of strangeness, and at this time he was a little impatient to take back his kaleidoscope chakra eye.

At this time, Uchiha Shisui's respect for the third generation of Hokage Ape Hibiki had turned hostility, which was a profound change.

He originally thought that Hokage was the hero who protected the village, but now he found that the other party was an obstacle that prevented Uchiha from coexisting peacefully with the rest of the villagers.

The memories of the past seem ridiculous now, and I don't know why I couldn't see the wolf ambitions of those high-ranking Konoha at that time...

"Stop the water! At that time, you were also a fan of the authorities, the so-called Ichiba blinded Tarzan, at this time you have jumped out of the strange circle of Konoha Village, so you can be a bystander and recognize the true face of the other party!

Haruno Xiao couldn't help but feel that this transformation of the other party not only revealed the cruelty of the power struggle, but also reflected the complexity of human nature.

"yes! I'm still too young, I was a little ignorant before, and I didn't know that people's hearts are sinister..."

Uchiha stopped the water for a while. This foolish young man, who was once full of blood and ideals, has finally recognized the reality.

He actually still believes in the will of fire, but it is the will of fire in his heart.

Shisui no longer blindly believed in the Konoha high-level at this time, believing that those people were not the executors of the Will of Fire at all. This is a blasphemy against the noble character of the Will of Fire....

"Stop the water, you have to understand that the world is not as simple as you think. What black and white, what good and evil, it's just a difference in position..."

"The high-level of Konoha Village may have their own considerations and interests, but this does not mean that all decisions are right or that they are all in the best interests of the village. Sometimes, they may make some bad decisions and even sacrifice some innocent people to assert their own power.

"In the eyes of Sarutobi Hinata and Shimura Danzo, anyone and anything that can threaten their rule is a threat! And the Uchiha clan just threatens their rule, so it will inevitably become a thorn in their eyes, and the contradictions between the two sides are inevitable..."

"I know that you are a person with ideals and ambitions, and you hope to change the world through your own efforts." But you know what? Sometimes, we can't change the world just by ourselves, we need to learn to adapt to the world, and even learn to survive in the world.

Haruno said softly with a smile, his eyes seemed to be full of profound and broad wisdom.

Uchiha listened silently, his eyes full of deep thought. There were mixed emotions flashing in his eyes, and he seemed to be thinking about Haruno's words and thinking about his future.

"I see... I will try to understand the world, try to adapt to the world, and try to find my own path, even if it is not easy.

"But... I only live for the Uchiha family now!

"Haruno Xiao-sama, we people will ask you to take care of it in the future..."

Uchiha's voice was low and hoarse, and his words were full of firmness and determination, which made people can't help but be moved. At the same time, he also knelt down on one knee to salute, formally showing loyalty to the man in front of him.

Haruno looked at him with a smile, a little proud in his heart, but his face still maintained his demeanor, and he hurriedly helped the other party up.

"Alright! Get up... I don't like these cumbersome etiquette here... Respect is good in your heart! "

How about I take you back to Konoha Village next?"

"I believe that Patriarch Fugaku is also worried about these clansmen who left Konoha Village at this time... At that time, you can report to him about life here and catch up with the weasel guy. When

Uchiha heard this, a grateful light flashed in his eyes. He knew that Haruno Xiao's proposal was an opportunity and a challenge for him.

Maybe he can try to convince the patriarch Fugaku and leave with the clansmen in Konoha Village. After all, Star Shinobi Village is a wonderful paradise for the Uchiha family!

"Yes, Haruno-sama!"

Uchiha said earnestly, his tone full of determination.

Haruno looked at him with a smile, and couldn't help but secretly praise in his heart.

This Uchiha stop fruit is so flickering! No wonder they were brainwashed into two stunned people by ape flying sun before....

However, the other party's talent is extraordinary, or the genius of Uchiha who opened a kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, is a rare talent for himself!

Maybe he can become his right hand in the future....

Then the two also looked like they were talking happily, and most of the time it was Haruno who smiled to answer the question of stopping the water.

Haruno Xiao was also frightened by the other party's curiosity, so he quickly diverted the topic and used teleportation to take him back to the Uchiha clan land in Konoha Village.

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