"Patriarch! Weasel..."

"Stop the water!"

After Shisui saw the Fugaku patriarch again, he also happily reported to him the living situation of these Uchiha clansmen in Hoshinin Village, and also expressed his thoughts to Itachi.

Itachi was also very happy to see Shisui again, and the original dissatisfaction with his choice to leave Konoha Village disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Stop the water, it's good that you're back..." The

weasel looked at the stop water, his eyes were full of relief and joy, and he couldn't help but hug it. He thought it would take him a long time to see each other!

"I'm back, Itachi."

Holding his friend hard, he patted the weasel on the back hard to vent his joy.

"How are you doing in Star Shinobi Village?"

Haruno had also told them about Hoshinin Village before, but Itachi still wanted to know the specific situation in Shisui's mouth.

"Very good! The people there were welcoming, there was no discrimination, no hostility, and they even adored us, so the people loved it. "

Star Shinobi Village is indeed a very suitable place for our Uchiha clan to live!"

"I've learned a lot and seen a lot during this time, which made me know how ridiculous my previous choices were..."

"It's not that we Uchiha can't live like normal people, it's just that the top of Konoha doesn't seem to want us to blend in with Konoha!"

"I will live for the future of the Uchiha clan in the future, so I have already been honored by Haruno Laugho-sama..."

"If I can, I hope that the patriarch can lead the remaining clansmen out of Konoha together and start a new life in Hoshinin Village!"

"The residents of Konoha Village have too deep a prejudice against us Uchiha under the guidance of the current high-level, and leaving here may be the best choice..." Uchiha

Shisui looked at the Fugaku patriarch and Itachi in front of him, and couldn't help but say his opinion of Hoshinin Village with a serious expression, and at the same time he also expressed his attitude towards himself at this time.

"Is that so?!"

"Originally, I was worried about the difficulties you would encounter outside!"

"It seems that you are really satisfied with the Hoshinin Village, then I believe that the other Uchiha people should also like the life there..."

Stop the water, this may be difficult..."

Uchiha Fugaku's originally serious expression began to soothe when he heard this, and at the same time, his heart was relieved.

However, he did not express his position lightly on the suggestion that the whole clan leave Konoha Village, after all, it was too much of an impact to let the Uchiha clan leave Konoha Village!

Besides, he is not a one-sided person in the Uchiha clan, and many old stubborns will definitely not agree easily.

You must know that some time ago, it was already his greatest effort to be able to let some of the old, weak, sick and some retired ninja family ninjas leave Konoha Village.

"Patriarch, I know your difficulties. But you can let some dissenting clansmen come with me to live in Star Shinobi Village for a while, I believe they will change their minds..." Thinking

of his change of thought during this time, he felt that no matter how good it was, it was better to let some people personally experience the life of the Neiyuchiha people in Star Shinobi Village.

Under the beautiful fact, all difficulties and obstacles within the family may be solved!

"Your idea is good..."

Uchiha Fugaku nodded abruptly after hearing Uchiha's suggestion to stop the water, and then began to discuss specific matters with the other party.

Uchiha looked at a good friend with a completely different mental outlook, although calm as water on the surface, his heart was indeed galloping.

I couldn't imagine that the water stopper, which had made it his life's mission to protect Konoha's peace, had now thrown Konoha aside, as if he didn't care at all.

Perhaps, as the other party said, he will live for the Uchiha family in the future....

But what about yourself?

And what should he do?

Do you continue to follow the other person's steps, or...

"Stop the water, can I go to the Star Ninja Village to take a look?"

Just when Uchiha Fugaku and Uchiha were discussing the water, Uchiha suddenly interjected. At this time, he really wanted to see the difference between the Star Shinobi Village and Konoha Village, which made Shisui very satisfied.

Can the Uchiha clan really be accepted there?

If it was really so beautiful to stop the water, maybe it would be a good choice for their Uchiha clan to leave Konoha Village...

Without the existence of their Uchiha clan, then Konoha Village should also restore peace, and he can be regarded as protecting Konoha, and he has not been sorry for the family.

In this way, this method is indeed the best of both worlds!

"Yes! Absolutely!

"I'm sure you'll like Shangshinobi Village..."

Shisui was stunned when he heard this, and then agreed to his good friend's request with a smile. In fact, he also wants Itachi to see the beautiful Hoshinin Village, where he seems to have found the future of the Uchiha clan.

"Well, I'd love to see it there too!"

"Star Shinobi Village... Sounds very good..."

Uchiha heard Shisui's answer, and a satisfied smile appeared on his face, as if he was very curious about the life of Uchiha's clan in Hoshinin Village.

"Itachi, you just need to keep your mind, the people there are not the same as the villagers of Konoha Village. Well...... They're even a little welcoming, so protect yourself and don't be scared by them..."

Shisui looked at the handsome-looking weasel, and a trace of worry flashed in his eyes. He suddenly thought of the crazy pursuit of the girls in Star Shinobi Village, and he couldn't help but shiver.

I hope that the cold Itachi will not be surprised by their enthusiasm when he contacts the girls of the Star Shinobi Village, and it will be bad if it causes a misunderstanding.

"Hmm... Stop the water, I'll be careful..."

Itachi noticed the strange expression of the water stop, and although he was a little skeptical, he nodded his head to show his attitude.

"Father, I need to go to the dark department to ask for a period of leave!"

"Let's go!"

Then Uchiha asked his father for instructions, and only turned to leave after getting an answer.

Because before leaving Konoha Village, he needs to deal with some things, and then he can get to know the strange village of Star Shinobi Village with peace of mind.

To get to know the people there, to understand their lives, to learn about their faith...

Uchiha needs to personally determine whether Star Shinobi Village is really suitable for the Uchiha family to settle and live.

Shisui looked at the back of the ferret, and his heart was full of expectation. He hopes that Itachi can see the beauty of Hoshinin Village, and he hopes that he can understand his choice.

He knew it was a tough decision. But he believes that as long as they persevere, the Uchiha family will be able to find their own way out.

Star Shinobi Village may be a good place to go....

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