There are eight ways to sweep, split, dial, cut, skim, cut, cut, chop, and stab! And the knife technique of the Qimu family focuses on cutting, chopping, and stabbing!

Pay attention to fast and ruthless, decisive and ruthless, and quickly solve opponents in the simplest way in high-speed sports battles.

However, from Haruno Xiao's current knife technique, it seems that it is only the most basic fur, and it seems to be teasing himself.

Did the other party not master the deep-level stunts, or did they disdain to use them?

Seeing this familiar knife technique, Kakashi's mind was uncertain, and he couldn't help but fall into a bitter battle.

"Kakashi, don't you still understand? The weak are not qualified to question the strong questions..."

"I'm in a good mood and may answer you, if I'm in a bad mood, I'm sorry."

"Do you think I'm in a good mood right now?"

After slashing at Kakashi's Chidori blade and then kicking the other party away, Haruno couldn't help but take off the chakra knife in his hand in disappointment.


Kakashi, whose intestines were almost kicked off, let out a mouthful of bitter water, and the Chidori blade in his hand could no longer be maintained.

However, in order not to be attacked again, he still tried to stabilize his body, leaned over and landed on all fours, and then fled to the side of the woods.

At this time, Kakashi did not want to know the purpose of the other party's coming to Konoha Village, and keeping her name was the most important period.

Ay! It's not that I don't work hard, it's really that the other party is too strong to beat ah!

"Hmph! Let you go first... It's been three years, but this little improvement is not enough!

"Kakashi, you still need to continue to get stronger!"

Looking at Kakashi, who was embarrassed to leave, Haruno Xiao did not chase after him. This time he met the other party was also an accident, and when he saw the other party holding a small yellow book leisurely flipping through it, he couldn't help but hit a place, so he couldn't help but teach the other party a hard lesson again.

Now it seems that the other party has made progress in the past few years, but not much, worthy of his previous genius name.

It's only three years that there is one more Chidori Blade Ninjutsu, and it can't work....

Accidentally got the inheritance of the Qimu knife art from Shimura Danzo, Haruno Xiao was also a calf to test the knife, and after adding his own experience, he quickly turned into his own skills.

It is still appropriate to bully Kakashi, who seems to have given up the Kiki knife technique, just like a father teaching his son!

I just don't know if I woke up the other party....

I didn't learn the wooden knife method well, and I was decadent for so many years. Kakashi, you should also reflect on it!

"Haruno laughing?!"

"This guy is actually that strong?"

After seeing Haruno laughing and teasing Kakashi before dashing away, Uchiha Obito, who was peeping in the Kamui space, couldn't help but feel refreshed, and felt that his originally headache-torn head was also relieved a lot.

Really! He felt comfortable seeing Kakashi unlucky!

It's just that what's going on with this Haruno laugh?

I remember that the other party seems to be a rebel of Konoha Village, who defected in recent years, and it was still a sensation at that time, allowing many noble ladies to come to Konoha Village to make trouble.

In the end, it didn't go away....

It's just that I didn't expect that the other party's strength was so strong, pressing Kakashi to fight, so that the other party had no ability to resist at all.

Can you consider pulling the other party into the know?

Haruno Xiao didn't know that after Uchiha took the soil to spy on him to teach Kakashi a lesson, he actually moved his mind to pull himself into the gang and join the Xiao organization.

If these things really happened, he would definitely have to avoid his unlucky bastard!

At this time, although Haruno Xiao was strong, he didn't want to contact Hei Jue, a difficult guy, so quickly.

This thousand-year-old Yin Bi, the Great Filial Piety of the Ninja World Agarwood does not know what unknown means to hide.

Therefore, Haruno Xiao has always been low-key development, and he tried not to attract the attention of that guy before he was invincible.

After all, the accumulation of thousands of years of time is that a pig will also become a pig demon, and this guy is definitely more than as simple as shown in the original work.

"Brother Kakashi! What's wrong with you?

"Naruto, I'm okay! Did you meet any strange people today? Kakashi

, who escaped Haruno's teasing and teasing, did not immediately report the incident to the three generations of Hokage, choosing to go home to check on his teacher's son, Naruto.

That's right! After the last beating of Haruno laughter, Kiki Kakashi had already brought Naruto Uzumaki with him to live. For this reason, he also had a fierce fight with the three generations of Hokage.

If it hadn't been for Jiraiya's sudden appearance and showing support for himself, his approach might have fallen into disaster.

After investigation, the high-level of Konoha has really become corrupt as Haruno Xiao said!

Although Kakashi knew the dangers of taking Naruto with him to live, he resolutely chose to follow his inner thoughts for the sake of guilt and responsibility in his heart.

Just as he didn't give up his friend's Sharingan, he wouldn't ignore his teacher's children to suffer all the time.

Naruto's child, as a nine-tailed human pillar force, is undoubtedly important to Konoha Village. If Haruno laughter is bad for Konoha Village, then Naruto's safety definitely needs to be vigilant.

"Nope! Brother Kakashi!

"Is there something going on?" How are you mysterious?

Naruto looked at Kakashi's eyes, full of doubt.

Kakashi took a deep look at Naruto, but still didn't choose to tell the other party.

Although he has also tried hard to teach this child in recent years, the relationship between the two does not seem to be very good, and his teaching effect is very limited. On the contrary, the guy from Zilaiya and this child smell a little stinky and became a year-end friend.

It's just that this kid is still too innocent and ignorant of the dangers of Konoha Village. But he also understood that Naruto, who was a human pillar of power, was better to be simple for the time being, and letting the other side deal with those dark sides too early could easily be affected by the negative emotions of the Nine Tails.

Let Haruno laugh let him bear it alone!

Although he was severely repaired, Kakashi felt that the other party at least did not mean to kill him.

It's more about studying your own strength!

Well...... It would be better if it wasn't so poisonous and vicious.


"Naruto, you just need to know that no matter what happens, I will protect you... Absolute!

Kakashi looked deeply at Naruto with a firm tone.

Naruto looked at Kakashi's eyes, and a warm current welled up in his heart.

He knew that although his eldest brother who suddenly appeared was usually a little smelly, just like the smelly Sasuke in that school, the other party really thought about him.

He cherishes this hard-won feeling!

"Okay, big brother! I will also try to become stronger and will not cause you trouble.

"You're going to me hard tonight!"

Naruto, who sensed the uneasiness in the other party's heart and did not want to be a burden to the other party, said in a firm tone.

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