"It's training! Not tweaking!

"I said... O Naruto! You usually give me a good study of cultural lessons, okay?!

Kakashi couldn't help but stiffen when he heard this, and then looked at Naruto speechlessly. Unhappily, he rubbed the dog's head angrily at Naruto, turning the other party's hairstyle into a chicken nest head.

This guy's cultural lessons are still as bad as ever!

His teacher Feng Shuimon is said to be a famous genius like himself when he was in ninja school, what happened to Naruto?

Could it be that the electric shock inherited the IQ of Master Jiu Xinnai?

Touching the other party's blond hair angrily, Kakashi couldn't help but think of his teacher Feng Shuimen, and the thoughts in his heart were even more firm at this time.

He must protect Naruto, the child, and not put the other party in danger. Whether it's Haruno laughing, or Konoha high-ranking ...

"Oops! Brother Kakashi... You don't know, that knowledge is very troublesome! There's nothing I can do about them! Can you not learn..." Hearing

the question of the place to study culture, little Naruto couldn't help but feel a bitter face when he heard this.


Kakashi ruthlessly rejected the other.

At this time, Haruno Xiao was quietly observing the conversation between Kakashi and Naruto in the dark. The corners of his mouth lifted lightly, and a complicated light flashed in his eyes.

"The Nine Tails... Tailed beast..." Looking

at the two people who were still quite warm in the house, Haruno Xiao did not bother them, but took a deep breath, and then quietly left the place. His back looked particularly lonely in the moonlight, but his eyes were full of determination and determination.

The power of the tailed beast is what he needs to seek next, whether it is to increase its own strength or feed the divine tree planted in the depths of the poison gas valley, this power is an indispensable part.

After all, over the years, Haruno Xiao has deeply fused Hinata, Kaguya, and Uzumaki with his own Senju and Uchiha's bloodlines, and this monkey version of Otsuki's bloodline has become more and more powerful.

Among them, the physical manipulation ability of his kaleidoscope chakra eye played a great role, otherwise his bloodline fusion would not be so smooth.

However, this still seems to be different from the real Otsuki bloodline, and Haruno Xiao guessed that his monkey version of the Otsumi bloodline should lack some key things.

For example, the power of the tailed beast....

He must master the power of the tailed beast as soon as possible in order to break through the bottleneck of his own strength.

And the Uzumaki Naruto just now was not his target, because the Nine Tails in the other party's body were not complete, but only the half of Yang Dun Chakra. So much so that its chakra attribute is also based on yang, which can affect Naruto Uzumaki to have a strong resilience.

As for the completed Nine-Tailed Chakra power, Haruno Xiao already has a goal, which is the emptiness of the Temple of Fire!

The other party has a complete nine-tailed yin and yang attribute chakra in the body, and after all these years of cultivation, these originally scattered nine-tailed chakra have been continuously enhanced over time, and there are almost chakra reserves in the state of nine tails and three or four tails.

For Haruno Xiao, this is also enough.

But now he still needs to connect with his eyeliner in Konoha Village, such as the Kurama clan.

Over the years, he has completely infiltrated the family, because with his help, the Kurama family's physical weakness problem has been solved.

Since seeing Haruno Xiao's true technique and powerful strength, the little transparent clan who was originally dispensable in Konoha Village has also begun to think a little carefully.

Who is good to themselves, who makes themselves profitable, who can enhance their own strength, the Kurama clan can still see clearly.

So in the past few years, under the promotion of the Kurama patriarch, some members of the Kurama clan have left Konoha Village and merged into Haruno Laugho's forces to help take care of each other's industries.

Most of these Kurama people with illusion talents are smart people, and they are more than enough to manage some small industries, and Haruno Xiao is also very satisfied with their abilities.

The biggest shortage this year is talent!

It takes time to cultivate yourself!

Where are the ready-made talents convenient and easy to use?

After all, Konoha Village really has nothing to say in terms of cultivating talents, and it is definitely the top of the ninja world.

It's a pity, maybe there are too many talents, so the current high-level of Konoha Village doesn't seem to cherish it very much....

Often when you see a particularly emerging one, you want to suppress and frame one!

That is, the foundation of Konoha Village is sufficient, otherwise it will not be able to withstand the torment of these people by ape flying sun.

Speaking of the Kurama clan, since their clan itself is some small transparent in Konoha, the disappearance of some clansmen has not attracted the attention of Konoha Village.

Even if he was asked, he was prevaricated by the Kurama patriarch. And those Kurama ninjas who stayed in Konoha Village also seemed extremely low-key, and they usually did what they should do, which was regarded as the undercover agent arranged by Haruno Xiao in Konoha Village.

As for Kurama Yakumo, this kid had already graduated from the ninja school in Konoha Village, and by this time he had already advanced to the rank of middle ninja.

As the eldest lady of the Kurama clan, her identity is a bit special, so even if she likes and longs for the environment of Fuzi Village very much, she still does not choose to leave Konoha Village, but sticks to it here with her family. This is also her responsibility as the daughter of the patriarch of the Kurama clan!

Due to Haruno Xiao's intervention and teaching, getting rid of her weak body, she was confident and self-reliant at this time, and did not produce any demons like in the original work.

This made Haruno laugh feel quite a pity, after all, he also wanted to explore the specific situation of Yakumo's heart demon Ido in the original work.

That may also be a kind of gloomy extreme performance!

Kurama Yakumo is only thirteen or fourteen years old now, and has already shown extraordinary beauty and won the admiration of countless young people in Konoha.

However, the object of her worship is Haruno Xiao, the magical and mysterious teacher, who has no heart for other ordinary people. After all, Zhuyu was in front, and it was really difficult for others to get into Kurama Yakumo's eyes.

At the same time, in Konoha Village, she met two close girlfriends, Sunset Red, with whom she formed a master-apprentice relationship, and the lively and cheerful Mitarashi Red Bean.

Perhaps this is the mutual attraction and agglomeration effect between beautiful women, in short, they have inexplicably become good friends!

Perhaps this has something to do with the rapid growth of Kurama Yakumo's strength, and unlike other low-key members of the same clan, she can be regarded as the leader of this generation of Kurama clan, and is a famous genius in Konoha village at this time.

The superb talent and strength of illusion allowed Kurama Yakumo to enter the field of vision of Konoha's high-level, so she became a shinobi at a young age.

As for why Kurama Yakumo is not afraid of Shimura Danzo's gaze, it is precisely because of her special status as the daughter of the patriarch of the Kurama clan.

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