Although Shimura Danzo has always been interested in collecting the geniuses of the major ninja clans in Konoha Village, he also understands who can be remembered and who is the one who cannot move!

Although the Kurama clan once withered, they are still a well-known ninja family in Konoha. If you touch the daughter of the patriarch, other ninja races will also have objections.

Of course, Haruno Laughao's infiltration of Konoha Village over the years certainly doesn't stop there.

One after another, he also left a lot of chess pieces here. After all, the means that Orochimaru could fiddle with, he could do the same, and he had more advantages in some aspects as the medical director of Konoha Hospital.

Besides, Orochimaru was already his person at this time, so of course his connections also fell into Haruno Xiao's hands.

For example, the medicine master, a genius with extraordinary potential!

This guy has been guided by a different fate and has become Haruno Xiao's loyal subordinate.

Because the medicine master Noyu was resurrected by Haruno laughter!

It was for this reason that Yakushi Pocket unreservedly chose to join Haruno Laugh's forces.

This method of resurrection is to use the dirt to turn around and pull the opponent's soul out of the pure land, and then use Haruno Xiao's kaleidoscope chakra eye soul enslavement effect to pull the opponent's soul out of the filthy soil body, and then seal it into the cloned new body.

Of course, it still takes a period of cultivation, allowing the soul and the new body to grow together for a period of time before it can promote the further integration of the two.

Although it has been a little longer, with this compromise trick, Haruno Laugh can now be regarded as mastering the means of resurrection.

He called this technique Su Sheng the Dead.

There is also the help of the Great Snake Pill, and he shows extraordinary motivation and passion for this method of pulling people's heads from the Pure Land, and he has an unusual enthusiasm for immortality...

Haruno Xiao was responsible for providing ideas, and Orochimaru started experiments, and after more than two years of hard work, he successfully developed this technology.

As for the Oto-ninja Village in Tanokuni, it was established as scheduled. The leader is still Orochimaru, but the boss behind the scenes is Haruno Laugh.

Over the years, the newly established Oto-Ninja Village has vigorously collected ninja orphans and rebels, and has exported a lot of talents to Haruno Laugh's forces.

However, the means are not as cruel and bloody as in the original book, after all, in Haruno Xiao, every ninja is a talent with extraordinary skills and needs to be cherished and used.

It is worth saying that Haruno Xiao found that the guy Orochimaru seemed to have sensed that something was wrong with his soul, but he had never found a chance to get rid of his control.

Want to get rid of the control effect of Haruno Laughing Kaleidoscope Sharingan Soul Enslavement, unless you die once!

From this point of view, Orochimaru actually had hope of escaping Haruno Xiao's enslavement mark.

However, over the years, Haruno Xiao's modification of Orochimaru's memory has never stopped, and if it were not for the sake of safety, he would have wanted to lift the enslavement mark.

Even if the other party really got rid of the enslavement mark in his soul through death one day, he might not leave, after all, after all these years of getting along, Haruno Xiao had already gradually rewritten the memory of the big snake pill into the shape he wanted.

And the big snake pill who has been trembling and researching for a long time cannot find the opportunity to passively die, and it is impossible to actively find death, because Haruno Xiao does not allow it.

However, some things are not as personal will think, Haruno Xiao wants to develop low-key, but some people have already set their sights on the big snake pill.

That's the Xiao Organization!

"Is this Oto-Ninja Village?"

"It's developing pretty well!"

Since Haruno Xiao killed Kakuto in advance, Xiaonan directly served as the financial director of the Xiao Organization. Seeing that the Oto-Ninja Village developed by the Great Snake Pill was so prosperous, she couldn't help but sigh.

At this time, although the Oto-ninja Village was still unknown in the ninja world, its scale was not small at all. The whole village is very large, the buildings are novel and tall, the business is prosperous, and the people come and go, which is extremely lively.

It's a very vibrant village!

Of course, this is also inseparable from the strong support of Tanokuni and the behind-the-scenes guidance of Haruno Xiao.

In fact, Tano Kuni has already been infiltrated by Haruno Xiao, and most of the domestic tasks will be entrusted to Oto-ninja Village. Among them are the tasks of building roads and bridges, farming and harvesting.

Because for ninjas, solving these tasks is very simple, as long as the means are right.

To this end, Haruno Xiao also deliberately opened up the various simple life ninjutsu he developed. As long as the attributes are suitable, these simple ninjutsu ninja ninjin villages can learn.

This measure has actually been implemented in Haruno Xiao's strength. Because in his opinion, ninjutsu, as an extraordinary means, is too wasteful to just use it to fight and kill.

It is clear that ninjutsu can be used to better improve the productivity of people's lives, why not use it rationally?

Face? Dignity?

These are all forbidden circles imposed on ninjas by former nobles using stubborn and conservative ideas, just to control the ninja profession.

Why do powerful ninjas need to obey the commands of the great nobles who exploit the people?

At least Haruno Xiao is not prepared to continue to be a lackey of those great nobles in the ninja world, so he has been trying to develop himself all these years, using commercial efforts to infiltrate the power centers of the major powers, hoping that one day he can change all this.

"It's really different! It's very vibrant! I really want to kill it! In this way, my human puppet materials can also take the opportunity to supplement..." The

Red Sand Scorpion has been taken under the command of the people of the Xiao Organization at this time, and he is looking for suitable members to join the Xiao Organization with Xiao Nan at this time. And the big snake pill is the person who is favored by their organization....

He usually hides in his puppet crimson stream, wearing a black trench coat embroidered with red clouds, "Xiao Organization", but his image looks like a lewd uncle.

"Scorpion, don't be impulsive! We are here to invite the Great Snake Pill to join the Xiao Organization, so don't make trouble easily..." Hearing

the words of the Red Sand Scorpion, Xiao Nan couldn't help frowning slightly, so he warned coldly. Even if these people are not from Yu Ninja Village, she does not want senseless sacrifices.

And it's not a good thing to offend the big snake pill at will, it's better to keep these people, maybe they can be used as a bargaining chip to invite the other party to join the Xiao organization later.

As for whether the other party will be threatened, and whether he will hurt these people because of the other party's non-cooperation, that is another matter.

"Hmph! Find him as soon as possible! I still have a lot of work to complete! Can't waste precious time on this guy..." Hearing

that no killing was allowed, the Red Sand Scorpion urged a little dissatisfied. He is already a non-human, but he is more careful and impatient than before, and he does not like to waste time.

Only by constantly making puppets and pursuing artistic breakthroughs on puppets can his irritable heart settle down....

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