"Come with me! Bai Jue had already told me that the Great Snake Pill had recently been in the secret laboratory of this village. Hearing

the Red Sand Scorpion's urging, Xiao Nan nodded in understanding. She knows the character of the Red Scorpion and understands his pursuit of puppet art.

So, Konan, who continued to lead the way, left Oto-nin Village, and began to search for the secret laboratory of Orochimaru in the nearby mountains and forests.

It didn't take long for them to discover the cave of the secret research base of the Great Snake Pill in a small remote valley.

However, the valley is surrounded by strange-looking snakes, some of which look very disgusting and chilling. And the closer you get to the cave, the greater the number of snakes.

Even Xiao Nan, who had mastered the strength of the paper escape, couldn't help but give birth to goosebumps when he saw the dense snakes in the valley.

"It seems that the big snake pill is really here!"

A hint of excitement flashed in the Red Sand Scorpion's voice, and the corners of his mouth grinned, revealing an evil smile.

"Be careful! If it's not necessary, let's not easily provoke each other..."

Xiao Nan reminded, she could feel the powerful aura coming from the cave, which was a feeling that made her feel uneasy.

"Don't worry, I'm measured..." "

You are waiting for my good news here!"

Perhaps sensing Xiao Nan's jealousy beside him, the Red Sand Scorpion couldn't help but smile confidently, and then quietly approached the cave. As for the snakes he encountered along the way, they couldn't hurt his crimson puppet at all.

The long tail swung around him, and most of the snakes that stood in the way were strangled, and the remaining fish caught in the net were also killed by his hand knife.

Even if it is bitten, it doesn't matter, is the puppet still afraid of snake venom?

It's all little rubbish!

Xiao Nan did not stop seeing the Red Sand Scorpion so confidently, and he was also careful about the proportions that the other party said.

But now she can't manage so much, anyway, the big snake pill guy will definitely not give in easily. Just let the Red Sand Scorpion test the other party!

"Lord Orochimaru! Someone outside wants to break into the institute, please give instructions!

At this moment, Orochimaru, who was conducting a research project, suddenly sensed something, and at the same time there was a strange thing behind him. He turned around sharply and saw a laboratory worker walking towards him, while reporting the situation outside.

"Who is the other party?"

Orochimaru asked with a frown.

"The other party is wearing a costume of red cloud on a black background, very similar to a certain member of the Xiao organization in the intelligence! It should be the Red Sand Scorpion..." Most

of the staff here are some high-IQ talents, some responsible projects, and some researchers. It was impossible to expect them to take the initiative to fight, but he pushed his glasses and answered the question of the big snake pill truthfully, hoping that the other party could give a solution to the problem.

"You guys organize people to evacuate using the teleportation array! I'll go meet the other party for a while..."

Orochimaru's eyes narrowed when he heard this, as if he had thought of something, and after his long tongue ran across his lips, he decided to go up and drag the other party's actions himself.

No matter what purpose the other party has, the intelligence inside the research base must not be leaked.

"Who are you?"

Soon, Orochimaru blocked the Red Sand Scorpion who was constantly testing various traps in the passage of the cave. The entrance to this research base was never this cave, it was just a hidden opening.

"I'm the one who invited you to join the Xiao Organization."

The Red Sand Scorpion said lightly.

"Hmph, I'm not a rare organization. Who loves to join who joins, please leave!

Orochimaru sneered, obviously not liking the proposal, and at the same time he didn't like the weird guy's attitude even more.

Who do you think you are?

Dare to talk to him like that?

"Wrong answer! You've missed a rare opportunity. Now accept my test! The

Red Sand Scorpion obviously knew that the other party would answer like this, so as soon as Orochimaru's words were finished, Scarlet Flower's mouth opened widely, and then a large amount of black Senbon spewed out.

The special smell that rippled in the air made Orochimaru raise his eyebrows, but this thing was obviously impossible to deal with him.

"Tudun Tuliu Wall!"

The rapid sealing allowed an earthen wall to block in front of and behind him, and the big snake pill then dived into the earth, bringing the diving technique in the earth close to his opponent.

"Dingding..." A

large number of thousand books hit the earthen wall, and under the strong force, some thousand books even pierced the earthen wall, but unfortunately the target had already disappeared in place.


Hiss..." Suddenly, a large number of poisonous snakes appeared around the passage, quickly approaching and spitting venom at the crimson stream of the Red Sand Scorpion.

However, as a puppet, the crimson amber is not afraid of poison at all, so the red sand scorpion is also fearless, and its tail is waving repeatedly, slashing and killing all those close to poisonous snakes.

"Big Snake Pill, you can't win me just with this garbage, how long are you going to hide?"

Although the Red Sand Scorpion is not afraid of these little snakes, it does not want to waste time here, so it makes a wave, hoping that the opponent can take the initiative.


In the next instant, several giant pythons emerged from the ground under Crimson Flow, their bodies tightly entangled Scarlet Amber's body, and at the same time, the huge snake head was opening its mouth and biting the opponent's limbs and tail fiercely.

"It seems that you are not as strong as I thought!"

"Although your puppet is amazing, you are only a turtle in my urn..."

"Is there a character like you in Shayin Village?"

Orochimaru's body slowly rose from the ground on one side, looking at his opponent trapped by his python.

At this time, the big snake pill was still a little unfamiliar with the Red Sand Scorpion, so it was not surprising that he did not know the other party.

Although he was bound by the python, the Red Sand Scorpion was still calm and abnormal, only to see him smile mysteriously and continue: "Who I am, you will know later." You don't think you can trap me with these little things, do you? "

The next moment, sharp blades were ejected from the joints of the limbs of the crimson stream, piercing the bodies of some pythons, and then with the strange rotation of its body, the blades quickly cut those pythons into several segments.

"Great Snake Pill, if you only have such strength, then I don't think you are suitable to join our Xiao Organization."

Retracting the blades on the limbs of the crimson flow, the Red Sand Scorpion said in a cold voice.

"Hey... Since you think so, then please leave! I don't want to join anyway..."

Orochimaru looked at the other party warily, and at the same time guessed the true identity of the other party.

"Since you already know the existence of the organization, how can I let you continue to live?"

"Those who are invited, fail, the consequence is also death!"

The Red Sand Scorpion opened the mechanism of Crimson Sue's left hand, and then flew his left hand in the direction of the big snake pill, and spewed out a large amount of black poisonous smoke during the flight.

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