The next day, Mitarashi Azuki disappeared into the house. Of course, in a short period of time, others will not find out that she is no longer in Konoha Village.

"Boom, boom... Boom, boom..."

In a wild clearing in the country of Tian, at this time, Konan, and Scorpion, are engaged in a fierce battle with the Great Snake Pill.

The huge snake like a small mountain has been channeled, but it has been continuously bombarded by the three generations of Eye Wind Shadow's human puppet using magnetic blood succession boundary to manipulate iron sand, while Xiao Nan is also flying high in the air, manipulating the detonation charm to harass and assist.

However, the ten thousand snakes that have been transformed into more powerful not only have scales comparable to the defensive power of gold and iron at this time, but also have extremely strong resilience. Under the blessing of its perverted vitality, it shows unparalleled strength.

Its every move has the power of shattering mountains and cracking soil, even in the face of the siege of Xiaonan and the Red Sand Scorpion, it still seems to be at ease, and it often collides with the puppets of the three generations of Mekaze Shadow...

It seems that the magnetic escape against a giant psychic beast like Ten Thousand Snakes did not play its due role!

Because the defense power of the Ten Thousand Snake is too strong, even the detonation charm can't hurt its scales...

Haruno Xiao came to the vicinity of the battlefield here with Mitarashi Red Bean, but did not rush out to save the scene, but chose to continue to hide himself. The red bean beside him also saw the big snake pill who was commanding the battle of ten thousand snakes in the battlefield, and his expression was very complicated.

"That's a snake?"

For a while, it seemed that there was no topic, and Red Bean suddenly stared at the giant snake with a black unicorn in the distance, and asked a little hesitantly.

"Hmm! It's the Ten Thousand Snakes..."

Haruno replied in the affirmative.

"How did it change so much?"

Red beans are even more strange. In her impression, ten thousand snakes have no horns... At the same time, the strength is not so exaggerated.

"I and the big snake pill transformed it, so its strength has also become stronger..."

"If you have a special giant snake psychic beast, then I can also transform it for your giant snake!"

Like those giant snakes in the Earth Dragon Cave, Haruno Xiao will certainly not let go. Fortunately, he did not have psychic beasts, so he hit them with his idea.

That's right! He was also the contractor of the Earth Dragon Cave, but the White Snake Immortal didn't seem to want to see him.

Even Haruno Xiao went to the Dragon Earth Cave through the reverse psychic technique and couldn't find the other party, and even the three gods of the Dragon Earth Cave seemed to be hiding from themselves!

That's kind of interesting....

Haruno laughed and guessed that perhaps the monkey version of the big tube wood aura on his body made the white snake immortals have some scruples, so they would not be willing to see themselves.

However, as long as it can allow him to channel those giant snakes, it is actually enough. As for the immortal arts, in fact, he already had some ideas himself. In the past few years, he has already touched some fame, as long as he is given a little more time, he can also create immortal arts suitable for himself.

"Well... Let's talk about it later! Hearing

that Haruno Xiao could help his own exclusive giant snake provide transformation, Mitarashi Red Bean was immediately moved.

The ten thousand snakes in front of her are too strong, and she also wants such an exclusive psychic beast!

Also as the contractor of the Dragon Earth Cave, she can of course also channel the giant snake. It's just that with her previous strength, she can only summon some ordinary goods with bad brains, and the powerful giant snakes in the Dragon Earth Cave don't bird her.

So much so that every time she used psychic arts before, she could only summon some small characters, and cooperate with various snake ninjutsu. However, with his current level, he may be able to try to contract an exclusive giant snake with a good brain!

"Boom, boom..." The

Red Sand Scorpion manipulated the three generations of Eye Wind Shadow's human puppet to use the Blood Succession Boundary, controlling countless iron sands and conjuring up a variety of moves to attack the opponent. Each attack is a piece of black pressure, which is spectacular and scary.

If it were generally enemies, it would be destroyed in the blink of an eye!

However, the big snake pill with ten thousand snakes is not only slippery at this time, but also very difficult, I saw that they cooperated with each other to use various combination ninjutsu and fight each other inextricably.

Even if Xiao Nan cooperated with the Red Sand Scorpion at high altitude to constantly harass with the paper escape, the detonation charm exploded non-stop. But for the extremely tenacious Great Snake Pill and Ten Thousand Snakes, it is enough to deal with it, even if it is a long-term battle, there is no problem.

Because after the transformation, Ten Thousand Snakes has long been different from before, and has completely become the obedient psychic beast of the Great Snake Pill, and there is nothing bad about disobedience.

There is also the credit of Haruno laughing!

His kaleidoscope chakra eye is best at dealing with these guys who are huge and have a bad brain. After all, even the head and tail beasts are easily restrained and controlled by the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, let alone ten thousand snakes.

Therefore, it was also fortunate to have a transformation based on Haruno Xiao's ideas. The effect is also very obvious, not only the body size has become larger, the scale armor has become harder, and even the unicorn has grown.

Haruno laughs' kaleidoscopic chakra eye is not only his weapon, but also his tool.

The left eye is physically transformed, the right eye soul is enslaved, and they are used to control and transform ten thousand snakes with various experiments, and it is easily transformed into a very obedient psychic beast.

This transformation is not a simple physical transformation, but a transformation of the spirit of ten thousand snakes, making it more loyal and obedient to orders.

Haruno Xiao's pair of kaleidoscopic chakra eyes, although they do not have too obvious a role in frontal combat, but they have a great advantage in auxiliary ability.

He can easily control those who are lower in strength than himself through the kaleidoscope of chakra eyes, and even change their memories.

This ability has brought him great convenience.

Really! The kaleidoscope chakra eye is the eye of the soul, what you desire, what your eyes reflect

.... For Ten Thousand Snakes, these transformations are also a rebirth, and it is not too much to be reborn.

At this time, it was not only a psychic beast of Orochimaru, but also obeyed Haruno Xiao's orders.

As for priority....

I know everything!

Even the Great Snake Pill was also under his command at this time, what was there to say?

Over the years, Haruno Xiao has actually done many transformation experiments. There are all kinds of experimental subjects, even people.

Don't say anything cruel or cruel, the ninja world itself is a cruel world, and all kinds of bandits emerge one after another. These people are cruel and bloodthirsty, most of them have no bottom line, and bullying ordinary people is more bloody and cruel than ninjas!

Therefore, Haruno Xiao does not feel embarrassed at all to let these people be experimental subjects, they are all tool people who can be sacrificed at any time.

In such an era, where can there be rapid progress in all kinds of sciences without bloody efforts?

Through the transformation again and again, Haruno Xiao also understood the power of these kaleidoscopic chakra eyes more deeply.

It's really a perfect match for yourself....

This is a magical power that can change lives and even the world!

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