
Boom and boom..." "Boom boom..." The

battle between the big snake pill and Xiao Nan and the scorpion can be described as earth-shattering, after the transformation, ten thousand snakes can not even be suppressed by the puppets of the three generations of eye wind shadows, even if it is a magnetic blood succession limit, it is difficult to hurt ten thousand snakes like steel and iron bones, not to mention Xiao Nan's detonation charms.

So for a while, the big snake pill cooperated with his own snake ninjutsu to suppress Xiao Nan and the Red Sand Scorpion, making the two look embarrassed.

The cooperation of Orochimaru's snake ninjutsu and ten thousand snakes gave him an advantage in battle.

His Snake Ninjutsu channeled a large number of poisonous snakes, which could easily counteract the detonation charm that Xiao Nan Fei shot, while Ten Thousand Snakes could easily resist the puppet attack of the Red Sand Scorpion.

Although Xiao Nan is also a very powerful ninja, under the suppression of Orochimaru and Ten Thousand Snakes, she seems a little powerless, and has to raise her position in the air, otherwise she will easily be sneak attacked.

Several times, she was almost sneaked up by the big snake pill's retractable grass sword, and ten thousand snakes can also jump to a very high position!

Although the detonation charm is powerful, it is not too much of a threat to the Great Snake Pill and the Ten Thousand Snakes.

The Red Sand Scorpion was even more embarrassed, and the magnetic blood succession boundary of his three generations of Eye Wind Shadow Puppet was also a little powerless in the face of the thick skin and flesh of ten thousand snakes.

The result of this battle was already obvious, and the big snake pill actually had the advantage!

As the battle progressed, a smug smile appeared on Orochimaru's face, and he said defiantly to Xiao Nan and the Red Sand Scorpion: "I didn't expect it, right? My strength is even more terrifying than you think! It seems that you should still tie up today! Hearing

the taunt of the big snake pill, a look of embarrassment suddenly appeared on the faces of Xiao Nan and the Red Sand Scorpion. However, none of them spoke, but buried their heads and continued to attack, apparently the two did not intend to admit defeat so easily.

"Boom, boom..." A

large number of detonation charms and black iron sand have completely enveloped the battlefield, but they are difficult to deal with ten thousand snakes with hard snake scales.

And Ten Thousand Snakes are also very flexible and slippery, and will not wait stupidly for them to keep attacking!

Orochimaru's psychic beast superiority has put Konan, and the Red Sand Scorpion are in trouble, and they urgently need to change their tactics.

Konan's use of his paper flying technique quickly changes position, dodging Orochimaru's Kusanagi sword and various long-range ninjutsu.

At the same time, the Red Sand Scorpion also began to adjust its battle strategy and began to channel more puppets to deal with the big snake pill together, seemingly wanting to find a way to fight the big snake pill in the team.

"It's just a death throes! You better give up! "

Isn't it good to be obediently tied up?"

As soon as the tail of ten thousand snakes swept away, those ordinary puppets of the Red Sand Scorpion were destroyed in the blink of an eye. Even the three generations of human puppets of the Wind Shadow can't hurt it, let alone those ordinary puppets.

However, just when the Great Snake Pill seemed to have the upper hand, an amazing momentum suddenly came from high in the sky, which made him can't help but be shocked.


With a sudden thunder falling from the sky, it slashed straight into the big snake pill above the heads of ten thousand snakes on the ground!

It's overwhelmingly fast...


However, Ten Thousand Snakes were very sensitive to danger, and immediately twisted their bodies strangely, and actually succeeded in letting go of this thunder.

Thunder struck the ground, roaring loudly, stirring up a large amount of smoke and dust.

At this moment, the ninja who had just performed this thunder ninjutsu also jumped into the battlefield with two strange weapons. The person who came was the former rebel of the Mist Hidden Village, Black Hoe, and the weapon in his hand was the Thunder Saber.

"Black hoe thunder tooth!"

"I can't imagine that you also joined this organization, it seems that the strength of your organization is really not weak!"

The arrival of the Black Hoe's Thunder Tooth made a subtle shift in the battle situation, and Orochimaru's eyes flashed with a sharp light, as if thinking about something.

One to three is a bit reluctant!

At this time, the big snake pill is not clear, the team organized by Xiao is generally two people on a mission together....

"Black hoe Thunder Tooth, why are you here?"

"And... What about your partner? Seeing

the appearance of the black hoe thunder tooth, who was also wearing a red cloud robe on a black background, Xiao Nan immediately felt at ease, with one more partner to deal with the big snake pill, their chances of winning at this time were also higher.

"I definitely brought us intelligence, saying that you can't deal with the Great Snake Pill and need support... We happened to be nearby, so we rushed over to join in the fun..."

"It seems that he is right, you look really embarrassed now!"

"As for my partner... That guy said that he wanted to surprise the big snake pill, and the god mysteriously didn't know what he wanted to do?

"Actually, we've been here for a long time, and I see that you really can't deal with this guy, so I can't help but strike first!"

The Thunder Ninjutsu of the Black Hoeing Thunder Tooth has a strong destructive power for living things, and it can be used to restrain the snake ninjutsu and ten thousand snakes of the Great Snake Pill.

After answering Xiao Nan's words, he continued to swing his double swords, ready to perform his Thunder Ninjutsu. This time, he aimed at the Great Snake Pill and unleashed a powerful lightning attack without hesitation.

"Thunder Dragon Tornado!"

This is the way Black Hoe Thunder Tooth uses the thunder knife to summon thunder and lightning and quickly rotates to create a dragon-like thunder and lightning to attack the enemy, which is extremely powerful and can be regarded as his box-bottom stunt. In order to deal with the huge Ten Thousand Snakes and the Great Snake Pill, he also fought hard...

At this moment, lightning streaked through the air, instantly hitting his thunder knife, inspiring an incomparably blazing light. Immediately afterwards, this thunder and lightning transformed into a huge thunder dragon in the dance of the double knife, circling in the air and quickly attacking the big snake pill on the opposite side.

"Mie Rashomon!"

Seeing that the other party's target was himself, the big snake pill did not dare to underestimate the opponent's thunder attack, and immediately used his strongest defensive ninjutsu.


As he finished sealing, three huge and strange portals suddenly appeared on the battlefield, blocking the attacking giant thunder dragon. As soon as the two sides made contact, a huge explosion immediately occurred.

The first Rashomon was instantly broken, and then it was resisted by the second Rashomon.

The thunder attack of the black hoe thunder tooth can break through a Rashomon, which is actually very powerful...

"Haha... That's all!

"But you're a little stronger than those two just now, at least you can make me serious..."

However, just as the big snake pill was triumphant, suddenly a white shadow flashed, stepping on the body of ten thousand snakes to his side extremely quickly, and then knocked him into the air with a punch.

Is this considered happy and sad?

The big snake pill is really going to be beaten this time!

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