The others only saw the white shadow flash, and then with a "bang", the big snake pill was shot away from the top of the head of ten thousand snakes.

In his place was a mysterious man dressed in a red cloud costume on a black background with many bandages wrapped inside.

Is he and Black Hoeing Thunder Tooth considered a bandage combination?

Seeing this person, the other three people in the Xiao Organization all looked calm, feeling that this action against the Great Snake Pill must be ironclad.

Unconsciously, the sky was already covered with dark clouds, which seemed extremely depressing...

"Orochimaru, I haven't seen you for a long time! I wonder if you can still recognize me?

This man's eyes were deep, his tone was faint, and listening to his words, he seemed to be an acquaintance of the Great Snake Pill. The next moment, the figure flashed, and he quickly left the head of the ten thousand snakes, avoiding the opponent's churning and pressing attack.

Then this person did not entangle with the ten thousand snakes, but chose to catch up with the big snake pill that was still in mid-air, and the iron fist struck out again.

The big snake pill that was attacked just now was still a little confused, he was like being hit hard in the brain by an iron rod, if it were not for his own software transformation, he would have been seriously injured and fell to the ground at this time.

At this time, sensing the opponent's attack again, Orochimaru immediately used his soft body to transform, twisted in a strange posture to avoid the opponent's punch, and then quickly swung the Kusanagi sword in his hand and slashed the opponent's arm fiercely.



However, the long sword slashed at the opponent's body, and actually made a sound of gold and iron. This surprised the big snake pill, so he immediately slid the knife violently, breaking the other party's clothes and bandages, revealing the white skin inside. It felt like a scratch on a tin sheet!

In the process of Orochimaru's surprise, the person who came had already punched quickly again, striking towards his face like lightning.

What a slap in the face!


Although Orochimaru had tried his best to dodge, the opponent's strike speed was extremely fast when he was close at hand, and even he was experienced for a while.

So the big snake pill was once again punched to the ground from the air by the incoming person...


Under such a rapid attack, the powerful snake pill could only be knocked to the ground in frustration, and he also churned several times on the ground.

It's so fast!

And the opponent's fist is so hard....

The appearance of this mysterious person made Xiao Nan and the Red Sand Scorpion regain their confidence, coupled with the cooperation of Black Hoeing Thunder Fang, the four of them joined forces, and the entire ninja world could not find many people who could handle it.

At the critical moment, the situation was instantly reversed, Orochimaru fell into passivity, and the outcome of the battle became more unpredictable.

"Humble liuhu... Do you need us to make a move?

Xiao Nan looked at the bandaged white-haired man who continued to dodge the attack of ten thousand snakes, and couldn't help but ask out loud.

"Humble liuhu?"

"You're a lowly liuhu!"

Of course, Orochimaru also heard Xiao Nan's words, so he also stood up in surprise and looked at the mysterious bandage man who had just given him two blows.

Hair and skin turned pale, and the strange speed of the flesh was already incomparably hard...

Is it a makeover?

What an amazing achievement!

The big snake pill touched his crooked chin, clicked it to straighten it, chirped, and couldn't help but look at the belly with hot eyes.

The soul of research has been stimulated by him at this moment, and he really wants to kidnap Bei Liuhu and take it to his own laboratory to study.

"You don't have to make a move... I want to have a good conversation with Orochimaru!

"After all, we haven't seen each other for a long time, it's time to have a good competition..." It

had been a long time since he waited for this moment, as a classmate in Konoha, he had always wanted to catch up with Orochimaru, Jiraiya, and Tsunade.

He was also once a ninja of Konoha Village, and he was also a shinobi and a friend of Jiraiya, Tsunade, and Orochimaru. However, his qualifications are not as good as these three, and his strength is of course very different.

are all classmates of the same period, why is there such a big difference in strength, humble and unwilling!

In order to make up for his congenital shortcomings, he secretly studied the combined ninjutsu "Oniyara", but was detected by the three-generation Hokage Ape Hibiki, and sent the three ninja to hunt him down.

At first, he did everything in his power to escape from the three of them. Of course, among them, there is a suspicion of releasing water from the big snake pill. Maybe it's because the two have the same interests...

However, Belyuhu did not thank Orochimaru much, but thought that it was a humble mercy that caused serious damage to his self-esteem.

After he escaped from the pursuit of the Hokage Ape Flying Sun, he became a rebel, and his life fell into chaos.

He began to doubt his own worth, and even began to question the meaning of his existence. He wanders on the edge of Konoha Village and struggles to survive.

He is angry, he is unwilling, he wants revenge!

So Beryuhu decided to stop feeling sorry for himself, but to strive to improve himself and strive to reach their level, so he continued to start his own research on the art of ghost Budding....

Fate doesn't seem to have completely abandoned him!

He eventually succeeded in conquering the art of Ghost Bud and achieved good research results. At least on himself, this magical ninjutsu gave him unparalleled power....

Blood Succession Limit!

By chance, Beryuhu meets a mysterious ninja organization - Xiao.

The members of this organization are powerful ninjas, and their goal seems to be to achieve world peace and eliminate war.

Beryuhu was not attracted by Xiao's ideas, but he decided to join them in the face of the invitation of the opposing leader.

Because the other party's eyes are actually the legendary eye of reincarnation! This is the eye of the immortal, much more fragrant than the Sharingan eye of the Uchiha clan....

So with some purpose, he joined it, and also fought with Heavenly Dao Payne.

The other party's cheating-like gravity and repulsion ability opened his eyes, and at the same time allowed him to see the gap in strength between the two sides.

The beaten Liuhu had to stay in the Xiao Organization to work, but he was not without benefits.

With Xiao's help, Beiliuhu's strength has been greatly improved. Not only can he have access to more advanced ninjutsu, but he can also easily obtain information about the ninja of the Blood Succession Realm.

At this time, the blood succession limit ability of this body was also thanks to the intelligence of the Xiao Organization, allowing him to gradually collect the four most suitable blood succession limits.

Lightning-fast swiftness, steel-iron steel, laser-like Landuan, and ninjutsu-absorbing retreat!

Bei Ruhu thought that the reason why he had been unable to catch up with Orochimaru, Jiraiya, and Tsunade was because the other party's starting point was too high for him to reach.

Now, he already possessed four magical blood succession realms at the same time through the Ghost Bud Art he had studied...

So have they already surpassed the Great Snake Pill them?

And defeating the big snake pill in front of him with his own hands is obviously the best way to test his current strength...

At the same time, he can also realize his long-cherished wish - to defeat Shinobu!

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