
"Absolutely impossible!"

After hearing that the person Shimura Danzo wanted was Haruno Xiao, Sarutobi refused the other party's request without thinking.

Others also need to consider that this Haruno laugh must not enter the root!

"Why? Isn't he a medical ninja? "

Shimura Danzo is actually also Menqing, but he still wants to continue to fight for it.

What if the ape flying sun slashed and agreed!

"Danzo, he's not an ordinary medical ninja..."

"If something happens to him, I'm afraid it will really cause a lot of trouble!"

"You also know that his medical technology is not ordinary, he is now the treasure of our Konoha Hospital!"

"Konoha Village needs such talents to exist all the time! Instead of being buried in the roots..." Speaking

of Haruno laughing this person, Sarutobi immediately became energetic. As he said, the other party is a rare talent in his eyes.

With his exquisite and various new medical ninjutsu, he was not much worse than Tsunade, so he had been promoted to the medical director of Konoha Hospital.

If it weren't for the fact that the other party was only fifteen years old now, Sarutobi would have wanted to promote the other party to the vice president of Konoha Hospital!

According to the information he had probed in the dark department, this guy also set up a private clinic at home to serve the women of Konoha, so he made a lot of money.

This young man's reputation has already spread to the daimyo mansion, so in recent years, there will be fixed treatment tasks specially designated for him to complete!

Of course, the secret of this cannot be hidden from the dark part of Konoha! Ape Flying Sun Chopper appreciates this....

Because in his opinion, Haruno Xiao's hand shaping medical ninjutsu is definitely a big creation in the ninja world!

The majority of female friends in Konoha Village still need this kid to continue to shine and create brilliance again!

Otherwise, where did Konoha Village have so many high-quality women come from over the years?

For this, his ape flying crystal ball has the most say! Just don't say it....

(Crystal ball: Can I still talk?)

"Sarutobi, give me a smile on Haruno!"

"Only the root can bring out the talent he should have!"

"Instead of wasting yourself in those boring things..."

"Don't let lust fool your vision!"

"You have to remember the three ninja commandments! Ape flying..."

As the old friend of Ape Flying Sun, Shimura Danzo certainly understands that this old thing in front of him is actually an old man who is not ashamed, and he has done all kinds of blind things.

I don't know if Kuruma-sensei hurt his head in that battle, otherwise how could he have chosen this guy Sarutobi as the Hokage.

Obviously, my Shimura Tuanzang is the best choice!

"Don't say more! Haruno laughs at that kid, I won't let it to you..."

"Konoha Hospital needs him!" The villagers of Konoha need him..."

"And your roots are not suitable for him!"

"He should continue to grow in the sun, and he may be the medical pillar of our Konoha in the future..."

Sarutobi once again refused to shishimura Danzo, and his tone was extremely resolute.

"Ape fly! I can let him secretly join the roots..."

"So that it doesn't affect his daily tasks!"

Shimura Danzo's current Mudun research has entered a critical period, and there is an urgent need for talents to help study intercolumn cells.

And the big snake pill seems to have other careful thoughts recently, so he can't pin all his hopes for research on that guy.

"Don't say more!"

Ape Fei Ri shook his head, not believing the other party's nonsense at all. Once you enter your door, it will be difficult to get out later.

"Ape fly!"

Shimura Danzo was a little anxious. This time, he only needed the other party's brain, not the other party's person. As for after the matter is done, isn't it okay to put a spell mark on the other party?

Aren't our feelings as young as a young person?

"Danzo, I am the Hokage!"

"Sarutobi, you'll regret it..."

In the end, Shimura Danzo left angrily, but this is also the normal plot of the Hokage office, and even the secret guardian is accustomed to it.

On the other side, in Konoha Hospital, Haruno Xiao, who was just talked about by the two, went to work diligently to treat the injured ninjas.

"Haruno Xiao-sama, you come!"

"yes! Shinobu Ito, how are you feeling today? Because

this is already a routine routine, patients at Konoha Hospital often know Haruno as the responsible treatment director.

"Haha, that's a lot! But if I could receive treatment from Miss Katsura every day, I would still be willing to stay in Konoha Hospital for a few more days..."

After hearing Makoto Ito's teasing words, a black girl with a straight black face behind Haruno Xiao couldn't help but turn red.

"Hehe, the beds in our hospital are still quite scarce, so don't be difficult for us..."

Haruno Xiao, who is the medical director, is now following a large group of medical ninjas dressed in white robes, and is carrying out daily ward rounds.

"Well, it seems that your broken lower limb is recovering quite well, and you can be discharged from the hospital today..."

Haruno laughed while looking at the case while checking the other party's injuries.

"Ah! Haruno-sama, I feel that I still need to be treated..." This

guy stared at Gui Yanye behind Haruno Xiao at this time, and his purpose was not clear.

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