But ah! This Gui Yanye Medical Zhongnin does have proud capital, not only has a devil-like body and angelic appearance, but also has a more introverted temperament.

"Don't worry! Shinobu Ito, you're already well! It should be happy..."

Haruno smiled and didn't want the cabbage in his hospital to be arched by Makoto Ito's pig, so he smiled and congratulated the other party.

"Uh... Can I give myself a knife now? Ito

still wanted to struggle.

"Then, we can only send a male doctor to treat you in the future..."

the smile on Haruno's smiling face disappeared, and he said with a calm face.

"Ah! My Miss Katsura Ye..."

He examined the patient's condition while studying the medical skills of the group of medical ninjas around him.

"Miss Nanase, how is this Shinobu Hirasakashita's condition?"

"Oh! Yes, Haruno Laugh-sama!

At this time, a Nanase with long brown hair with a little red color behind Haruno quickly answered, and then stepped forward to pick up the medical record book in front of the hospital bed, and carefully compared the situation of the patient on the bed while checking it.

"The patient is also a medical ninja in the squad, who was badly injured in the lower half of his body during the mission, and although he was treated with his own simple treatment, the injury was too serious, so his teammate was sent to our Konoha hospital."

"After we have given him emergency treatment, his legs are temporarily saved! It's just..." Nanase

looked at the information in the medical record book, and then looked at Shinobu Hira Sakasakashita who had a miserable white face on the hospital bed, and his eyes couldn't help but show sympathy.

"But what?"

Haruno laughed a little curious, because he was a little familiar with this person's face, after all, such a lewd face is difficult to forget, called Ryuji Hirasaka.

It seems that the ninja school classmate who signed up for the medical ninjutsu class with him is still a senior and is very interested in medicine.

Haruno Xiao couldn't imagine that this man's life was quite hard, and he actually carried the last train of the three wars. When they first studied together, he also learned a lot of unpopular herbs from each other!

It's just that this Hirasaka's strength is still so crotch-pulling, and after so many years, he is still a subordinate.

"His genitals are so bad that we can only treat him conservatively. Well, although it will become a lot shorter in the future, it will not affect daily life, and you should be able to leave the hospital after watching the situation again.

In the end, Nanase nodded with satisfaction, happy that the patient could be discharged from the hospital soon.

"Hey! It's a

pity..." "Let's check the next one..." Everyone

didn't know what Haruno was laughing about, maybe it was a pity that he couldn't completely cure each other!

Whether this is the system of ward rounds or Haruno Xiao's initiative after being promoted to the medical director of Konoha Hospital, the effect must be quite good.

Not only did it effectively improve the intensity of treatment and better grasp the condition of each patient, but it also improved the medical skills of those medical ninjas in Konoha Hospital.

Because Haruno Xiao not only shows them the use of medical ninjutsu during the ward rounds, but also teaches them some more ordinary medical techniques that can be used without Chakra.

In the past, these medical ninjas often used medical ninjutsu directly to treat patients when they encountered patients, but if it is a general bruise, red and swollen, it is okay, but if the wound is relatively large, it will test the medical ninjutsu level of medical ninjas. This is not only costly, but also very laborious!

And now the various targeted treatment plans taught by Haruno Xiao can often be used together with medical ninjutsu through various means, which not only costs less chakra, but also the requirements for medical ninjutsu are not as high as before.

Just like the original large-scale tearing wound, if you suture it in advance and then use medical ninjutsu, it is often something that can be easily done by a healing technique.

So cases that used to require cactus to treat are now much easier.

Those medical ninjas who originally had limited medical ninjutsu talents were of course grateful to Haruno for his teachings, and they all regarded him as an idol, and their status in their hearts was higher than that of Tsunade-hime, Konoha Sanshin.

After all, Tsunade was just a legendary and powerful ninja in the hearts of these young people, but Haruno Laugh really taught them all kinds of new knowledge.

"Brother Xiao, you're back!"

"Welcome back, Haruno Xiao-sama..."

In the evening, Haruno Xiao finally returned home after a day's work, and then received a safe greeting from Fujimoto's mother and daughter, and immediately felt warm in his heart, and the physical exhaustion disappeared.

It is impossible to work overtime, because there are still lovely people waiting for him at home!

Or a mother and daughter flower!

Izumi grew more and more like her mother....

"Haha, Izumi, you're still so lively!"

"Do you have any intentions in school?"

Haruno smiled and touched the little loli's head, the silky hair really made people love it.

"Of course! I'm very good..."

Fujimoto Izumi, who had just washed up, immediately ran over when he heard this, and then skillfully hugged and held the other party's arm.

Smelling the special shampoo aroma coming from the little loli's head, and the soft body, Haruno smiled and felt that everything was so beautiful.

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