"Miss Ye Yue, they all said that you don't need to be so polite! Just tell me to laugh..." "

And how are you training in illusion?"

"Do you need me to guide you?"

Haruno smiled and then turned to ask Fujimoto Hazuki, who was watching them play with a gentle face.

With his help, Fujimoto Hazuki, who was originally just an ordinary person in Uchiha, has now not only successfully refined Chakra, but also has the level of Shinobi.

I believe that with a few more injections of special potions, the opponent's strength will definitely be able to slowly reach the level of superior patience in the future.

"Naw! Brother Xiao, this is an invitation from the Hyuga family to you, and it says that you are invited to attend the birthday of Miss Hyuga family in a few days.

At this time, Fujimoto Izumi suddenly took out a beautiful invitation from behind him and handed it to Haruno Xiao, which also had the family emblem of the Hyuga family, Yin Yang Bagua.

"Oh! Is Hinata three years old?

"It seems that Yunyin's kidnapping incident is about to begin..." Holding

the invitation and looking at it, the time was three days later, and then Haruno Xiao also remembered that there seemed to be Yunyin's messenger involved at that time, as if he wanted to kidnap Hinata Little Lori.

Regardless of the success of that kidnapping, Yunyin Village can achieve a certain goal.

"Poor Hinata-san, let me save you this time! This is a reward for helping me in the first place..."

Haruno Xiaoya, like his classmates, was graduated from the ninja school by Sandaime ahead of schedule, and then dropped into the last train of the third war.

Although it was only the last train, the fighting was still fierce. For many ninja bastards who have just studied in ninja school for a few years and have not yet experienced the mission and are sent to the battlefield, it is simply a nightmare existence.

Haruno Xiao was placed in a medical class because he learned medical ninjutsu, but even then he needed to be careful to survive.

During this raid in Touin Village, Haruno Laugh's medical class was also attacked, and Hinata Hinata appeared in time to help him.

For this kindness, Haruno Xiao has always remembered it in his heart, so he doesn't mind repaying the other party if he has the opportunity.

"Haruno Laugh-sama, I'll ask you next..." Late

that night, Fujimoto Hazuki came to Haruno Laugh's room. She needs to ask the other party for a good lesson to relieve the pressure she has accumulated during this time.

After all, the study task is too heavy, and she is a little overwhelmed by her age, and she needs the man in front of her to provide her with some tutoring.

"Izumi, are you sleeping?"

Looking at the with a light gauze hood in front of her, who looked a little hazy and beautiful in the moonlight, Haruno asked with a smile.


Fujimoto Hazuki nodded with a slightly red face. Coming to a man's room alone late at night did make her feel a little shy.

However, there is no way!

During the day, people need to go to work, and when they come back at night, they have to tutor their daughters and open private clinics to entertain guests.

Haruno Xiao is also able to free up some time alone with her during this time before going to bed, so in order to increase his knowledge, Fujimoto Hazuki had to take the liberty to disturb the other party at this time.

"Then let's move a little quieter, don't disturb the deep sleep of the spring!"

Haruno smiled and beckoned to Fujimoto Hazuki, indicating that she would sit down beside him.

"Hmm..." Xiao

Shao stepped to the man's side, feeling the familiar aura rushing towards him, making the blush on Fujimoto Hazuki's face even stronger.

"Come on! Looking into my eyes, let's brush up on the knowledge of illusion..."

This, this is... Three, three hook jade!

With the guidance of the other party, Fujimoto Yeyue held back her shyness and looked up slightly, and the next moment she was greeted by a pair of three-hook jade chakra eyes, which made her feel a trance.

She had her surname Uchiha before she got married, and of course she knew what this meant!

So Fujimoto Hazuki couldn't help but widen his beautiful eyes, and his red lips opened into an O shape, which looked very cute.

"My mother's name is Haruno Ying, and she gave birth to me out of wedlock, so I don't know who my father is..."

Looking at Fujimoto Hazuki or Uchiha Hazuki in front of him, Haruno Xiao wanted to inquire about his life history from the other party. After all, from the age point of view, maybe the other party really knows his mother...

"Hey! Is it Sister Ying?

"I know her..."

"She was close to my brother Uchiha Ko next door, and I was still friends with her?"

Get! That's really the right question....

Haruno was overjoyed when she heard this, so she continued to ask Miss Hazuki, who had been promoted to aunt, about her mother and the story of Uchiha Ko.

It turned out that Haruno Laugh's mother, Haruno Ying, liked Uchiha Hiko, so she often returned to his house as a guest. So she also met Uchiha Hoshi's neighbor, Uchiha Hazuki, who was still young at the time, and it was also a nod of friendship.

However, after Uchiha Ko died in a local conflict with Yunyin, Uchiha Hazuki at that time never saw Haruno Ying again....

That year was the 38th year of Konoha, and Haruno Xiao was born in the next year, that is, the 39th year of Konoha!

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