This situation suddenly became a lot clearer, and Haruno Xiao secretly guessed that this was the truth.

Uchiha Xing?

"Miss Hazuki, thank you for telling me all this..." Looking

at Fujimoto Hazuki or Uchiha Hazuki in front of him, Haruno thanked the other with a smile on his face.

"It's okay!"

"Actually, I was surprised too!"

"I can't imagine that laughter is also the bloodline of our Uchiha..."

At this time, Fujimoto Hazuki's gaze softened a lot when she looked at Haruno Xiao, and her family's benefactor was actually the son of an old man.

So the title has become a lot more intimate....

Then she thought of Haruno Xiao's poor single family experience, and couldn't help but reach out and hold the other's hand.

Holding hands, heart to heart, the room seemed to be quiet for a while.

Now that the stated purpose has been accomplished, the next step is, of course, teaching time.

Perhaps because of gratitude, Haruno laughed this time with great care towards the newly promoted Aunt Ye Yue.

Not only did he teach each other many new knowledge points, but he also learned the old knowledge again.

The room was hot for a while....

When Fujimoto Hazuki left Haruno Xiao's room blushing from excitement, he soon met his daughter in the hallway.

"Izumi! It's so late, you, why haven't you slept yet? Suddenly

seeing his daughter's figure in the dark corridor, Fujimoto Hazuki was almost not frightened.

"I'll get up and go to the bathroom! Mom, what are you? Seeing

his mother coming from the direction of his brother's room, Fujimoto Izumi was puzzled, but soon couldn't help but light up his eyes.

"Hey! I, I just tutored from laughing!

Fujimoto Hazuki gathered his clothes and explained to his daughter with a shy face.

She is not a ninja, but at this time, she is systematically studying various ninjutsu under the guidance of Haruno Xiao.

"Is it?! Then you can go and be diligent

in the future..." "Otherwise, you won't be my opponent in the future!"

Izumi jumped in front of his mother with his hands behind his back, leaning forward slightly and smiling at the other party, while sniffing his nose as if he smelled something on the other person.

"Hey! You kid! What do you say about your mother?

Fujimoto Hazuki's face turned red when he was said, but the pressure suddenly came up. Because as a mother, she really doesn't seem to be the opponent of her daughter in front of her, which is very speechless....

"That's it!"

"And don't you see that there are some beautiful women coming in and out of the house every night..."

"Mother, if you don't work hard, brother Xiao may be snatched away by others in the future!"

Fujimoto Izumi suddenly straightened his body and held his hands behind his head, and then said meaningfully to his mother in front of him.

"Izumi... You...... I..."

Fujimoto Hazuki also understood at this time, and the shyness on his face couldn't help but grow, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

"I don't mind!"

"It's better to laugh that my brother can marry your mother..."

"In that case, we will be able to be more like a family in the future, and we can live together all the time!"

Fujimoto Izumi cherished Haruno who treated her like a sister even more after losing her father Fujimoto Kai, so she was very attached or adored to him.

Her laughing brother is really outstanding!

Much better than those rotten sweet potatoes and rotten egg boys in school....

It simply can't be better than good!

Not even the ferret who graduated early....

Is this brother control? Or paternal?

"Izumi... I don't deserve to laugh..." "It's

nice that we can have a life like this!"

Fujimoto Hazuki's face couldn't help but show a complicated look after hearing his daughter's explanation, and after struggling for a while, he rejected his daughter's suggestion.

After three years of getting along, in the face of Haruno Xiao at this time, she was indeed moved.

However, she also knows that her widow with a daughter is not worthy of the other party, and Haruno Xiao should be able to get a better future.

"It is in order that such a life is not destroyed, I need your mother to work hard!"

"Otherwise, I'll have to go on my own when I grow up!"

Seeing his mother's uncontending appearance, Fujimoto Izumi suddenly felt a little hated that iron could not become steel.

Here you have a chance!

Why don't you cherish it?

Do you really want her to go up?

Thinking of this, Fujimoto Izumi's face couldn't help but turn red, looking cute in an instant!

I don't know if it's anger or some other reason....

"Hey! Izumi, you, you kid..."

"What should I say about you?"

Fujimoto Hazuki was also stunned by his daughter's naïve thoughts at this time!


Do you want to backstab your mother at such a young age?

"Out of the way! It's just a normal thing! Many of the female students in our class are in love..."


Female students in ninja cadets are generally precocious and are exposed to the problem of love earlier than boys of the same age.

"Izumi, you're still young! Let's take a long-term view!

"But you should sleep at this time..."

Fujimoto Hazuki, who was finally cornered into the corner, had to use delaying tactics, and then took his daughter's hand and entered their room.

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