
three-way seal of heaven and earth still uses the stealth spell seal, which will not be shown under normal circumstances, which is very in line with Haruno Xiao's low-key style.

With his shadow-level Chakra reserves, he usually only maintains the Chakra reserves of ordinary Shinobi in his body, and the excess Chakra will be stored in the three major seals.

If he bursts out all his chakra, it will definitely shock the jaws of many people!

And Haruno Xiao is also the idea of beating the tailed beast Chakra, after all, his Chakra needs to be slowly accumulated when he runs out.

The tailed beast Chakra in the human body seems to have some ability to absorb natural energy and slowly enhance itself.

In fact, the void who had a partially complete nine-tailed chakra was already targeted by him as soon as he appeared in the Temple of Fire, just waiting for a suitable opportunity.

Because that part of the complete nine-tailed chakra was collected and sealed in the empty body, it still needs to be nourished, so that with the growth of the void, it is more suitable for absorption after condensation.

You must know that the complete nine-tailed chakra is the ultimate chakra of yin and yang! Amazingly powerful, very valuable for research....

Seeing that it was not too late, he turned and walked to the side wall and pulled one of the picture frames on it.

It was a hidden mechanism, and the next moment a hole was revealed against the wall.

"Shadow Doppelgänger Art!"


" "You read a book here!" I'm going to the lab below to deal with some matters..."

I know how to do it..." After

ending the explanation with his shadow doppelganger, Haruno turned around and went down to the hidden secret room in his house.

This is a space carved out underground using earth escapes. It is very common in Konoha, and almost famous families have many such small secret rooms.

The secret room in front of me is not large, and it is full of various equipment and some strange specimens, although the whole is a little simple, but it is enough for Haruno to study it simply.

Because most of the materials that occupied the position were sealed in the ninjutsu scrolls by him using the sealing technique, the scrolls of a cabinet solved the problem of a large warehouse.

Sealing is so convenient, that's why those storage scrolls seem so expensive.

Haruno Xiao, who is already a master of sealing, now earns a lot of small money every year because of this, which is the pride of rare craftsmen.

In fact, with this sealing craft, he can eat for a lifetime and live a worry-free life.

But ah! This ninja world is useless just having money, only strength is fundamental!

Otherwise, people can ask for you with a heartbeat, and you can't resist. The kind ones will also leave your life to continue to fatten the sheep, waiting for the next harvest. If you encounter a black heart, you will directly cut the grass and remove the roots, and the whole family is expensive!

Just as Haruno was busy in the laboratory, on an official road more than ten miles away outside Konoha Village, a team of more than ten people was rushing in the dark, quickly moving in the direction of Konoha Village.

The team that appeared on the official road had been brewing for months before sending out the Yunyin Mission in Konoha.

On the road a hundred meters away from this team, two four-person squads dressed in Konoha's dark costumes were following closely, and the masks on their faces were obviously a little different.

They belong to the dark part of Konoha Hidden Village Ape Flying Sun and the root of Shimura Danzo, respectively, and are monitoring this group of Yunyin missions, while secretly protecting them from any accidents.

It seems that the Yunyin Mission is about to come to Konoha Village, and I don't know what interesting things will happen next.

Early the next morning, the gate of Konoha Hidden Village was particularly lively, as if some ceremony was about to be held.

Because someone was already informing the negotiation delegation of Yunyin Village that they were about to reach Konoha, the village would hold peace talks with the other party. The villagers were very happy to hear this good news, so they began to gather at the gate of the village.

This welcome ceremony was organized by the village, and in order to be effective, many villagers were also mobilized to join it, and when the number of people was found to be insufficient, they paid to hire some special occupations.

Watching many coolly dressed young ladies waiting in the morning breeze, many male villagers couldn't help but cast worried eyes at them, for fear that they would be cold.

Some people also thought to themselves, maybe they can give each other a little warmth later....

They are such warm-hearted people!

When the Yunyin Mission and their group arrived in Konoha Village, they were immediately greeted by a grand welcoming ceremony.

Looking at those white-skinned beauties standing in front of the crowd dressed in cool and flowery fashions, Yunyin's black-skinned people seemed to be a little flattered, and they didn't expect that Konoha Village would do this play.

Really can play!

However, they are all professional ninjas, and they will not be easily seduced by these beautiful colors....

Sugar-coated they took it, and the shells will definitely shoot back!

Thinking that they had finally arrived in Konoha Village, many Yunyin ninjas who had been rushing for a while couldn't help but wipe the sweat from the corners of their mouths at this time.

At the same time, these Yunyin ninjas also felt deeply about the degree of Konoha's nest, and they couldn't help but sigh that this peace talks seemed a little hasty.

Maybe if you hold on a little longer, you can break Konoha....

At that time, the fertile soil of the Fire Country will be in their Yunyin Village, and what they want is not for them to take what they want!

Of course, this is just their hallucination!

Since the outbreak of the Third Ninja World War, the ongoing war and confrontation has really cost Konoha too much, and Yunyin is also miserable, and the number of ninjas and various materials are constantly being consumed.

Both sides suffered heavy casualties, and the long war is tired!

In Konoha, there may be some careerists and avengers who still have a strong hostility towards Yunyin and want them to die, but most ninjas and villagers are actually longing for peace.

Both the high-level of Konoha and the high-level of Yunyin have realized that the war cannot continue to be fought.

(Danzo: What about me? Am I not considered high-level? The

village needs to recuperate....

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