Both Konoha and Yunyin had the will to end the war, and the peace talks naturally became logical to be put on the table by the two villages.

Thinking that the long-awaited peace is coming, the heartstrings that have been tight on most villagers and ninjas can also be slightly relaxed.

However, after he received the invitation from the dark ministry and rushed to the banquet to welcome the Yunyin Mission, Haruno Xiao couldn't help but frown.

"What the hell is this Sandaime?"

"Want to be seductive?"

Looking at the group of cloudy black skins who were hugging their hands on the left and right, the other party's arrogant and domineering expression made many Konoha ninjas who were invited to the banquet look ugly.

What about theirs?

Are you all watching?

Konoha still has this little money?

(Mito Menyan: Who said it wasn't bad funding!)

"Who says it isn't!"

"After inviting so many young ladies to come but only greeting those black skins, the purpose of the three generations has been clearly revealed."

At this time, Mori Ibiki, who had a scar on his head, walked to Haruno Xiao's side, and said with an indifferent face, his eyes looked straight at those cloudy black skins, and it seemed that he wanted to find some information.

But ah! Is your gaze not....

The newly promoted Konoha torture unit commander had a good relationship with Haruno Xiao, so after seeing him coming, he couldn't help but come over and talk.

"However, his old man's actions like this are very demoralizing for our Konoha ninjas!"

"Why are they hugging left and right here, and we can only stare on the side?"

"At least put on some show, let's have fun!"

Haruno Xiao picked up a pastry from the table on the side and stuffed it into his mouth, and then drank a sip of fresh milk, his eyes also looking directly at those Yunnin.

Definitely didn't look at those big sisters who were coolly dressed and were about to show their breasts, he was not a person like Ibiki...

In particular, that Yunyin Shang Ninja Satsuma Machine was the object of his key observation. The other party is the leader of this negotiator, and he is the only one in the entire team!

That's a little weird!

The entire negotiation team, except for him one upper patience, the others are some middle patience or lower patience.

Are you sure they are not cannon fodder who came to send death?

And they all look distinctive, with some scars on their bodies, arrogance is almost written on their faces, and the people of Konoha have no other good faces except for the big sister in their arms.

"Just skin! The voice is a little quieter

..." "When is this, I still want to have fun..." "

It's better to take the opportunity to collect more information!"

Ibiki rolled his eyes at his friend, he was still grateful to the former lifesaver, so he didn't want him to cause any trouble.

I think that he himself was seriously injured because of a mission, and if it weren't for the other party's excellent medical ninjutsu, I am afraid that he would have fallen into a dark injury if he did not die.

The current Ibiki is not the black-faced god of Konoha in the future, and if this scar is not for the increase of deterrence so that his work of torturing the commander can be smoother, he wants the medical master around him, Haruno Xiao, to help him eliminate it.

This ghost scar hurts his image very much, is it good?

No female ninja dares to accept his pursuit now!

Will you be single for the rest of your life?

Or do you mean finding an ordinary person to live your whole life?

Impossible! When pigs fly!

In the future, the Mori family will rely on him to develop branches and leaves! So he must marry a female ninja....

In this way, the descendants will have stronger ninja qualifications!

Isn't his indisputable brother Date a good example?

The qualifications are not good, learning everything is slow, it seems that in the future, at most, it will be a life of patience!

Properly another cannon fodder ....

He Mori Hibiki no longer wanted to feel that feeling of being powerless to resist being slaughtered! It's not like letting your relatives and offspring suffer such injuries, so eugenics and childbirth are necessary!

"Collecting intelligence is the job of the intelligence class, what are you doing with a captain of the torture department?"

"Do you want to catch a cloud ninja for you to torture?"

"And you better eliminate all the scars on your end!" Otherwise, it will be difficult to find a beautiful wife in the future

..." "You are still a little handsome after recovering your appearance..."

I'm very good at my craft, and I'll definitely make you even more handsome than before! Seeing

the fiery flashing in Ibiki's eyes, Haruno laughed and thought that the other party really wanted to catch a cloud ninja and torture him, so he quickly gave him a suggestion again and pulled the topic away.

"Hmm... Forget it! Work needs a scar on my end... This is more deterrent!

"And I don't want to marry those superficial women either!"

"I hope to find a female ninja who can find my shining point and have connotations..."

Big brother, are you a little self-aware, okay?

Who doesn't look at the face of the women in Konoha village now?

With your current stinky face, people will pass you off at first sight! Where is the time to spot your brilliance?

And what about the connotation?

"Haha... Your heart is so big! "

It's not much worse than those big sisters..."

Haruno Xiao did not dwell on this, since it was the other party's choice, then he had to follow him, anyway, the person who was destined to become a single dog in the future was not himself.

So he continued to eat while gagging with the other party to spend this boring time.

His approach is actually a common routine of many Konoha ninjas.

After all, participating in a banquet held by Konoha, it is really infuriating to look at the faces of those Yunyin ninjas!

Soon after, everyone saw Sarutobi and a group of Konoha high-ranking people begin to interact with those Yunyin black skins who were obviously already drinking, testing the bottom line of the other party's negotiation.

During this period, Shimura Danzo kept a black face, obviously he couldn't see the seduction skill of ape flying sun...


Ape fly, you are still too naïve!

Think everyone is like you, and their brains are not good after seeing beautiful women?


Perhaps very satisfied with this Konoha's hospitality, Kumo Shinobu's negotiator, Satsuma Kami Shinobu, also smiled at the high-level of Konoha Village, but did not let up the temptation to negotiate in the slightest.

Obviously, the Satsuma Shinobu of the people who are hidden in the cloud is very clear about the mind of the ape flying sun...

Sugar-coated they ate, and the shells will shoot back!

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