Time passed in the laughter of Sandaime and the Kumo Shinobu, but the other ninjas attending the banquet were not in a good mood.

What hypocrisy!

I don't know what Sarutobi thinks, or if he doesn't care what these upper-level ninjas like Konoha think, and feels that he can subdue them...

However, the current ape flying sun slash still has a certain strength, as a third-generation Hokage, the ruler of the ape flying clan, the power of the shadow-level powerhouse also makes everyone usually dare to be angry with him.

In the end, everyone had to survive this so-called welcome banquet in embarrassment, and then watched the crowd of Yun Ren hugging left and right back to the guest house.

Whether Ape Flying Sun Slash can get information with beauty is not to mention, everyone's evaluation of him in their hearts has belittled him a lot.

The pattern is still too small!

Don't you know about rain and dew?

"Laughing brother! You're back! Did you drink alcohol?

When Haruno returned home with a smile, Fujimoto Izumi, who had been waiting for a long time, immediately greeted him, seeing his normal appearance and couldn't help but lean over and sniff the other party's body, as if he wanted to find something.

"Go, go! Look at you like this, what does it look like?

"Are you a ninja? Want to check the post?

Haruno smiled and put one hand against the little loli's head, and then ignored the other party's bulging face and walked into the house.

"Wasn't I worried about you?"

"I saw many coolly dressed big sisters today who were invited to that welcome party..." Hearing

Izumi's words, Haruno laughed at this time and knew what the other party was worried about.

But this little loli is really checking the gang!

"What do you think?"

"That's an adult's business, children don't care!"

"It's just that the mission requires

..." "And the people hosted by those big sisters are not us Konoha ninjas, they are all prepared for those Kumo Shinobi black skin..."

Haruno Xiao didn't want to say anything more to her apprentice on this topic, for fear of polluting her pure heart.

"What..." "

I'm not small!"

"Why aren't you drunk..." Seeing

that Haruno Xiao had returned to the room, the little loli who followed behind could only muttered unwillingly in the back.

"Izumi, come and sleep!"

"I have to go to school tomorrow..."

At this time, Fujimoto Hazuki also noticed Haruno smiling back, feeling that it was late at night and quickly beckoned his daughter to sleep, so that the other party did not disturb the man at home.

Foreign affairs can be handled by men, and women only need to take care of this home....

Unconsciously, Fujimoto Hazuki may not even realize that she has quietly begun to run this complicated small family as a hostess!

After letting Izumi fall asleep for a while, she will continue to go to Haruno Laughing Room to brush up on new knowledge!

For the sake of this family, she dared to put in all her efforts....

Time has passed, and in the blink of an eye it is the birthday of Hinata, the daughter of the Hyuga family.

Although I don't know why Hinata Hiashi made her daughter's birthday so lively, Haruno Xiao, who was invited, came to Hinata's house on time.

"Haruno Laugh-sama, please follow me..."

"Well, you're in trouble!"

There were already young and beautiful Hyuga maids waiting outside the door, entertaining the invited guests.

Seeing those who were blocking their foreheads, Haruno laughed and guessed that they should all be female members of the separate family.

At this time, these originally lively and cute girls were used as maids.

It's sad....

What a corruption!

You abominable Hyuga clans...

I must save one or two such poor girls in the future....

Haruno smiled in his heart, but he still followed behind the beautiful maid with his usual face, admiring the surroundings.

Not long after, the two arrived at a banquet venue.

At this time, there were already many people at the birthday party of the Hyuga family, most of them were people like Haruno Laugho who occupied important positions in various departments of Konoha Village. Although they are not real power figures, they are also important people and have a certain right to speak.

It seems that Hinata Hinata has a lot of thoughts!

Could it be that he also had thoughts about the position of the Hokage?

Seeing such a scene, Haruno smiled and secretly guessed the purpose of this special birthday banquet of the Hyuga family.

"Laugh, long time no see!"

"yes! Mr. Akimichi, how are you doing?

"Thank you, my family has become much happier!" Now pregnant again!

"Haha, then congratulations! Postpartum care let her come to my side, and make sure that after giving birth, she will become a big beauty again..."

Certain! Sure..."

Haruno is very popular in Konoha Village for his excellent medical ninjutsu, after all, who can refuse to be friends with a medical ninja with excellent medical skills?

Therefore, many people present who saw him appear could not help but take the initiative to come over to say hello, which made the venue lively.

At this time, Haruno Xiao was holding a drink among a group of young people in Konoha Hidden Village, exchanging the latest information with each other.

Most of the topics discussed were about the recent peace talks between the village and Yunyin Village, which touched the hearts of many people.

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