"Good evening everyone! Thank you for attending my daughter's Hinata's birthday ceremony..."

"This is my wife Hinata Hikaru..."

Hinata said hello to everyone..."At

this time, Hinata Hiashi smiled and appeared with his wife and daughter, and then happily introduced everyone to everyone.

"Everyone, hello seniors..."

After hearing her father's orders, little loli Hinata couldn't help but look at her mother beside her, and after getting the encouraging eyes of the other party, she had to timidly raise her head and say hello to everyone.

It's so cute!


clapped their hands in encouragement, making the three-year-old Lori Hinata Hinata blushing with shame, almost turning into Steamie!

This also caused everyone to laugh, but it also made the atmosphere of the birthday party suddenly become a lot lively.

Everyone can be regarded as officially getting to know this Hinata-sama of the Hyuga family today, and the purpose of Hinata Hinata has also been achieved.

He actually just wanted to send a signal to everyone in Konoha Village that there were people in the Hyuga family!

Although Hinata Hiashi was still a little dissatisfied with her daughter's cowardice, she only thought that the other party was still young, so she also smiled and wanted to send her daughter an encouraging look.

It's a pity that Hinata, who is shyly hiding by her mother's side, did not notice this scene at this time, which greatly disappointed the unknown daughter.

In this regard, the beautiful and moving Mrs. Hinata Hikaru couldn't help but purse her lips and snicker, looking at all this gently.

Everyone sighed when they saw this, feeling that Hinata's life was so good!

It's just that his younger brother is a little bit faster, and as the eldest brother, he was born into the Hyuga clan and was destined to become a human being.

Now he has both a wife and daughter!

The daughter Hinata Hinata is still so cute, and her scared look is very pitiful.

His wife Hinata Hikaru is still such a beautiful and elegant beauty, even a wide kimono can not hide the other party's rich figure.

So Hinata Hiashi is a winner in life as soon as she is born!

Haruno couldn't help but glance at the high bulge on Mrs. Hinata's chest, although it was not as large as Nakatsuna-hime, but it was not to be underestimated, so he guessed that Hinata should still be able to eat when he was a child...


Thinking of Hinata's amazing food intake in the future, Haruno Xiao suddenly became a little unconfident again!

The birthday banquet quickly went smoothly with the cooperation of everyone. The birthday cake was launched, the birthday song sounded, and everyone was willing to join in on it.

After all, it is a congratulations to this cute little loli!

Next was the birthday interaction between these ninjas who were invited to the meeting and Hinata's eldest lady, Hinata Hinata, and everyone sent congratulations and birthday gifts.

It's just that Xiao Hinata is inevitably a little afraid in the face of so many strangers, and at this time, he looks timid, pulling his mother's hand beside him and does not dare to let go.

"Happy birthday! Little sister Hinata..."

"This is my gift for you!"

When it was Haruno Xiao's turn to congratulate in person, he did not make other outrageous moves. And the fifteen-year-old was embarrassed to let people call him uncle, so he had to call the other party little sister.

In this regard, everyone couldn't help but snicker when they heard this. At the same time, they finally noticed the problem of Haruno laughing's age, thinking that the other party was already a shinobi at this age, so they also had to sigh that this guy was also a genius.

After sending his blessings, Haruno took out a beautiful small box from his arms and opened it. Then he saw the other party take out a beautiful necklace from the box, which immediately attracted the attention of everyone present.

"Huh! What a beautiful necklace!

Little Hinata couldn't help but exclaim when she saw such a beautiful necklace, and then covered her mouth after realizing it.

However, her big eyes were fixed on the beautiful necklace in Haruno Xiao's hand, especially the small emerald in the middle of the necklace.

Under the moonlight, it is shining green, and everyone knows that this is a good treasure at a glance.

"It's precious! Thank you very much!

Hinata Hiashi saw that the other party had given such a gift, and immediately paid attention to it. He couldn't help the curiosity in his heart, and after opening his white eyes a little and observing it, he couldn't help but gasp.

So pure! What a special Chakra!

Is this life energy?

What a good thing!

Their Hyuga family's thousand-year-old inheritance may not necessarily have such a special treasure now, I didn't expect to see it here today!

The cost of Hinata's birthday banquet this time may be recouped with this precious necklace!

Well, Haruno laughs at this person can!

Thinking of this, Hinata Hiashi quickly took his wife and children to bow and thank Haruno Xiao in front of him, indicating the highest treatment of their Hyuga family.

The head of the Hyuga family, the wife of the head of the Hyuga family, and the future heir of the Hyuga family bowed together to thank them, isn't this the highest treatment of the Hyuga family?

What else do you want?

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