If it weren't for the fact that the members of their Hyuga family could generally choose not to accept the task, and the members of the split family were all marked with the caged bird mark, perhaps their Hyuga family would also be remembered by each other's roots!

These great clans in Konoha Village, who doesn't know what the roots of Shimura Danzo are now?

To put it bluntly, it is the personal tool of this high-level elder of Konoha Village, and he is also a puppet without freedom!

Once inside, it is difficult to escape, because all members will be planted with special spells, and it is not up to anyone to live or die.

"Shimura Danzo... It's hard to deal with! But our Hyuga family is easy to deal with!? "

It also depends on the attitude of Sarutobi Hinata, the third generation of Hokage, who has occupied the position of Hokage for a long time!"

"I can see this person clearly! On the surface, he seems to be magnanimous, measured, and moody, but in fact, he is rigid, hesitant, arrogant, and courageous..."

But there is no strong strength to match! That's why they condone the Shimura group to hide in the village so arrogantly..."

"Play a good hand of cards in Konoha Village in a mess!" Perfect start, strong strength, but eventually reduced to the joke of the five major countries often beaten! During his reign, now anyone dares to come and provoke Konoha..."

"So you can't be soft against him, and our Hyuga family must also be tough!"

As soon as Hinata Hiashi spoke, the clansmen suddenly said, feeling that what the patriarch said was extremely reasonable.

And Hinata, who had been secretly paying attention to his brother's actions, found that the other party seemed to have changed today!

If it weren't for the fact that the other party didn't appear abnormal in his white eyes, he wanted to wonder if the person in front of him was a fake Hinata!

Why are you so strong?

What a rarity!

At this time, Hinata did not know that he had already circled outside the ghost gate, and if he was not careful, he would step into the abyss.

So at the instigation of Hinata Hiashi, the Hyuga clan unanimously decided to take a tough attitude in the face of the sudden bad criticism of Konoha Village...

After all, didn't that missing member of the peace negotiation group Yunnin disappear before their Hyuga clan disappeared, but isn't there no evidence now?

If you can't see anyone alive, you can't see a corpse after death, why do you say that they did it by the Hyuga clan?

Even if they did it, they can't admit it now!

Absolutely cannot admit it!

Otherwise, it will definitely be taken advantage of by the high-level of Konoha...

In the blink of an eye, a day passed, and the high-level of Konoha had to think of it because they couldn't find the missing Yunnin, but Yunyin's side was willing to give up and unanimously decided to ask Konoha to come up with an explanation.

Sarutobi Hinata was also a little upset at this time, because Yun refused to give up, and the Hinata family was tough and refused to cooperate, and now the pressure suddenly came to him.

"Ape fly! Then keep fighting!

"Kill all these Yunnin, a chicken killer..." Shimura

Danzo looked down on the indecision of his good friend. After all, things have come to this time, what else to hesitate?

If you don't move Hinata's house, then you can only move those cloud Shinobi!

Kill them all, and make up another reason that they have all left Konoha, and I don't know how to disappear to push away Yunyin Village?

Yunyin wants to fight, just keep fighting!

Just to his heart!

"Danzo! Konoha can't stand the toss anymore..."

"Let's communicate with the other party again!" Even if it costs a little, bring peace to the village..." Although

Sarutobi Hinata was very annoyed by the non-cooperation of the Hinata family, he did not dare to touch the other party's bottom line at this sensitive moment, so he could only find a way in other ways.

"Ape flying you... Don't dare either! Don't dare! What else is Hokage?

"Might as well be me!"

Shimura Danzo was extremely disappointed in the cowardice of his good friend, and such a person must have chosen him as Hokage because of his madness.

"Tuan Zang, pay attention to your words!!"

"I am the Hokage!"

Sarutobi Richo also knows the thoughts of his own friends, but he knows that the position under him is really not so good, and Tuanzo obviously does not have such qualifications.

"Hmph! Oh slash, you will definitely regret it later! "

In the end, the two old men ended the conversation with their daily unhappiness...

In this regard, the surrounding dark parts have already seen no surprise.

However, after a long tussle, in the end, Konoha and Yunnin did not fight, and the original peace agreement was still secretly planned to be signed.

In fact, Yunyin, as Shimura Danzo said, is now also a strong outsider, and there is also the threat of Yanyin, so he doesn't want to fight again.

As for what price Konoha paid here, it is unknown! Anyway, some time ago, Sarutobi and Shimura Danzo had another big quarrel. Afterwards, the two sides looked ugly and broke up unhappily....

And the third generation of Hokage now smokes a lot more than before, and the Hokage's office is often filled with smoke...

"Lord Xiao, thank you really for your help this time!"

"Otherwise, my family doesn't know what to do!"

A few days later, in Haruno Xiao's mansion, Lady Hinata, dressed in a white kimono and elegantly dressed, was visiting here. After some exchange, she suddenly bowed deeply to Haruno with a grateful expression to show her gratitude.

This is for Hinata's home! Also for her husband!

"Hey! They are all friends and help each other, so you don't have to be so polite!

"Needed! Thank you very much for your help..." The

other party's bow really scared Haruno to smile, so he quickly wanted to step forward to help, but the other party still insisted and maintained a bow of thanks, so he didn't have much to say, he could only silently watch the other party continue to express his gratitude to himself.

I've seen your full gratitude!

At this time, Haruno smiled and couldn't help but sigh in his heart, Hinata Hinata's life is so good, there is such an unfathomable beautiful wife...

Originally, he thought that Tsunade-hime was a natural hero in the middle school, but he couldn't imagine that Konoha was still hidden...

Ay! But the other party really looks like Hinata when he grows up! It's like a mold print....

No wonder they all have such extraordinary talents!

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