"This is a gift that my family wants me to bring, I hope you don't refuse!"

Hinata Hikaru, who had already learned everything from her husband, really thanked Haruno Xiao for everything she had done for their family at this time, otherwise their Hyuga family might have suffered a huge loss, and the biggest victim was probably her husband, Hinata Hinata!

So in order to thank Haruno Xiao for his help, Hinata Hiashi also prepared a generous reward for his wife to bring over.

As for why it was Mitsuru Hinata who came here to thank and not Hinata Hiashi to visit?

To avoid suspicion, of course!

Now the members of Konoha's dark roots are always staring at Hinata's mansion!

Although they are all bright and dangling for the Hyuga family with white eyes, they still squat so unscrupulously.

This is a warning!

At the same time, it is also a deterrent to other families, but this obviously also exposes the faces of the outsiders and insiders of these Konoha high-level Asa Flying Sun...

As for why Lady Hinata Hikaru came to Haruno to laugh here, of course, it was because it was originally a private clinic, and there were many Konoha women who frequented it.

Haruno Laugh, who has superb medical skills and extraordinary skills, is also a default women's friend in Konoha!

So it makes perfect sense that Lady Hinata would come here to visit, and the rest of the Hyuga clan would do whatever they wanted as if those dark clans didn't exist as if they didn't exist.

The Hyuga family was also on the same page with Konoha's high-ranking officials during this time, and Hyuga Hiashi visited other families one after another, secretly expressing the experience and attitude of his family!

People are empathetic, so after learning the information provided by Hiashi, although they can't openly give the Hyuga family a platform, at least they won't take the initiative to mix it in.

Among them, the Uchiha family must be the happiest, I heard that Uchiha Fugaku has been in a good mood recently, and he rarely showed a smile, and no longer maintained a serious dead face.

This is the hope of seeing allies appear!

Their Uchiha clan has been suffering for a long time in Konoha! I really hope that the Hyuga clan can reach a united front with them and fight against the squeeze of Konoha's high-level together!

For this reason, Uchiha Fugaku even wanted to invite Hinata Hiashi to discuss important matters. Pity! The other party rejected his kindness....

Of course, Hinata Hiashi will not be mixed with Uchiha Fugaku now, after all, the Hyuga clan has now touched the nerves of the high-level of Konoha, and he who does not want to completely tear his face can only make an attitude within a limited scope, instead of becoming a thorn in the eye of the high-level like the Uchiha clan.

But the attitude still has to be put out to give the Uchiha clan some hope, which also makes the ape flying sun chop them unable to act, otherwise they turn around and cooperate with the Uchiha clan.

In this regard, Sarutobi Hinata also hated his teeth itching, but he was afraid that the two clans of Konoha Village were really walking together, so he could only revoke the overt monitoring of the Hinata clan and investigate secretly instead.

He needed to know who else in Konoha Village was secretly associated with the Hyuga clan.

"Then I'll be disrespectful!"

Haruno smiled at the scroll pushed over, smiled and took it. His attitude also made Hinata breathe a sigh of relief, and his originally heavy heart also calmed down, and then he wanted to get up and leave.

"Since you are here, don't rush back first, otherwise it will make the dark parts outside suspicious."

"Mrs. Hinata, you don't want your husband to be suspected, do you?"

Seeing that Hinata wanted to leave after delivering the gift, Haruno stopped the other party in time. What kind of joke, how can you let this duck with your mouth fly away?

This is the mother of Hinata and Hanabi, the two white-eyed princesses of the Hyuga clan!

Will there be any secrets about a woman who can give birth to such a wonderful daughter?

Haruno Xiao will definitely not let go easily when he encounters, and he always has to get something to study and study.

"You mean..."

Lady Hinata stopped wanting to stand up when she heard Haruno laughing, and she knew that she was in a bit of a hurry. It's just that she, as the head wife of the Hyuga family, is really not good to stay in the other party's house for a long time.

This can easily damage the honor of her Hyuga family!

"It's okay, I'm already a public private clinic here, and many of the ladies of the family are my regular customers here!"

"Have you heard any gossip coming out of them when they got home?"

"Everything is credibility and technology talking!"

Haruno is confident in his medical ninjutsu, and he is also so proficient in pharmacology and illusion that many patients have no secrets in his eyes. He also knows what kind of attitude to take towards whom, and he will never fall into the tongue.

Therefore, the reputation of his private clinic has always been very loud in the circle of women of the big family in Konoha Village, which can be regarded as a golden signboard.

Many ninjas who came to investigate because of suspicion were mostly unsuccessful. Among them, the dark part appeared several times, and I observed Haruno Xiao's treatment process throughout the process.

It's just that where can their behavior escape Haruno Xiao's perception? So what is seen is what Haruno Xiao wants to show them....

Absolutely legal compliance is not afraid of inspection!

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