"Don't worry! Mrs. Hinata..."

"The patriarch ladies of many clans in Konoha Village are my regular visitors here, and you can choose to keep your underwear, so don't worry about what I will do!"

It is not surprising that such guests Haruno laughs, and every new female guest has such concerns. After trying his skillful technique, which one doesn't like it very much, and will it be in the future?

"Well, okay then!! I believe you..."

In the end, Hinata took off her white kimono abrasively, revealing her seductive figure hidden inside her clothes.

Ooh! On the surface, I really can't see that as soon as this dress is taken off, the other party's beautiful body will be fully revealed!

Breast enlargement and long legs, with her elegant temperament and peerless appearance, is indeed a rare beauty.

Her appearance at this time is seven or eight points similar to the appearance of Hinata growing up later, but she is more charming and mature than Hinata later. Especially the pair of dangerous peaks on the chest of the other party, which has great lethality for men....

Haruno laughed and began to be a little jealous of Hinata Hinata!

He suspected that this guy, as the heir of the Hyuga clan, was definitely his own wife when he was young, otherwise where did he get so lucky to meet Hinata Hikaru, a stunner...

"Come on! "

I'll make you comfortable..."

Haruno smiled and induced the other party to relax. When he saw the other party lying obediently on the tatami, he also began to apply essential oils to his hands, and then quickly printed Chakra.

The next moment, Haruno Xiao's hands were wrapped in blue light, looking extremely professional. The other party's performance also made Hinata Hikaru, who secretly observed the side, feel a lot relieved, and at the same time felt very shy.

This is the first time she has experienced this!

Is it really as comfortable as the legend?

Hinata Hikaru had collected a lot of information about Haruno Xiao before coming here, of course, he knew where this place was, and he also inquired about the other party's special medical ninjutsu.

The legend of Haruno Xiao is widely spread among the high-level ninjas, and various strange healing techniques are emerging one after another, but the effect is indeed very obvious.

So much so that this small private clinic has many repeat customers, sometimes even requiring an appointment!

"Hmm! Ay! Yes! This is..." When

Haruno laughed's hands fell on his back, Hinata immediately sensed that the other party's massage skills were extraordinary, and indeed unmatched.

At this time, her body seemed to be rejuvenated under the kneading and pushing of the other party's hands, and the comfort hit her like a tide.

It wasn't long before she slept comfortably....

Seeing this result, Haruno smiled with satisfaction at the corner of his mouth, and then gently continued to walk on the other party's body, while checking the condition of the other party's body more carefully.

Of course, this is indispensable to collect the other party's cell tissue and secretions, and everything flows smoothly under his skill.

"Huh? Am I asleep?

When Hinata woke up comfortably again, she found that she was the only one in the house, and she was lying on the tatami mat with a single quilt. So she quickly opened the quilt to check it, and only breathed a sigh of relief after finding that the underwear was still there.

"Hey! How do I get wet and sticky? "

Originally, I was secretly happy that my state was like Hinata Hikaru who had been rejuvenated soon discovered his body, sweating a lot, and even wetting the tatami mats under him!

"Lady Hinata, are you awake?"

"I think you need to wash up, so I brought you clothes..." At

this time, the door of the room was pushed open, and Fujimoto Hazuki appeared outside the door with some clothes in his hands.

"Hey! Trouble you! Then I'll be disrespectful..."

Hinata immediately cast a grateful look at the other party when he saw the other party's help. Because at this time, she really wants to be able to wash!

"Mrs. Hinata, how do you feel?"

By the time Hinata returned to the room again, Haruno was already there drinking tea and waiting.

"Very good! It feels like a new life!

"Lord Laughter's medical skills are really powerful..." Seeing

Haruno laughing again, Hinata Hikaru felt that the person in front of him was very close, so he unconsciously expressed his admiration.

The favorability has improved a lot!

"If you're satisfied!"

Just as Haruno was about to entertain the wife of the head of the Hyuga family, Fujimoto Hazuki suddenly appeared outside the door.

"What's wrong? Leaf Moon?

"Lord Laughter, there is a visit from the Dark Ministry!"

Ye Yue's words made the two people in the room couldn't help but be stunned in their hearts, and they couldn't help but think of a lot.

"I'll let the other person in! I'm going to see what the hell is going on..."

"Mrs. Hinata, I'm sorry! It seems that I don't have time to continue to serve you, please find an opportunity to come to my side next time!

Haruno Xiao was also a little puzzled when he heard this, it stands to reason that he should not have exposed any flaws.

"Alright! Then I'll leave first..." Although

Hinata Hikaru was still a little uneasy in his heart, he still maintained his composure on the surface, and left very decently.


After Haruno saw off Hinata and her minions, a dark part with a mask appeared in front of him in a flash.

"Haruno laughs, Naruto-sama please!"

This guy's murderous momentum looks cold and cold, and it is difficult to get along with.

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