"Is there any task I need to do?"

Haruno asked tentatively, hoping to get some information.

"Please follow me as ordered!"


The dark part did not answer Haruno laughing, but continued to demand to follow immediately.

Ooh! This attitude... It's kind of like roots!

"Ye Yue, you take good care of Izumi at home, I'll go back when I go..." Giving

Ye Yue behind him a reassuring look, Haruno smiled and had to follow behind the other party in civilian clothes.

He wanted to see what the other party wanted to do?

This guy walked quickly with Haruno Xiao, but the direction was obviously not the Hokage Building, but the Hokage Rock on one side.

When he saw the old guy standing on the cliff with a cane, a bandage, and a deep costume facing the wind and the moon, Haruno laughed and didn't understand what was going on.

It seems that Shimura Danzo, this old guy, wants to steal and kidnap in the name of Hokage!

Oh! This is the first official meeting between the two!

"What about Naruto-sama? Where is it? "

Didn't you say that Naruto-sama was looking for me?"

Haruno smiled and did not wait for the other party to speak, and after looking around, he directly asked the dark ninja on the side, as if he did not see Danzo.

"Presumptuous! In front of you is our high-level advisor of Konoha Village, Lord Shimura Danzo! The

dark ninja saw Haruno laughing and rude to Shimura Danzo, and quickly reprimanded.

"I said... What about Naruto-sama?

"Is there something wrong with your ears?" Do you want me to help you heal it?" "

Why didn't I see what you said about Naruto-sama!"

"Say! Who are you? Why did you trick me into coming here by impersonating the Shadows? Haruno

smiled with a solemn face, and the voice was very loud, and it was far away in the silent night, and I believe that the movement here will soon attract the attention of many people...

"Boy, you're smart! Pity...... That's just clever..."

"Don't think that your little movements are perfect, in my opinion, they are full of flaws!"

Shimura Danzo seemed to have sensed Haruno's intention to laugh, so he dismissed the appearance of continuing to pretend, turned around and said in a low voice. His eyes were very sharp at this time, and he seemed to have seen through everything.

"Hey! I'm sorry! This Danzo Elder..."

"May I ask where is Naruto-sama?"

Haruno laughed and didn't care about the other party's nonsense, but mentioned the term Hokage again.

However, these words were like a handful of kunai inserted into the other party's heart, which made Shimura Danzo annoyed!

"Hmph! Don't talk about it! Now I'm the only one here..." Shimura

Danzo was by Haruno Laugh's many references to Hokage, was he so faceless?

He almost became Hokage too, okay?!

What is ape flying?

"Ugh! This Tuanzang Elder, your words are a little wrong!

"Say what, you're alone here?"

"Although you shouldn't be a person in the dark part next to you, you can't insult my personality!"

"Why am I not human?"

"Oh! Just you personally?

Haruno continued to mess around, his voice was particularly loud, and from a distance it seemed that several figures were already coming towards this side. They are the real dark part!

After all, Hokage Rock is very close to the Hokage office, and a little wind and grass will alarm the squatting dark part, not to mention Haruno Xiao's special loud shout.

"Find death!"

The root ninja on the side saw that Danzo was humiliated, so he pulled out his ninja knife and flashed close to Haruno Xiao, wanting to subdue the other party and take him away from here before treating each other well!


Just before his knife could get close to the target, a large sole was printed in his eyes.

"You'll regret it..." Danzo

glanced at the root members who were kicked off the Hokage Rock, not paying too much attention, because there were other root members around who would take care of things, but they were more interested in Haruno Xiao in front of him.

I couldn't imagine that the other party still had such a physical cultivation!

Wrong! And illusions!

Otherwise, his subordinates would not be so easily solved by the other party's move....

This man is not easy to deal with!

Will he be the one who helps Hinata Hinata?

Looking at the dark figure that was about to come over, Tuan Zang felt that he had also made a mistake today. The kid in front of him didn't play his cards according to the routine, which made him a little overwhelmed!

So after taking a deep look at Haruno and smiling, he disappeared with his subordinates in a flash.

"I am... Blah blah... Hokage who loves to be whom!

"I just want to be the man behind Hokage!"

Hearing Shimura Danzo's classic words of leaving, Haruno Xiao, who withdrew his feet, almost took it off.

In fact, he didn't want to be the Hokage of this Konoha Hidden Village. Because this position is really not a matter of people, there are a lot of things not to say, and now it is still remembered by the Xiao Organization.

In the future, if people come here as in the original plot, they will have to return to the pre-liberation with one move!

Oh! Ichiraku Ramen House should be fine....

"Haruno laughs, huh?"

"What just happened?"

When Dark comes to Hokage Rock, he finds that only Haruno is left there, so he asks him.

"I want to see the real Naruto-sama!"

"Just now, I was tricked here by that Shimura Danzo elder in the name of Hokage, although I don't know what his intentions are, I won't do what he wants!"

Looking at the few dark people who gathered around, Haruno smiled and did not panic, and calmly told them about his grievances.

"Uh... This one! Hearing

that it was Shimura Danzo's "good deeds", these dark people also looked embarrassed. Others don't know who Shimura Danzo is, are they still not clear about these dark parts?

It seems that the kid in front of him was fancy by the root hidden in Konoha!

"Please come with us!"

"Tsuru! You inform Naruto-sama first..." The

Dark Ministry headed by the leader finally decided to let the three generations of Hokage handle this matter, they didn't want to have any entanglement with that Danzo elder.


After a female voice sounded, one of the thin shadows present disappeared in a flash.

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