"Let's go!"

Then the head of the dark part continued to walk towards the nearby Hokage office with Haruno smile, he felt that tonight might not be so easy to stop.

Ay! Damn overtime days where is the head?

When I was still young, I listened to someone's ghost and accepted the invitation to join the dark department....

This is definitely the most failed decision of his life!

If time could be turned back, he would definitely choose to continue to be an ordinary ninja.

Maybe in this way, you can be out of ear and out of sight, and not touch those bad things!

Good now!

It's hard to get out of the dark part....

What happened to those seniors who quietly disappeared after exiting the dark part?

It's that they know so many things!

Seals and spells can often only trap a person's body, but they can't trap a person's mind!

In the Hokage office, after receiving the notice from the dark department, the third-generation Hokage Ape Hibiki could only leave a few coolly dressed maids rubbing each other in the room, and then returned here alone to work overtime.

"It's laughter! I apologize to you to Elder Shimura Danzo for tonight's incident..."

"But the other party should just want to talk to you, and there will be no malice!"

"Don't worry! I promise that he will never trouble you again in the future..."

After listening to Haruno's laughing narration, Sarutobi Ri, who was forced to work overtime, also scolded his good friend in his heart, and then said a nonsense that he didn't believe in without changing his face and heartbeat.

No way!

Who let Tuan Zang be a cinnabar mole that he can't shake off!

Therefore, Ape Flying Sun Chopper can only continue to appease the big boy in front of him, and then secretly send the dark department to protect the other party for a while.

And Tuan Zang's side still needs to continue to suppress it, otherwise the other party is really too lawless, and he actually does bad things everywhere in his name!

Can't that guy in Tuanzo use his own name?

"Miyome-sama, do you say I can trust those dark parts now?"

"In the future, when the other party comes out like this, do I listen or not?"

"If the other party makes a move on me or my family, do I resist or not?"

"If the last person dies, who will be responsible?"

Haruno didn't believe a word about Sarutobi's assurance, and it could be seen from his connivance with Tuanzang over the years. So he had to have a showdown with the other party here in advance, wanting to hear what the other party had to say.

"Uh... This..."

Ape Fei Ri also felt a deep headache when he heard this, and he couldn't imagine that his own guarantee could not dispel the other party's concerns, it seemed that the reputation of that guy in Tuanzang was already rotten.

This made him both happy and helpless....

Happily, Danzo has completely lost the hearts of people in Konoha, and can only continue to help him do the dirty work in the dark and be his white glove.

Helplessly, it seems that even his credibility is in question now, and even the medical director of Konoha Hospital in front of him does not put him in his eyes!

"For the dark part, of course, you can believe it..."

"If Tuanzo strikes at you again, I approve that you can resist!"

"At that time, I will definitely do you justice!"

Taking a deep breath of smoke, Ape Flying Sun Chopper could only continue to comfort the man in front of him. However, for this guy who lacks the Will of Fire, he really doesn't like it now.

Why can't you forgive me for this old Hokage? Even for the stability of the village!

What about your sacrificial spirit?

In the smoke, Sarutobi looked at Haruno in front of him and smiled, and for the first time felt that this first technician of Konoha Hidden Village was probably going to lose control.

I hope the one from Uchiha doesn't think about him!

Or kill it?

No way! Can't be impulsive! The other party is still useful....

"Okay then! But I already remember the words of the third generation Hokage-sama!

"If that Shimura Danzo elder goes down and tricks me in your name again, then I won't be polite to him!"

"If you make a move on me, then I can only say sorry to you!"

"I won't just grab it and become a puppet of the other party..."

After finishing his words, Haruno smiled and secretly glared at the wall on the side, and then turned and left the Hokage's office, not caring about Sarutobi Hinata's ugly face.

"Ape fly! You see, this is what you call Konoha Dongliang?

"You don't want such an arrogant pillar! Or leave it to me for the root disposal, right?

After Haruno Xiao left, Danzo actually walked out from behind the wall, and then slashed at the ape flying sun in front of him with a gloomy face.

Sima Zhao's heart is known to everyone!

"Enough! Don't you mess with enough things?

"Who let you go around in my name?"

"You don't want a face, I still want a face!"

"There is no next time!"

After hearing Hao Jiyou's words, Ape Fei Ri smiled, and immediately opened his mouth and sprayed at Tuan Zang indiscriminately.

Did you just pay by mistake?

Tuan Zang may have used his name more than once over the years to do those shady things!

No wonder his reputation is getting worse and worse, it turns out that he is a good friend who keeps stabbing in the back!

"Richo, how many years of relationship I have with you, do I still need to divide it so clearly?"

"We already have me in you, and you in me..." Shimura

Danzo didn't seem too concerned about Sarutobi Hibi's warning. Who doesn't know who yet? As far as the weakness of Ape Fei is concerned, it is inseparable from him....

Shimura Tuan hid in front of Sarutobi and really answered the sentence: Those who are needed have no fear!

"And! Don't provoke Haruno to laugh in the future!

"We in Konoha still need him!"

Seeing that Haoji Youdanzo was so brazen, Sarutobi also felt tired for a while, but finally issued his own warning to the man in front of him again.

"It's him! That's him!

"He's definitely the one who helped Hinata Hiashi..." Shimura

Danzo didn't want to let go of that hateful brat, so he had to release his own king bomb message.

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