"Do you have any proof?"

Ape Fei Ri couldn't help but be silent when he heard this, and only after knocking on the cigarette ash did he ask slowly.

"The night of the incident was still Hinata's daughter's birthday party, and Haruno Xiao was among the invitees!"

"What kind of evidence is this? He wasn't the only one who was invited? And a whole bunch of people?

"I used the elimination method to identify several candidates, and after the analysis of my subordinates, I finally thought that Haruno Xiao was the most suspicious!"

"How to analyze?"

That night he left an accessory at Hinata's house and went back to retrieve it! So he has time ... As an invitee, he also has a motive to help the Hyuga clan..."

Shimura Danzo swore by it, and Sarutobi Hinata did not question it again. Because Haruno's attitude made him a little suspicious just now, and now after hearing this analysis, he feels that this matter seems to be straightened out.

But in what name can he use to reproach or capture Haruno now?

People are just maintaining the Hyuga family!

After all, people are still killed by daily feet!

You can't kill a murderer without arresting it, but go and catch an accomplice, right? This is unreasonable!

"Hinata, hand him over to me!"

"I will definitely arrange him clearly..." Shimura

Danzo doesn't care about so many things, as long as he guesses that the other party may threaten Konoha or the rule of these Konoha high-ranking people, then damn it!

"Tuan Zang, you should give the young man more opportunities..." "

He's still a child!"

"Forget it this time!"

Ape Flying Sun Chopper is still soft-hearted, after all, he is old, and he does not have as much killing intent as before, and Konoha has withered so much over the years, he should also let some new shoots emerge.

Maybe this Haruno laugh also has this potential....

"Ape fly you! You..."

"Indecision, it's hard to make a big deal! You will definitely regret it in the future..." Shimura

Danzo was also angry when he heard this, and he got such a reply after saying so much. You are worthy of being an ape flying, and you have never let me down in terms of disappointing!

"I am the Hokage!"

"You just have to do what I tell you! Don't disappoint me again..."

Ape Fei Ri glanced at the man in front of him and said in a serious tone. Haruno Xiao is just a big boy in his heart, and it is precisely when the heart of justice is bursting, it is not surprising that he can help Hiashi when he encounters such a thing.

"Hmph! You'll regret it..."

As the door slammed, Shimura Danzo disappeared into Hokage's office.

"Laugh, you're back!"

"Are you okay at home?"

"Hmm! There is a laughing shadow doppelganger, it will be fine..."

Then it's best!

On the other side, Haruno Xiao had already returned home, and Ye Yue found out about his return for the first time.

Before leaving, he had actually separated a shadow doppelganger, just in case. Fortunately, Shimura Danzo didn't strike again, otherwise it might have been a little difficult tonight.

Ay! That's a lot of....

Do you really have to leave Konoha to stop?

It's just that the reputation of rebellion doesn't seem to be very good!

"Izumi, are you sleeping?"

Glancing around at the quiet courtyard, Haruno asked Ye Yue beside him with a smile.

"Sleep! I didn't tell her that! Perhaps

hearing something strange, Fujimoto Hazuki replied in the same whisper.

"Well, good! You are right...... Come to my room later! Hearing

this, Haruye's eyes narrowed lightly, and for the safety of the future, he decided to conduct intensive special training for Ye Yue.

"Ah! This...... Aren't you too tired?

Ye Yue looked at the big boy beside him and muttered hesitantly.

"It's okay! Teaching you and me can relax a little... Let's go!

Pretending to shrug his shoulders easily, Haruno smiled and patted the other party's back without care, as if the merit was impatient.

"Uh... All right!

Fujimoto Hazuki finally blushed and agreed, and she also fought hard to become stronger, so she followed the other party into the room with firm steps.

"Tonight is still an illusion class, this time I want to exercise your resistance to illusion and look into my eyes..."

Not long after, Haruno laughed and taught Fujimoto Hazuki in the room, and then it quickly fell silent.


This, this is not true... Laugh! You're not dead? After

a while, there was a change in the room, but Fujimoto Hazuki looked pained, but after seeing Haruno laughing in front of him, he became surprised, and immediately involuntarily hugged each other.

It seems that she was tossed enough in the other party's illusion just now, but I don't know what test she has endured.

"Congratulations! Hazuki... You've awakened the Sharingan! He

had already seen the single hook jade writing wheel eyes in Ye Yue's eyes before, and Haruno smiled and nodded with satisfaction.

The effect of the illusion is still quite good, and his position in the other party's heart seems to be ... Not low!

"Ah! This..." Feeling

the warmth coming from his arms, Fujimoto Hazuki immediately knew that everything just now was just an illusion, so the red halo climbed up her face again, but the hand did not mean to let go, and still hugged the other party hard.

"Let's rest for a while! It's my reward for your awakening of the Sharingan..." Saying

that, Haruno smiled and did not wait for the other party's surprise, so he hugged the other party and lay down on the tatami mat, which made the beautiful person in his arms stiffen and dare not move.


Under the great sorrow and joy, Ye Yue, who was already tired, couldn't help but close her eyes when she heard this, clinging to the other party's chest, quietly feeling this real and dreamy scene.

Is this still an illusion?

Hope this is true!

Otherwise, don't wake me up....

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