"Mother, have you succeeded?"

The next day, Fujimoto Izumi woke up early in the morning, but looking at her mother, who was already preparing breakfast in her room earlier than her, she always felt a little strange.

Thinking that the other party did not go back to sleep last night and now has a radiant happy smile on her face, she has to guess whether her mother has taken down the laughing brother!

"Eat your breakfast!"


No more than school?"

Perhaps because she was told what was on her mind, Ye Yue blushed and asked her daughter to eat as soon as possible.


Fujimoto Hazuki also didn't want to explain more about this matter, because she didn't know how to explain it to her daughter.

However, looking at Izumi's indifferent look, she suddenly felt a little relieved.

This little nizi didn't just talk before, it seemed that she really wanted to make herself laugh together.

"What about brother Xiao? Why don't you see him? Izumi

looked around, but Haruno was surprised when he didn't notice it. In the past, the other party should have woken up early at this time, why hasn't he seen anyone until now?

"He's out! The task over there in the daimyo mansion..." Ye

Yue thought about it and told her daughter about Haruno Xiao's whereabouts, after all, this is not a secret thing, every once in a while the men in the family will have such a task.

"Oh! Is this a task again?

"Hey! What a envy! I haven't been out of Konoha Village since I'm this big..." Although

Izumi is nine years old, she has always lived in the small circle of Konoha, so she is still very curious about the outside world, so much so that she very much hopes that she can graduate early.

It's a pity that Haruno Xiao negated her idea of graduating early. According to the other party, the student period is the happiest period for children, and she just needs to continue to accumulate strength without worry.

"I said you guys were too close, right?"

"Can you take into account my feelings?"

Just when Izumi envied Haruno Xiao for going out of the village to carry out a mission, the man she was worried about encountered an accident.


Perhaps Haruno laughed and stopped complaining, and three figures quickly emerged from the originally calm forest, coming towards him from three directions together.

They were dressed in black, masks wore faces, and were silent, and the blades in their hands pointed directly at Haruno Xiao's body, as if they wanted to solve him quickly.


the next instant, the three men in black were shot out and hit the nearby tree hard, causing the leaves to fly in an instant.

"Hey! It's really yin..."

"There is even the Nara family!"

Haruno laughed and disappeared in place, leaving the black shadow on the ground empty. In the blink of an eye, he came to a large tree nearby, and at the same time the water tooth blade in his hand was rapidly condensing and spinning, and then he plunged hard into the trunk.


The next moment, a blood hole appeared in the place where it was originally just a tree trunk, and even the big tree behind him was pierced, revealing a black-clothed ninja who used concealment techniques to hide inside.

At this time, he still looked incredulous, and fell to the ground with blood from his mouth, not blinding.



As soon as Haruno Xiao got his hand, he immediately used the teleportation technique to leave the place, and then a large amount of kunai hit the trunk like raindrops, and under the action of the detonation charm on it, the large tree was blown into a half-cut stump.

At the same time, the originally empty forest was already full of people at the beginning of nowhere, and Haruno Xiao was surrounded in all directions, with at least twenty people, and there were many people hidden underground.

"Gee... You can really look at me!

"Let me guess, you're roots?"

Looking at this group of black-clothed men who were silent and only holding weapons against him, Haruno Xiao quickly learned their identities.

If you don't speak, you can be considered a default!

Perhaps only Shimura Danzo could be so unscrupulous, and he couldn't help but send someone to intercept and kill him not long after he left the village.

It seems that the words of the ape flying sun to slash this third-generation Hokage really have no effect! It's really faceless! Failure....

"In that case, then I have to kill today! I'm really sorry! I don't want to..." Since

the other party was a member of the root who had no humanity to speak of, Haruno no longer politely told them. The next moment, he activated his teleportation technique, and the water tooth blade penetrated an opponent again in an instant, and at the same time, he also took the long knife in the opponent's hand and began to kill the man in black in the forest.

"May you have a good birth in your next life!"

"Give me peace of mind to die!"

Haruno laughed unexpectedly fast, and under his high-speed movement, those men in black would often be cut off with a single look on their faces.

It's like white teeth reborn!

At this moment, the man who was originally surrounded in the field seemed to have transformed into a fruit ninja, killing people like chopping melons and cutting vegetables, without the slightest mercy.


Swish..." "Swish..." The

dark weapons of Ku Wu and the shuriken couldn't touch the corners of his clothes at all, because Haruno laughed too fast, and he was also very agile, as if he could see their movements in advance.

If it weren't for the fact that his eyes were still normal, the remaining man in black present would still think that the other party was a member of Uchiha who opened the three-hook jade.

"Fire Phoenix Flower Claw Red!"

"Wind Escape Big Breakthrough!"

"Thunder and go!"

"Tudun Tuling Danzi!"


"Boom, boom..." Seeing

that there was no advantage in close range, the man in black launched various ninjutsu in an instant to carry out a gapless long-range bombardment of Haruno Xiao.

They also didn't care about Chakra's consumption at this time, and they just wanted to kill the man in front of them.

After all, so many people died at once, even if their hearts were as cold as iron, they felt terrified at this time.

This Haruno laughs too much!

Maybe the White Fang is reborn...

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