"Izumi, let's get here today! However, your physical skills still need to be strengthened! You can't hold on so soon next time! In

Fuzi Village, in a courtyard above a high mountain, Haruno Xiao is practicing physical arts with his apprentice Fujimoto Izumi.

The next moment, his body flashed, and then a sudden stab knocked the other party to the ground. Looking at the little loli who was sweating profusely and collapsed to the ground and couldn't get up, Haruno Xiao also knew that the other party's physical strength had reached the limit.

So he ended this sparring with a loud voice, then leaned over and pulled the other party into his arms, and then the blue light in his hand lit up, and began to gently treat the bruises and redness on the little loli.

As the little disciple grew up, Haruno Xiao became more and more demanding of her. Although it is only a simple physical exercise, it is also a real knife and a real gun, fist to flesh beating, so injuries are inevitable!

However, with Haruno laughing at this medical expert, Izumi doesn't have to worry about what sequelae will be left. Before the practice, it was a beautiful dada, and after the practice, it was the same little beauty.

"Hi hi... Got it!

"But... Brother Xiao, are we really not going back in the future? Comfortably

accepting the service of the anxious master, Little Loli quickly nodded when she heard this. Looking at the somewhat unfamiliar environment around her, she suddenly felt a little sad, and then couldn't help but ask in a low voice.

"Is it a little friend who can't bear it?"

"So do you want me to take you back to Konoha to say goodbye to them?"

Sensing the little apprentice's thoughts, Haruno smiled and gave advice very considerately.


"Can we go back to Konoha?"

"It won't affect you, will it?"

Because of her beautiful appearance and excellent physical skills, Izumi also has many friends in the ninjutsu school. And the sudden departure from the village really made her a little overwhelmed, and her heart was always suffering from gains and losses....

Even though she has been in Fuzi Village for several days, she still thinks about everything at home and her friends at school.

It's just that she is also worried that her fooling around will bring trouble to her laughing brother, after all, their situation in Konoha Village is not very good!

"No problem! A little jumping beam clown, can't get on the table.

"At the same time, I also want to know how the three generations of Eye Ape Flying Sun Slash treat me, and they have not listed me as a traitor until now!"

In fact, Haruno Xiao wanted to go back to Konoha Village immediately after settling Fujimoto's mother and daughter in Fuzi Village! After all, he still has relatives there....

It's the Haruno Sakura's family!

Although after he became a ninja, the two sides actually had little contact, and they would not move around every New Year's holiday.

In fact, in Haruno Xiao's heart, these three remaining relatives are still quite important, and if he can, he doesn't mind taking each other out to live with him....

But knowing the character of Haruno Zhao, he knew that this possibility was very rare. The other party will definitely not give up Konoha, the most stable environment in the entire ninja world at present, and then go out with him to fight a career.

"Maybe the third generation of Hokage-sama actually wants to laugh at your brother, and you go back?"

Quan's eyes couldn't help but light up when he heard this, and he blurted out to defend the other party. She has always been educated in the Will of Fire, and she is still quite simple in thought, so she subconsciously thinks that Ape Flying Sun Chopper is a good person.

"Haha... Then go back and ask?

"If we can't talk, we'll go..."

In the end, Haruno decided to take Izumi back to Konoha Village and do a little bit of work at the same time.

"Let's take a shower first!"

"While it's still early, let's rest and go... When the time comes, I will take you back to Konoha Shinobi School to meet your classmates!

"But no matter what, you and Sister Ye Yue will only be able to live in Fuzi Village in the future!" Otherwise, you will become someone else's weak point in attacking me..."

I know! Izumi

was also very helpless about this result, but if she had to choose between her classmates and Haruno Xiao, of course she would choose her laughing brother.

And now there is a rare opportunity to say goodbye to your classmates! So she didn't ask for more either....

"Sister Hazuki, do you need to go back to Konoha to say goodbye to your friends?"

Since there was a decision to return to Konoha, Haruno Xiao did not hide from Fujimoto Hazuki, and after taking a bath with little Lori, he told the other party about it, so as not to worry about her when she didn't see her daughter later.

"Nope! I don't have many friends in Konoha..."

"But you must be careful when you go back, pay attention to safety!"

"Izumi, remember to be obedient! Don't bring trouble to laughter! Ye

Yue also didn't want to become a burden and burden to Haruno Xiao, so she didn't make this fun. At the same time, she did not forget to tell the two to pay attention to safety, including focusing on her daughter.

If she could, she didn't want her daughter to go back to Konoha Village. After all, now this Fuzi village is also very good, and the village where all the female ninja give her a different sense of security.

If her strength is a little stronger and becomes a superior ninja, she wants to compete for the twelve guardian ninja of this Fuzi Village!

"Got it! Got it! "

I'm not a kid!"

Izumi is almost ten years old, and she knows how bad she is precocious, so she doesn't want to be a burden to her laughing brother. But she really wants to say goodbye to her classmates!

"Huh... Do not worry! I'll bring Izumi back safely..."

"Have you forgotten that I can teleport?"

"Konoha can't keep us!"

Haruno Xiao also knew what Ye Yue was worried about, so he smiled and reassured the other party. He was still very confident in his strength, confident that there was no one in Konoha at this time to keep him prepared.

"Hmm! I believe you..."

Ye Yue also smiled at Haruno in front of her when she heard this, all she needed to do now was continue to trust the other party.

Using teleportation, Haruno easily returned to Konoha Village with Izumi. At this time, they are also covered up by makeup and smell, so the people of Konoha Village should not recognize them.

In fact, when they left the teleportation array in the shadows and appeared near their former home, they were greeted by two strange houses.

"Is this our home? What's different!? Could it be that we went wrong? Although

Konoha Village had tried to restore Haruno to the original appearance of the two houses, Izumi could easily see the difference between the two. So she couldn't help but look at the laughing brother beside her with a puzzled face, hoping to get an answer from the other party.

"Fake! It's just a good thing..."

"We don't have it at Konoha's house for a long time!"

Of course, Haruno Xiao knows what is going on, this home is still blown up by him on his own initiative! It's just that I didn't expect Konoha to restore it, but the details were relatively rough, and even Izumi, the ninja egg, could see the difference between the two!

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