"Ah! It was so excessive, even our family didn't let go! Then let's go to the ninja school and take a look!

"I hope those classmates of mine won't be replaced either..." Izumi

was also frightened by Haruno's laughing words, and hurriedly pulled the other party in the direction of Konoha Shinobi School.

"Then let's go! And you have to behave naturally and bring out what you've learned in ninja school..."

We are now foreign merchants visiting

Konoha..." Haruno laughed and didn't tell Izumi the truth, just let her make up her own brain, after all, the darkness of Konoha was far worse than she thought. At the same time, he also told the other party to pay attention to his words and deeds, but he can't easily wear help!

Although he was confident that he would leave Konoha safely with the little loli, there were still many things that had not been done, and it would be best if it could go smoothly.

"Got it! Got it! Brother Xiao, why are you nagging like my mother..." Izumi

could only helplessly respond when he heard this. How one of the two when she is a child, she also grows up well.

Thinking of this, Izumi suddenly held the arm of the man next to him in his arms, and then proved it to the other party with a well-developed fullness.

Ay! Izumi, you're still far behind!

It's completely incomparable to your mother....

Feeling the warm delicate body around him, Haruno smiled and secretly commented in his heart. However, his face should pretend to be obscene, his head is held high, and his nostrils are terrifying.



"What a envy! It's good to have money..."


Along the way, Haruno Xiao was pointed at by those envious and jealous men, and his eyes were very bad.

After all, although Izumi is a little younger now, her good development makes her appear taller than her peers, and at first glance she looks like a fourteen or fifteen-year-old girl. In addition, her makeup at this time is more delicate than the original appearance, so she looks very beautiful, which can not attract the attention of others.

In contrast, Haruno Xiao's makeup looks plain, from the original sunny handsome man to an ordinary-looking businessman, and his pearlescent body is worth a lot.

Because of this, even if they are so high-profile, no one doubts their identity.

Isn't this a model of a big businessman playing in Konoha with his concubine?

This unexpected makeup is perhaps the safest makeup, and in the bustling village of Konoha, such a combination is actually very common. Even the Daimyo of the Fire Nation or the General's Wife often visit here, not to mention the big merchants!

They are the mainstream of Konoha's important entrusted tasks!

It's all rice class master!

So in Konoha, under normal circumstances, no ninja will take the initiative to come forward to find trouble with these rich people!

In this way, Haruno Xiao took his little apprentice to wander around Konoha Village slowly, appearing on the streets and alleys, buying something to eat from time to time, and looking like he was having fun.

"Have you seen enough? Need a chance to say goodbye to them? At

this time, another pair, Haruno Laugh and Fujimoto Izumi, appeared at Konoha Shinobi School, their shadow doppelganger, observing the class scene.

"Still don't want it! Maybe you will become more reluctant after seeing them, so it's better not to see them again..."

"And I don't want to cause them trouble!"

Before he came, Izumi was eager to say goodbye to his classmates, but he hesitated when he really needed to face it.

"Izumi, you're mature!"

"It seems that it has really grown a lot..."

Haruno smiled and touched his little apprentice's head, giving the other party some comfort. Izumi's idea proves that she has grown up and knows how to think differently.

"Hmph! I've grown up a long time ago, okay!

"You still think I don't know anything..."

If Izumi really appeared in front of these ninja school classmates, then there would definitely be a series of troubles waiting for them.

Konoha Village will definitely send someone to investigate this, and it will not be good for anyone at that time!

"Then let's go! I'll take you to find the culprit who made us have to leave... Home!

"Since our home is gone, then he Shimura Danzo should not be happy!"

"Okay! All right! I'm going to take revenge too..." Although

Haruno laughed that he blew up the house, he blamed Shimura Danzo for the incident. After all, if it weren't for the other party's idle time to find trouble for himself, he wouldn't have to do that at all, let alone his turn today.

Really involved the whole body, he just repaid Hinata's kindness, helped the Hyuga family, and unexpectedly tired himself!

He still looked up at Konoha's high-level discipline...

Since they didn't talk about the bottom line, Haruno Xiao decided not to be polite with them next.

If there is anyone in Konoha who has the richest ninjutsu library, the first is the third generation of Megumi Hibiki, and the second is his old buddy root leader Shimura Danzo!

The former has the heritage of Konoha, and all kinds of ninjutsu are at his disposal, so he will have the title of the later doctor of ninjutsu.

The latter is sucking the blood of Konoha Village, using the roots to do all kinds of bad things in the shadows, I don't know how many times I have done the work of cleverness, and the accumulation of ninjutsu is not necessarily less than that of the three generations!

In quantity or even more!

Look at the secret art of the Uchiha clan in the late Shimura Danzo, Izanagi, and there is a group of elite ninjas of various families who are dead set on the ground.

What a secret technique, it's strange that there is no backup of the root!

"Is this the home of that Shimura Danzo?"

"Why is it so quiet? No one to see? "

Because of the help of Shimura Danzo, the Shimura clan is also a big clan in Konoha at this time, and the station is very large. However, Shimura Danzo's own house looks ordinary, even a little dark and terrifying, and does not look like it is inhabited.

"The old guy doesn't live at home at all, that's why the house looks so quiet."

"But there should be someone cleaning this place from time to time, otherwise it will definitely accumulate dust..." The

wooden planks of Shimura Danzo's cloister were wiped clean, and the yard was free of weeds, but Haruno Xiao still had sharp eyes and found that some remote locations of the house were still heavily dusty.

It should be the result of the irresponsibility of those responsible for taking care of the yard, perhaps because there is no one living here, and Shimura Danzo usually does not care much about such a situation.

"What do we do now?"

"Did you go in and steal?"

"Or just blow up this place?"

Looking at the empty house, Izumi also felt a little nervous.

She was just a ninja who hadn't graduated before, and she hadn't done a single official assignment yet!

Now she was doing bad things with Haruno Xiao like this, so an inexplicable sense of stimulation suddenly gushed out from the bottom of her heart, and began to stimulate her nerves, which actually made her laugh unconsciously excitedly.

This kid really has Uchiha's genes!

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