Watching Haruno

Zhao leave the tea and confection shop, Haruno Xiao's shadow doppelganger disappeared in a flash, without the slightest thought of following, and then dissipated in a safe corner.

"Oh! Uncle is still so afraid of his wife! It seems that he has been eaten to death by Aunt Bud Blowing in his life!

"Brother Xiao, what are you muttering?"

On the other side, Haruno Xiao's real body had already left Shimura Danzo's empty house, and then continued to wander around Konoha Village.

They will also leave Konoha Village later, so Haruno Xiao took the anxious little apprentice to take a good stroll here, after all, the next time the other party came back, he didn't know when it was.

"Haha... It's okay! "

Is there anything else you'd like to see?"

"I want to take a good look when I come back this time..." Haruno

Xiao did not tell his apprentice about Haruno Zhao's family, after all, it was his private matter. If the other party is willing to go with him, it's okay, if not, he doesn't want his little apprentice to be troubled.

"Hmm... No more!

"If I could, I would like to visit my father's grave."

Fujimoto's previous interpersonal relationships were actually not complicated, and he lived a similar life every day, ninja school and home at two o'clock. The rest of the time is either with her mother at home or laughing with Haruno, so she has nothing to worry about now after seeing her classmates.

"Okay then! Let's go to the cemetery and take a look..." For

this request of her little apprentice, Haruno smiled at her wish. After all, she will be away from Konoha for a long time after that, and it will be very difficult to worship her father in the future.

"What? What did you say?

"Nope! Absolutely not...... We...... Uh-huh..."

Haruno Zhao left the tea and confectionery shop and returned home quickly, and then told his wife what Haruno Xiao had just said to him, so Haruno Nha Fuki had such a big reaction now.

But before she lost her temper and shouted loudly, Haruno Zhao immediately covered her mouth, and then looked around in a panic, afraid that others would hear something.

"Don't be so loud! Aren't you afraid of being overheard?

"This matter is still a secret, but I'm worried if there will be a dark part of Konoha nearby..."

Haruno Zhao whispered in his wife's ear, and Haruno Nha Fuki couldn't help but turn pale when he heard this, and quickly nodded to know what to do.

"Wife! Isn't it bad to travel to daimyofu? "

We haven't been traveling outside for a long time! It's time for Sakura to see the outside world..." After

seeing his wife nod, Haruno quickly said something else out loud, trying to cover up what he had just said.

"Nope! It's not enough to get by!

"How much money do you have to waste..."

"And is Konoha Village safe outside?"

"Let's live here in peace!"

Chunye Ya was also stunned for a moment, and then after seeing the look her husband gave her, she obviously understood, and immediately changed her serious face and refused sternly.

"Hey! All right! I actually want our daughter to see the outside world.

"After all, she's almost four years old!" We need to think about her future..."

Haruno Zhao also understood what his wife meant at this time, that is, she didn't want to leave Konoha. It's just that he also thought about what his anxious nephew said before, knowing that staying in Konoha Village may not necessarily be safe. So he still hopes that his wife can reconsider, just for Sakura's sake.

"Mom, Sakura wants to look outside too!"

"I haven't been outside yet..."

Young Sakura was so smart that she listened to her parents. Out of a desire for things outside, she couldn't help but express her wishes.

"Sakura, it's very dangerous outside... There are a lot of bad guys!

"If you are caught by them, then you may not see Mom and Dad in the future!"

For his young daughter's desire, Haruno Nha Fuki had to endure the impatience in his heart, and quickly leaned down to touch the other party's head and whispered a scare.

"Ah! There are bad guys! Then dad, let's not go out! It's better here..."

the young and ignorant Haruno Sakura was immediately frightened, turning to her anxious father with a pale face.

"Good, good... Don't go, don't go... Our family is staying in Konoha Village..."

Haruno Zhao also leaned down at this time to hug his wife and daughter, which was considered a decision.

"Really not going?"

"It's fun out there! It's so much more fun than Konoha Village!

At this time, there was a fourth person's voice in the house, which immediately attracted the attention of Haruno Zhao's family. Then they saw that there was an extra person in their home, and the other person was Haruno Xiao.

"Cousin! Here you are!

Sakura immediately burst out of her parents' arms when she saw the person coming, and then laughed and threw herself into Haruno's arms.

Haruno Zhao and his wife froze in their hearts after seeing their nephew Haruno laughing, but when they were about to ask, they saw each other smiling and nodding to them.

This familiar smile immediately relieved them a lot, after all, they all knew that their nephew was not small, and generally did not do things that they were not sure of.

Since he dares to come here, then there should be no problem outside.

"yes! I'll take a look at our Sakura!

"Wow! This is a gift from my cousin..."

"See if you like it?"

Haruno smiled and shook Sakura with a beautiful necklace, and the green gem in the middle immediately made the other party's eyes flash small stars.

"Wow! What a beautiful necklace! "

I like it!"

"Give it to me! Give me! Give it to me soon..."

Sakura immediately laughed happily at the sight of such a beautiful gift, and then reached out to hold it in her hand, but was stopped by Aunt Nha Buki who came coming.

"Sakura, this chain is too precious!"

"Mother will help you keep it first, and then wear it for you when you grow up..."

Haruno Yabuki saw such a delicate and beautiful necklace and knew that this thing must be worth a lot, but Sakura was still so young, she shouldn't wear such an expensive thing, otherwise it would easily attract trouble, so she wanted to help her daughter keep it first.

"Aunt Nha Buki, this is a good thing! It's a pity to put it up!

"You better make a small bag and pack it for Sakura to wear closely!"

"It can subtly increase Sakura's physical fitness and make her grow up healthy and healthy..."

Haruno smiled and put the necklace into Sakura's small hand, which immediately made her smile, and then happily nestled in her cousin's arms and looked at the necklace in her hand.

It's so beautiful!

She was so happy!

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